Mrs. Lynn Cathcart can't practice what she preaches. While Louise Smith was speaking, Lynn couldn't resist getting attention by continuously holding up her hand for what seemed like forever because she wanted to be HEARD!
Back when Lynn was on the Council she tore Tim Chaney a new one for his raising his hand because he too wanted to be heard and she yelled at him, "Young Man, Put Your Hand Down, Put Your Hand Down Now!"
Lynn went on last night at the podium stating the many of the people getting up there to speak last night weren't even residents of Salisbury. This brought my boiling point over the top and as I was not going to get up and speak last night, I too started raising my hand so I could be heard.
When I got up there I had asked the audience just how many of them were born and raised in the City of Salisbury. 4 hands went up. Out of 50 or 60 people there last night, 4 was a small number but it was making my point. Once everyone saw just how few people were actually FROM HERE I explained to Lynn how the majority of people here in Salisbury, (including the Mayor) are COME HERE'S, not FROM HERE'S. Considering that point, don't you think it would be much better WELCOMING people in the hopes it could bring more Come Here's and help us with this tax burden?
I was trying to express that their attitude is driving people away, not welcoming them. I went on to look at Lynn directly and help her to recall names like Cave People, Dirty Dozen and so on. These were names HER Council started calling Citizens, doing everything they could to drive citizens away from attending Council Meetings. Their goal, (IMO) was to keep the good citizens away from that microphone so the rest of you have no clue what's really going on in the City and do everything in their powers to make things look bright and happy all the time. Many of the people who spoke last night, (including myself) have Family living IN the City and or own property in the City. We stood up there because we care and we should have a voice, even if we're speaking for someone else afraid of the retaliation of this Mayor and Council.
Keep in mind Ladies & Gentlemen, this Mayor and Chief of Police are suing me. Think about that now. These are Public Officials who cannot be defamed, yet their going to challenge the system and waste taxpayers money attempting to sue me and shut me up. I don't continue simply because I'm cocky. I continue with this Blog because these two are out of control. We have rights as citizens and I'm fighting for my rights and YOUR rights.
I asked that this Council change their ways and consider welcoming people more, rather than attacking them. I pointed out how the Mayor purposely writes down peoples names when they come into the Council Chambers Room in order to intimidate them. Many have come back, (like one woman stated last night) and announced she had been retaliated by the Mayor after she got up and spoke out. She said she fully expected that to happen again and I shouted out, "NO THEY WON'T!" This may have been standard practice for the Mayor in the past before there was a Blog reaching out to a larger audience than even the Daily Times has. We're a force to be reckoned with and they know it, hence two lawsuits.
Anyhow, my point is, the Mayor and Council need to act like professionals and treat the Citizens with respect or it will be time for the Citizens to retaliate against these figures. You do so by VOTING! Let's just see if they take my advice to heart and make those changes. In the mean time Lynn, PUT YOUR HAND DOWN!
She looks like a little kid in school (primary) - no class at all! I am glad I was not there to see her "waving" her hand all around during the meeting. We just need to clean house at these meetings except for Terri and Debbie! Thank goodness for have those two to represent us.
Lynn Cathcart is an annoying little rodent.
Lynn Cathcart thinks she is somebody--she isn't. She's a hanger-on and needs to quietly fade away and spend time with her grandchildren (as she told us she was going to do). Stay home, Lynn. We don't need you or your kind--and that goes for Mr. Lynn also.
Without the residents of the county coming into the city to work, eat and shop here would be no need for so many businesses.
Maybe the county should raise the hotel/motel tax because those people contribute very little in tax revenue for this area. What money they do get from out of towners is spent by the Chamber of Commerce.
They are trying harder to chase citizens and businesses out of this town. If they raise water/sewer fee's that won't generate as much revenue as they claim as many will have to make adjustments in their budget and something will have to be cut.
We can't work our budget like the city, we have to keep our checkbook balanced.
I feel if the city collected taxes on all the property that PRMC and Salisbury University have there wouldn't be a need for increases. Why should they be tax free? Are they really NON-PROFIT? NO
How does someone that has been employed with the city for maybe a year merit an $8000 a year raise when lifetime city employees get the shaft? Must be that Good Ole FOB system.
I know quite a few city employees, too bad they don't live in the city because it costs too much. If they could vote it would make things a lot easier.
Not only do county people have businesses and property in Salisbury (sadly, quite a few are slumlords),
Not only do county people have friends and family living and owning property in Salisbury,
Many county people are on the water and sewer system of Salisbury, so that 72% increase in rates is going to affect them.
Now, Lynny, I know you hate the county people for only paying 1.5 times as much for water and sewer without paying taxes, but they STILL are DIRECTLY affected by rate hikes (and your greedy development annexations and giveaways that butt right up to their doors).
Lynn Cathcart, you are one of the most DIVISIVE people on the planet. Between you, Barrie and Gary, is it any wonder that the County and the City fight?
You are a fine one, Joe, to be talking about welcoming people instead of attacking them. You go on attack every week. This week it's Lynn C. Who will it be next week. I posted a comment recently, truthful, and you came back and told me to get my head out of my ass. You really did welcome me to your blog.
What a JACKASS!!!!
I am a Blogger, not a politician.
I pay taxes in the City of Salisbury in a BIG way and deserve to be respected, as do ALL of the other Citizens who come in front of the Council.
Might I suggest when this airs on PAC14 that you watch how I handled myself and asked for ALL of us to come together, like we were capable of doing with the Fire Department.
This Blog was created to expose what many of you were not seeing because you don't get PAC14, don't get the Daily Times and or read the Daily Times.
It's an opportunity to show the "other side." Rather than me being a nut job Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster portrayed me to be, people have seen this Blog as very credible and they can relate to the "other side." That's what bothers Barrie so much, by the way. While a Reporter was questioning Barrie about my Blog she said she was suing me because "people were listening."
Now is that Un American, or what? Barrie, I know you read this Blog, please think about that for a minute and what people are really thinking about you while you sue me?
In closing, again, I'm not a politician. I don't charge you to view this site and unlike a public official, I have the right to say what's on my mind. If you don't like that, don't come back, respectfully.
Well, well...
SAPOA's own T.J. Maloney, close and cozy to former city councilwoman Lynn Cathcart in those pictures.
What Lynn proposed is not much different than Worcester county putting toll booths at the entrances of Ocean City and Assateague because many of those people don't live and pay taxes there. She's way out there.
Residents there could get stickers for their vehicles registered there and be excluded from the toll. More government is just what we need, NOT.
Respectfully submitted. I love this blog but so many people want to bi$%h and complain just vote them out of office or do what i did and move out of Salisbury. We should be worried about our country this election year.
Is the woman at the right upper corner of the pics the person in the mayor's office who Barrie wants to give that big pay raise? Her fisrt name is Lore, isn't it?
Lynn Cathcart doesn't work for the city anymore. Barrie made it easy for her to get a job working for SAPOA. She appointed her to the housing appeals board. Nice and cozy with Richard Insley, TJ Maloney, Donnie Williams, etc.
Hey Lynn that body language tells me you and TJ are mighty comfy together.
10:49 --
Right -- that's Lore Chambers, Barrie's operative who got a big promo. last year and is in line for an $8,000 pay raise this year. She lives in Nithsdale, I think, and has a 5th Ave. wardrobe (check out her shoes).
Lore will tell you she lives in WEST Nithsdale. She needs that raise the lease on her Mercedes is about to run out, she needs a new one.
It's time to send Lore back to wherever she lives with something pink in the form of a slip (to read, not wear).
Barrie now has bot an assistant -- John Pick -- and an assistant assistant, the lovely and well-dressed Lore Chambers.
Anonymous said...
Is the woman at the right upper corner of the pics the person in the mayor's office who Barrie wants to give that big pay raise? Her fisrt name is Lore, isn't it?
10:49 AM
Yes that is John Pick's boss. She is a racist pig that hates white people. Ask the department heads how she treats them.
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