John Wade
Just when you though things in Salisbury were all screwed up, along comes the Wade Family from Princess Anne!
Election Day is this coming Tuesday in Princess Anne and I have to tell you Folks, this is getting damn confusing. Today I had an interview with Mr. John Wade who is the husband of Mrs. Wade who was recently rejected from the Election Board as she was not considered a resident of Princess Anne for one calendar year.
So here comes the husband, John Wade who jumps in as a Write In Candidate. However, just who is this John Wade anyway? Well, he allegedly has a residence on Sommerset Ave in Princess Anne but I also hear they have a residence on Executive Drive in Delmar, MD. Then I have also been told he may have a residence in the state of New Jersey, hence the tags on this vehicle above?
So I started digging even deeper and I learned that John Wade is not only on the Planning & Zoning Board in Princess Anne, he's also been appointed to the Maryland State Liquor Board for Sommerset County by your beloved Governor O'Malley!
So I picked up the phone and called John and I asked him directly, do you have a Maryland Drivers License? "I have a Maryland ID." OK John, I understand that but do you have a Maryland Driver's License? "No, I have a Maryland ID." So I then asked, well you're driving a car with New Jersey Tags, is your Driver's License from New Jersey? "NO." So I said, then what State is your Driver's License in? He replied, "Joe, I'm NOT going to get into that."
I checked in the state of MD, DE, VA, NJ, NC, SC & FL and he is not registered with a License from any one of those states. So, then I checked into the tags on this vehicle he's been allegedly known to be driving for years now and the vehicle is registered to a Pearlie Kilgore, yet the Inspection Sticker is registered to someone else, (illegal?) Alton Thomas. When I checked with the State of NJ on the inspection sticker they told me that the date, "3-08" on the sticket was the expiration date. (illegal?)
I just don't get it. During our interview he said the main reason he was running for Office was because he wants to see "open government." So when I asked the man just what state his drivers license was in, "I'm not going to get into that." Seems to me, (I'm sorry to say) this is the LAST guy I'd be voting for and if "I" were on the Election Board, I'd be backstepping REALLY FAST to find out just who this man is?
If I was the Governor of Maryland I'd also be moving as fast as humanly possible before the MSM gets their hands on this story and find out just who this man really is and where his true residence is located. He may live on Sommerset Ave but the final blow is, his home is getting ready to go up for auction for a Tax Lean Sale because the Town he's running for Office in, he's chosen not to pay his own taxes there either!
If Princess Anne votes for this guy, well, they're dumber than the Citizens of Salisbury for voting for Barrie Tilghman and or Bubba!
I believe the exact comments I heard he wanted was a entire black goverment there. Then it would be like DC!
Maybe he is related to the DC Mayor....
Crack heads unit!
I cant believe the MSP arent all over that crook
Speaking of crack. In picture #2... crack kills!
He must be related to Honiss Cane in Pocomoke City.
They were the last town in the USA that allowed non-resident property owners to vote. 1-vote per property owned.
He doesn't live in Princess Anne. He's been renting that house to two guys while he lived at his wife's house in Delmar. They were so absent at the Princess Anne residence that the town had to mow their yard a couple of times. The only people town workers ever saw at the Princess Anne house were the two tenants. Keep digging Joe, there's lots more to find.
Check the court records. There is a John Wade in a bankruptcy case with a Somerset Avenue address. He is the defendant.
Sounds like Obama. Can't manage to give a factual answer about anything.
it is just silly to have one of those bluetooth headsets in your ears when you arent on the phone (ie picture 2).
anyone reading this blog. bluetooth earphones arent cool.
He's definitely related to Honiss and Rudy
Cant even give a brother a break. its sounds like the somerset county okie doke.
Rudy's been at the public teat a real long time and several agencies.
Well......it appears to me that the tag belongs to Pearlie Kilgore of East Orange, N.J., and the sticker belongs to Alton Thomas of West Orange N.J. It seems their addresses are about 4 blocks apart......but I could be wrong. I called them both this evening but got no answer. I'm curious to know if they know Mr. Wade and if they know that he is using their tag and inspection sticker. I'm digging Mr. Wade and I don't usually stop till I get what I'm looking for. What will I find? My guess is that the LEAST I'm gonna find is that the vehicle is uninspected. But more likely that it is has an expired registration and /or switched tags. If I find that to be the case, then it is also likely that the vehicle is uninsured. We'll just have to see what I dig up.
Anonymous said...
Speaking of crack. In picture #2... crack kills!
5:28 PM
You read my mind.... LOL
Squeal Piggy... OINK OINK
I hope Bubba Comagees doesn't read Joes Blog today because he may be AWOL from home today. LMAO, but then again the pig may be to skinny for Bubba.
I know Bubba reads this Blog because I heard him talking about Joe when he posted the article recently about Bubba running for Mare.
OK....I need a DOB. Can anybody help with that?
A DOB would help to determine if information found is truly information about this guy or someone else. While I would certainly want to know of this guy is less than honest, I also wouldn't want to make this guy look like he's guilty of something he isn't. Fair is fair.
This sounds like Tom Dully hanging from a wild oak tree. Hang down your head poor boy you're going to die. And so goes the song about justice.
Grand Dad said...
OK....I need a DOB. Can anybody help with that?
I did a little searching online on intelius and jabasearch and here is the info I found using the name John Wade.
Intelius listed these addresses for him
View Details age 57
jabaseach listed his DOB as June 1950 JOHN WADE Born Jun 1950 More Info about
I posted a message the other day and I haven't seen it on here yet... lets hope this information gets to you
Fair is fair , why did he avoid the question?
Answer , he's guilty as sin , you know it and I know it!!!
Dead beat !!!!
DOB: 6/9/1950
Let me be absolutely clear. Everything I've commented about this post has been located on the internet. All available to everyone....just a key stroke away. Everything is posed in the form of a question due to the fact that anything connecting the two items in question (the reg. plate and the inspection sticker), with the exception of the car on which they're being displayed, is based on the names of the people reported to be their registered owners. Through the process of elimination and the very close proximity of the geographical location of the residences of the reported owners one can easily reach and exceed the threshold of "mere suspicion" that the people I tried to contact are the owners of the aforementioned items. Is it possible that they are not? Absolutely. That was the reason for the phone calls.....to eliminate that possibility or to confirm it as fact. All of this from information obtained in the public domain - without the use of official MVA/DMV records. Incidentally, this eliminates the possibility of my violating Federal DPPA. There is also ample information on someone named John Wade from that part of the state which may indicate a criminal histroy. I don't know if it's the same guy as the one in Princess Anne but that can be narrowed down with a DOB.....that's why the nature of it hasn't been mentioned in my comments. Again, all available on the internet.
I'm not a private investigator. Anyone can find this information if they know where to look. I took the time because it appears to me that this guy is somewhat less than honest. Don't we have enough dishonest politicians in this area? If this guy is dishonest, I think the voters in Princess Anne have the right to know BEFORE they cast their vote on Tuesday. If he's not dishonest, they have a right to know that too. I haven't made any statements that are defaming as all of my comments were questions rather than statements being portrayed as matters of fact. If this guy is running for public office, he should be under public scrutiny. Moreover, he should have answered the questions posed by Joe if he truly wants transparency in Govt. Other than that....he's no more that another Louise Smith.
I hope this put some questions to rest which were asked on another blog. I would answer the questions there but, as I explained previously, I not into that back and forth banter about who is right or wrong. I think that blogs are an important form of communication that have incredible potential. I will contribute to that whenever I have the time.
What a great story and a lot of work!
The media should get this out to the people. The Daily Times, WBOC,
47 News.
Forget this, I'm selling everything and moving to Bishops Head.
notice the officer in the background keepin an eye on joe, hah,hah,hah.
Anonymous said...
notice the officer in the background keepin an eye on joe, hah,hah,hah.
11:58 AM
Anon 1:39,
According to the INTERNET RESOURCE it seems that Pearlie is listed as the owner of 178 watchung. One can safely infer that I had the right Pearlie Kilgore. I did, however get the east and west orange crossed.
Incidentally, the date of birth people here have given don't match up to the John Wade with the criminal history in N.J. That's good, right?
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