While Barrie Tilghman stood there and gave out Certificates of Appreciation last night, she no sooner shook the last hand and then BOLTED out of that room so fast she blurred the camera! Stick around some time Barrie, I'd LOVE to share my opinion with you face to face on PAC 14, LIVE in front of everyone to see. You have noticed how Salisbury News keeps growing and Barrie Tilghman keeps going into hiding, right?
She needed a drink! She cannot possibly think she will win another term??
Why doesn't Louweasel tell Barrie to sit still? She runs in and out of that room like a bad child. Quite a distraction to those of us in the viewing audience. I'm sure it is also quite a distraction for the council members. Then again, maybe that is her plan to distract from the issues. Business as usual in the city of Salisbarrie.
Unfortunately it's Bubba ("R Necks Mare") Comegys if not Barrie, and I'm soon to be outta here.
And did you notice how Louweasel lets Comegys and Shields engage in long tirades about Debbie and Terrie, then complain about how the meeting takes too much time for them? But if Terry or Debbie says anything pointed about Bubba or Shameless, then Louweasel quickly interrupts and tries to muzzle them by saying that it's not relevant, etc. -- the three bobble-heads are really disgusting.
there's no possible way that dunder head will be our next mayor!
i know for sure I am not voting for him....or the MARE.
We need someone who is going to run our City like it should be!
That is very rude of the Mayor to get up and leave in the middle of council business. And Loise should call her down for it, but we all know she never will! How did we ever get ourselves shackled with this mayor and the three worthless council members? The elections can't come fast enough!
A. Goetz
What was the Troll with the Bad Combover from the SFD doing there? I am so glad he cut that wrap around hairpiece, that was attrocious!!
Anon 10:15 I don't miss much and when I do someone points it out LOL. Louise is exactly what she has been dubbed, a weasel. I'd add a lying weasel.
Don't think for one minute Gary Comegys can't win. Why do you think he is wining and dining the Vollies at SFD? The paid fire and EMS supported Cohen, Spies and just like the rest of us, the Weasel. Gary damn near choked when he found out they weren't supporting them THAT is why they didn't get their increase until January. Barrie and Bubba were punishing them, putting them in their place, so to speak. Now Gary comes along for the 2nd time and has Bill Gordy Chief Vollie as his campaign manager. Bubba wins another term and the SFD gets a whole bunch of new fire trucks.
I got one question for anyone that might have an answer. WHY is the Volunteer Fire Chief always at the podium asking the city for money or trucks or anything? He is not employed by the city. The volunteers funding comes through the community so why is Bill Gordy approaching the council for anything? Furthermore, WHY is he receiving anything from the council? Aren't the vollies funded through community donations?
I am by no means knocking any of the members of SFD, you are much needed and greatly appreciated whether you are paid or vollie. My gripe is with all the crooked dealings that go on in this city, all of the time. Bill Gordy needs to learn his place.
Why would anyone really want the job...those who could really help would never run.
Right be like inheriting the money pit. Salisbury will never be the town I moved to, the question would be where next? Hate to say it but it's beginning to be a no brainer.
Big Daddy, I disagree. Campbell and Cohen are qualified to help. But we have to get the dirtbags out of their way.
But if the mayor were out and Bubba doesn't get it (the other anon is right...he's pushing those toys for the vollies so they'll work for him because the paid won't have him), that might give us a fighting chance.
Whoever goes in, assuming it's a good person, is going to have a mountain of sh*t to clean up after this decade of hell.
I think the Vollies are smarter than that and I'm not a fireman. If I were them i'd suck up to him too and when I get my new equiptment I'd drop his butt like a bad habit.
to anon 10:01 You are absolutely right... I forgot about Ms. Campbell. She's ethical, honest with strong convictions and high moral fiber. A virtual diamond in dark mine laced with coal. Thanks for the remimder!
For all of you who comment on the mayor leaving the room, the mayor does not have to attend the meetings. This is for council members only.
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