Everybody Swears But Barrie, and Lynn Really Likes To Do It
Let’s hope – but please don’t hold your breath – that at the City Council meeting last night (May 21) we heard the final budget blather by Barrie Tilghman in her role as Salisbury’s mayor. And the rude insult she bestowed upon City residents who attended what was proclaimed to be a public hearing for citizen input, beginning at 6 PM.
At that time we were greeted by live and vintage Barriespeak, not for just a couple or even 5 or so minutes, but for almost a full half hour, during which she gave her typical breathlessly delivered spiel of BS.
But that was not the only insult directed at those who came to speak rather than listen to more BS by Barrie. Louise Smith decreed that citizens could not speak their mind about Barrie’s proposed budget unless they had first been sworn to tell the truth. That occurred after she had allowed Barrie to proceed without that prerequisite.
Several speakers objected to such obvious intimidation. But Lynn Cathcart, a former member of the Council who apparently likes that “touch,” defended the requirement of being sworn for no particular reason.
The speakers, Ms. Cathcart excepted, were uniformly critical of the budget and/or the manner in which it has been presented by the mayor. Her revised sewer and water budget – proposing rate increases that would total about 65% during the next few years – presented by Barrie this week (more than a month late) drew the greatest fire. Next in line was her reduced funding for road replacement – Barrie wants to have greater funding for the mayor’s office, including a huge pay raise for a certain person, rather than that road work.
The only speaker who seemed to support Barrie’s budget was Ms. Cathcart. However, she did not do so with anywhere near the zeal that her husband displayed when he supported Barrie’s double-digit tax increase last year. Do you think that Lynn wants to follow in Barrie’s footsteps?
A real "odd couple" --
Don "tax me"
Lynn "swear me"
Everyone speaking should begin sentences with "I swear" like "I swear you are the most incompetent mayor in the nation" and "I swear you are in the pocket of landlords" and "I swear you have no ethics" and so on. Would Louise get sick of it?
Did anyone see the picture in the Metropolitan of TJMaloney's live in girlfriend with Debbie Comegys?
T.J. Baloney's feined "I'm just a little ol' Delmar boy" accent gets to me almost as much as Lynn Cathcart's fakey southern drawl!
They deserve each other.
8:09 Anonymous, that is HILARIOUS!
Sprayed my screen with coffee!
I SWEAR I can't wait 'til Barrie is out of office!
I SWEAR I hope Shanie goes out, too.
I SWEAR I wish they'd take Louise and Gary with them.
Shanie has one foot on the banana peel now, the next election can't come soon enough. We should at least try and recall Shanie and I doubt westsiders would object. Better yet let's ask them to help?
She won and got less than 400 votes. Shouldn't take much to oust her, like in the animal world, she is the weakest link GOODBYE!
Got to start somewhere.
Seeing THAT many people in the audience and reading what's on here so far, I feel life coming back to Salisbury!
Somebody else said it...Keep up the momentum! Let's take back our city!
The irony here is the biggest liars in the city make the taxpaying citizens swear to tell the truth. Barrie lies in print, in her coveted propaganda rag, the Daily Slime. Louise has lied since she threw her hat in the ring. She's very comfortable telling lies so she must have a long history of lying. Gary Comgeys can't get a full sentence out and when he does its usually a bunch of crap. Shanie...well all she does is read magazines and eat candy, no time for lying when there's a Hershey bar on the table.
The bible would burst into flames if any of them ever had to place their hand upon it swearing to tell the truth.
I don't think that Barrie and her crew understand that the gravey
train is over. They have been exposed!Thanks to a few good people.
Dag gone it ! No pac 14 and I missed Shanie eating her dinner!
It's going to be aired on PAC 14, we just don't know when, yet. This is one for the history books.
Why does a citizen have to be sworn to ask a question or give an opinion? Are they swearing that the question is in fact a question or that the opinion is in fact an opinion? Even Paul Wilber knows you cannot require a citizen to be sworn to give a public comment. All speakers need to decline respectfully to be sworn and then insist on their right to speak.
Another disgraceful moment in the final days of the Barrie Tilghman-Louweasel Smith collaboration!
Bubba Comegys is now beside himself in his pipe dream that he will soon be "R Necks Mare". He's so pretty when he drools.
I swear this is a question:
Speaking of Wilber, just why the hell was HE there?
Bubba is now forming a committee for his election bid for mayor. This should be an interesting group.
Good lord. The mayor and her council majority would rather climb a 100 foot pine tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.
That bunch wants citizens to swear and oath?
As Chris Rock said "The hipocracy of democracy". Salisbury at it's best.
I wonder who will be on his committee. Let's take a guess.
Bill Gordy
Mikey Dunn
Some SAPOA member
His wife
His sister in law
I can see the leases now for the returning students. Part of the lease agreement will be they vote for Bubba or it is immediate eviction.
I wonder if Gary and Shanie will be endorsing each other. That would be the sure kiss of political death for them both
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