While I have literally hundreds of photos of Mayor Barrie Tilghman, I'm dying to bring them out again and start posting daily. More importantly, I'm dying to watch this scumbag lose in the biggest way possible. I want this Blog to destroy her campaign by exposing the truth. I want to spend the next several months bringing facts to the people and let everyone cast their vote for a dog, rather than this scumbag.
So what do you say Barrie, Joe Albero vs. the Scumbag? Oh, by the way Folks, have ANY of you had this Mayor knock on your door like she announced she was going to do weeks and weeks ago on PAC 14? The funny part is, just how many homes do you think would slam the door in that scumbags face? Come on Barrie, run for Mayor again or admit Salisbury News brought you down. Ooooooooooh, now that's a challenge!
Barrie Tilghman went up against a man she couldn't beat, ME!
Please, Barrie, run.....we're going to kick your butt out of the City you have tried so hard to destroy by your vindictivenss, ineffective and inability to administer the basics. You have been ruled by your emotions and need to build your own resume'. You have threatened so many people who have spoken up against your failed policies--we're banding together to make sure you understand that we are the ones who love this City and want to protect it from further harm by YOU. Move out of town, Barrie.
Let's not forget who is Barrie's Boy in all her detestable work:
Bubba! Bubba! Bubba!
Dam Joe tell us how you really feel ! LOL
Bubba had better start putting some distance between himself and Barrie...Barrie will be like poison to any campaign he may launch. Anyone with any sense should know by now that Barrie is our worst nightmare. Outta here, Barrie. Dirty Dozen Forever!!!
Oh please Mistress of Retaliation against any that dare oppose or expose you for what you really are. When you were called a WITCH that was many of us being polite. Now the term BITCH doesn't even apply, it shines a bad light on bitches. To say you are detestable is being kind.
Tell us again how you treated your father? Would he say you were a waste of good sperm? People in Allen have long memories and they DO talk.
I suddenly feel the urge to purge, see ya later.
Don't miss Barriespeak at it's best at the Council's work session today -- if she shows up, this time, that is -- beginning at 4 PM.
Oh why, oh why can't work sessions be on PAC 14?
Hey, if we pack the house again, like we did the time Lying Louise got hysterical and shut the meeting down, they'll have to move to the big room and THEN it can be on PAC 14.
Let's pack the house tomorrow night, too!
Joe--you have a great Blog and scoop the Daily Times so often its not even a contest anymore but you lose some of your credability when you use words like " scumbag " to refer to your opponents--- particularly in the case where you are referring to a woman. I supported Carolyn Hall years ago so I am not a Barrie fan--however I wonder why Matt Tilghman doesnt confront you and threaten to kick your ass for calling his wife a scumbag. Would you let some guy say that in public about your wife and let him get away with it?? Clean up the language, please.
If you knew what I know the Mayor and her scumbag partner did to me recently, you'd be calling her a scumbag too.
The woman can't even look me in the eyes any more, she's so guilty. As for her husband, I could give a sh!t about him as well. And stop with your BS threats and tough guy talk. How many times do I have to hear someone say Matt Tilghman could kick my ass. Watch your language too, right?
At least I married class.
Ok- how about Barrie,POS?
I know it is not professional to refer to another human being in derogatory terms, HOWEVER, she has sunk so low in her dealings that IMHO she is lower than whale sh*t--and that sits on the bottom of the ocean. I cannot stand a liar.
I guess I better post a sign in my front yard, "Proud Member of the Dirty Dozen." I don't even want to see her walk into my yard.
A 6:37 --
Maybe Matt agrees -- why don't you ask him? I'm sure that his parents do, too.
The buzz about Barrie down Allen way is not favorable to her as the !0:16 points out.
The anonymous person suggest you not use terms like "scumbag" was giving you a constructive criticism. Please don't shoot that messenger.
As much as everyone knows you detest the mayor, and as much as most people who read your blog know your disgust for her is well-earned and shared by many, it's not necessary for you to lower yourself to name-calling. The facts about the mayor speak loud and clear, as shown by the lie to the Daily Times.
The suggestion was meant kindly toward you, as is mine.
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