Sheriff's Office - Press Release - Update on MDOP Subjects
Both Riley Charles Clark and Zachary Nathan Krissoff turned themselves in to the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office on 17 May 2008. Both were taken to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center. After an initial appearance in front of the District Court Commissioner, both subjects were held on $20,000.00 bond.
SU LAX tomorrow at 1, sponsored by SAPOA.
Send them back home where they can terrorize their own neighborhoods. Commissioner should have kept their butts in jail. Being a proactive cop in this town, I do say it is a pain trying to catch the rapists and murderers when you have to babysit the spoiled college kids who have no respect for anyone or anything around them.
Bond is barely enough to pay for the damage they have done to a community.
We all ought to get together and attend the graduation ceramonies and and make it a miserable time for them, picket signs, chants, something they will remember for the rest of their lives.
Maybe as an outcome the parents will suggest that their other kids attend a different school.
Like the GHO, it all started on myspace
No wonder crime is so high in the city, the police are spending too much time responding to noise complaints, and kids that belong in prison not college, not blaming the police.
Lock the punks up and just don't let them out until restitution is made and they have been expelled from every Maryland University for life. If they are on a sports or academic scholarship just yank it all.
I wouldn't put this past the slumlords that would like for the citizens of the city to turn on the college students so that SAPOA can get a rally started against the re-election of Debbie Campbell.
Salisbury U's motto, leave no turn unstoned.
It is disappointing to learn about the bad judgement of these young boys. I would not be so quick to judge the parents though. They may have taught them to repect other peoples property. Why does everyone blame the parents these days? They are probably devastated over this. SOME KIDS HAVE TO LEARN THE HARD WAY...END OF STORY!!!
Don't wait for the Fat Lady to sing because the GHO can't carry a tune
Which one is the parent and which one is the lawyer? The red headed dude with the long hair looks like he just got done burning one
What these young men did was totally inexcuseable, immature and they do in fact deserve a VERY strong punishment for their crimes. But I think all you people are really going overboard with your feelings on this issue. This kind of dumb shit happens everyday on the shore and it's not that big of a deal. No one was injured by them except mabey their pride and everything they damaged can be fixed. I do not excuse these men for their actions however and I hope the judge throws the book at them but if it was not your home vandalized they why the hell do you care. Does anyone think because they got caught that it will never happen again. I seriously doubt it.
"but if it was not your home vandalized they why the hell do you care."
Are you freakin kidding me? You know what, I'm leaving this alone. You get the idea of what I'm thinking.
Anon 641,
"This kind of dumb shit happens everyday on the shore and it's not that big of a deal."
Where, on this end of the shore do you live that 4x4's are launched into peoples living room windows every day? Not on this end of the shore. Some areas on this end of the shore those boys would be launched out into the bay or at the very least had their asses whooped so bad they wouldn't soon forget what they had done. Take that bs back to where you live, where this behavior is normal.
"No one was injured by them except mabey their pride and everything they damaged can be fixed."
Sounds like something MJ Caldwell might have said to the homeowners at Tony Tank Village recently.
"if it was not your home vandalized they why the hell do you care."
What do we care? You blubbering idiot WE live in this town. Might not live on those streets or even that neighborhood but WE LIVE IN THIS TOWN and we live in it TOGETHER. Considering the fact you even had to ask simply amazes me. Where do you live that people don't care?
If it does happen again, they too will suffer the same consequences. Hopefully, the consequences won't soon be forgotten by the vandals, or anyone else.
What is the 4-2 rule and what is SAPOA?
I feel this is a product of the university system, SU and other colleges do not want to get a bad name so they let their students get away with a lot. They will elt heir students do crimes against the campus and community and nothing happens because they do not to be viewed as negative. I would always send my son/daughter to a college that had a reputation for holding them acountable for their actions instead of one that swept things under the rug because of image worries, giving excuses "oh they are just young", accountability is accountability at any age. The other sad part is that this stuff does happen all the time in this area, it is just because they are on a team that is doing well right now that they are getting attention. When students are back, thefts, fights, distruction, noise, hit and runs, all go up. It happens to hit the news every once in a while. And don;t forget what they did to their team mates, what a thing to do to all of them. SU should start to stand up and kick them out of the school.
Anon6:41 is one sick puppy or is among the group that caused the problems the other night. I also happen to think, the GHO should be held to the fire for this mess raught upon innocent citizens who happen to live near the University. Also, I find it very strange that Joe A was put in jail for much less and had a BOND OF $50,000.00 levied upon him than what these bums did to innocent people in the community and yet they only get hit with $20,000.00 bonds? Please tell me why such a big difference between them and Joe. Seems to me we have big problems with the Commissioners in this county.
A. Goetz
So let me get this right, the coach who knows these guys just did criminal acts, tells them to go home (hummmmm), instead of turn yourself in, go to the people and apologize, pay for the damage, fix the damage, get somebody else to fix the damage, instead tells them to leave the area. Was he trying to help them hide? To keep them out of trouble? Instead of facing your actions run away to home? Great example for the children of our future.
Are they SKINHEAD wanna-be's?
Anonymous 6:41, Where you born and raised on the eastern shore? Do you not take pride in your neighborhood or town? You really disgust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not only did Joe get arrested and put on bond of $50k but the charge was harrassment. I want to see the criteria these commissioners are following. Thats all the answer you get when a complaint is filed is "there are criteria". Criteria says Ray Lewis gets caught with fuel, tires, etc in excess of $400k and he goes free on his own recognizance. These vandals terrorize a neighborhood when they launch landscape timbers through windows into homes of peaceful, law abiding, taxpaying citizens, $20k bond. Joe Albero, walks around the zoo, photographs all of the wrong doings for documentation and Jim Rapp being the mayors lackey has him arrested and placed on bond. Not only is he placed on a $50k bond he is ordered to not leave the county. For HARRASSMENT??? Someone down at that States Attorney's office needs to check into this criteria these commissioners are following. Something is screwy with their rules. The more serious the crime the less the bail??? WTF???
this was two idiots doing idiotic things. why is it all of a sudden becoming a crucifiction for every student of the university?
The city really needs to start charging a lot more for rental housing units, they are abusing our police department and other city services.
If our police department is tied up responding to calls at rental properties and is not able to respond timely to a violent crime, then again the property owner should have to pay yet another fine for maintaining a property that is a common nuisance.
One warning and if they allow the tenant's to continue to live there then the owner of the house should be charged for every police call to that property. We taxpayers are getting tired of footing the bill, make the landlords foot the costs. User Fee as many like to call it!
It was not the coach that told them to leave.
are these jokers going to be allowed to go back to the University when the next semester starts? They should be kicked out of Salisbury State. Please keep us updated.
Parents told them to leave and not say anything to anyone to protect their legal rights. They had already spoken with the police.
There was the potential of physical harm to the residents of those homes into which the timbers were hurled. That is a category more serious than vandalism.
Looks like "da coach" put the team above the public interest -- he should have made those dirt balls turn themselves in ASAP. He may be the winningest coach ever but he don't get my vote for nothing.
Be sure to see Berkman in action tomorrow -- it may be the last time he's on the sidelines for SU.
This is spinning out of control! We are loosing focus on the facts...TWO people who happen to go to SU and happen to be on the lax team did something very wrong. They should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. We shouldn't pass judgement on anyone but the wrong-doers. This is no one's fault but their own! To generalize their actions to the entire student body is ludacris!
Berkman isn't to blame! He isn't going anywhere!
It is sad to see the whole university get a black eye over this incident. There are many fine student atheletes at Salisbury that would never do anything like this vandalism. As a D-3 school they do not receive any scholarships and put in the extra effort that it takes to play a sport while attending to their studies. A great example are the track/cross country teams. These atheletes regulary bring conference championships to the school while at the same time making good grades and keeping their noses clean. Also they get very little recognition compared to the other team sport programs. I'm sure there are many great young men on the LAX team as well, but these two just painted the whole program with an ugly brush.
Berkman isn't going anywhere because he is the winningest coach in college lacrosse. IF, this did not hit the blog at 10pm last night AND they had the opportunity to cover it up like was done in Tony Tank Village. You can bet your sweet ass none of us would have known anything about it until days after damage control at SU had done its job.
Are the Students in damage control mode, OR WHAT?
I honestly don't see where the comments are stating that ALL Students are bad people. However, this community is frustrated. My advice to you Students would be, let it go. In time all of this will go away, sooner than later. That is, unless you keep up threse comments. Then the community will tear you a new one. Watch and see.
The tail is wagging the dog here big time. It's no longer Mayberry folks. Most of us didn't ask for it but we sure enough "got" it. It's like what happens in nature when a non-native species is introduced into an ecosystem to maximize potential investment return. What can't escape gets mutated or dies.
My family and I have endured having our brick defaced with graffiti, our house shot with paiant ball guns, drunken students coming onto our front porch and taking our children's toys (bikes, etc.) and throwing them into the streets and smashing them into pieces, drunken students having sex in our front yard, students urinating onto our lawn and the lawns of the homes where they live while children were walking past, walking up the trunks of our parked cars - over the roofs - and down the hoods instead of walking on the sidewalk, having our tires slashed and threatening letters delivered to our mailbox (confirmed to be done by an SU student), drunken students pulling into our driveway and making lude remarks, throwing full beer bottles at our home and our neighbor's home, hearing drunken students yell the "N" word at SPD officers and threaten to burn down our neighborhood and blow up the police department. It IS TIME for the University to demand civil behavior from their students or tell them to go home and behave that way in the neighborhoods where their own parents live. What say you now SU President, Board of Regents, and/or the governor. There is no excuse for this type of behavior. Who cares enough about the citizens of Salisbury to put a stop to this?
The students need to make a concerted effort to establish good relationships in the communities where they live. The ball is now in their court. The residents have had more than enough of the same derelict behaviors year after year after year, it keeps getting worse. If you want peace within the community in which you live, make the first move. The residents in most of these communities would be happy to live in peace.
Just to let you know I am not a student but a concerned citizen. I have had many more postitive interactions with SU students than negative. I am not running damage control, just sharing my opinions!
I hope and I pray the LAX team goes all the way without these two boys just to show them they are not the superstars they thought they were. The team will win without them.
Can anyone confirm that this "Zack" guy lived at that rooming house at 430 Pennsylvania Ave. that the Housing Board run by Richarh Insley -- super slumlord -- refused to close down a few months ago?
Go Gettysburg...why would you can my criticism of the wimpy poser now known as the Milli or Vanilli of recall petitions? He didn't do you any favors.
Vandalism and other crimes go on all the time involving SU students and most time it can be "handled" before the University gets too much dirt on them. This time it's out and Joe is making sure it's out. The way I see it, if they can't cover it up, then they'll be made an example of and that's fine with me. I have no use for cowards that terrorize good people and destroy other's property for no reason. There is a way to help insure they don't repeat their stupidity....burn'em
These boys will get away with this, on a PBJ hopefully their parents will hire Attorneys from across the bridge, or otherwise they are in BIG trouble.
Guys, I wish you all Luck, hopefully the Judge will give you all a PBJ for being first time offenders, and Pray to God hard that none of the peoples property that was destroyed belonged to one of the Good Ole boys family or friends.
These charges are misdemeanors, and hopefully they won’t sentence you to 2 plus years in Prison on misdemeanors as they have done in the past, I mean who sends one to Prison on first offence misdemeanors, these kind of judgments is what makes Da Bury the laugh of this STATE…LOL
Joe, I’m not defending the boys, just predicting the future. Sit back and watch as you stated.
You super-scooped Duvall on this story and now he's sniping at you about it -- what a jerk!
1108 here is the info:
Defendant Information
Sex: MHeight:600Weight:180DOB:06/21/1985
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
See all the info at: http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiryDetail.jis?caseId=6H00047361&loc=8&detailLoc=DSCR
1244 you need to retract your comment, it is full of falsehoods.
1. This is not the first offense for Mr. Krissoff. He has 5 counts of MDOP on the stet docket from 2003.
2. Both of those superstars are charged with 17 misdemeanor counts of MDOP and 3 felony counts of MDOP. Read the file.
3. It doesn't matter if those homes were those of or relatives of some of the "good ole boys". The terror spread fear and angst throughout the entire community. They will be tried and sentenced. A PBJ just won't do in this case.
4. These kind of charges is what put people like you and your superstar heroes in jail, where they belong.
5. If you're not defending them why put up a comment such as you did?
And to think Michael Vick 2 years for dog fighting? Oh I'm sure these guys will get their hands smacked. What if one of those projectiles had hit someone in the head?
To those who will say, "well it never happened." Why to we put multiple DWI offenders in jail if they haven't killed anyone yet?
Joe I hope you follow this in it's entirety. If any judge involved in this case lends any lenience to the verdict and penalty's, the public deserves to know what judges are doing reducing sentences after a jury of their peers convict them.
I did jury duty, one case had the robbery, 2 counts kidnapping, illegal firearm (sawed off shotgun)a felon in possession of a gun and we the jury found him guilty on every count. The judge reduced the sentence so much I felt that my duty as a citizen on a jury was a complete waste of my time.
I'm lucky, at least my employer paid me my days pay along with the whopping $15 I got for jury duty. Still feet it was a waste of my time.
I think terroristic threatening and reckless endangerment should be charged since the thugs threw huge projectiles into occupied homes.
They should be put in jail with criminals just as sick and allow their cell mates to keep a hold of their LX sticks just in case they get lonely in the night. Headline: "SU goalie get scored on"
This crime took place mostly if not entirely, not in the city, but in the county.
Anonymous 6:41
And what position do you play on the LAX team? What is your major? Politics or law? You can tell which side of the bay you are from!!
Mrtv, does it matter that it was county and not city? What matters is it did in fact happen and the law needs to be applied.
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