E-4 Robert Lewis of the United States Army returned home from Iraq yesterday to give his Mother an early Mother's Day present, life.
Mr. Lewis will be home on a 30 day leave and more than likely head right back to Iraq. In the mean time, the baby girl he's seem with in photos above was born on the day he landed in Iraq. His Wife went into labor just before he was leaving for Iraq and I'm told the two paced the floor and did everything possible hoping the child would be born before he left. The Army was willing to give him an additional 2 weeks at home IF the baby was born before he left. Sadly, this wasn't the case and he was deployed and is now enjoying this reunion with his two Daughters and his beautiful Bride.
It's photos like these that remind you just how fortunate we truly are and thankful for all those Soldiers like Robert Lewis who keep us safe and free. So a special thanks goes out to the Lewis Family this Mother's Day. May it be the most enjoyable one you have ever experienced. God Bless You All.
What better gift can a mother get on Mother's Day? Blessed be them all.
What a great story to post, Joe--thanks. And how great that the photos show John Cannon and Terry Cohen came out with the others to welcome this soldier home!!
Great pictures. I will pray for the Lewis family.
I know its hard to criticize such a warm and fuzzy story. But doesn't it ocurr to anyone that the soldiers may not be keeping us safe and free.
We all know they want to do the right thing. They believe they are serving their country. But what if the war itself is unconstitutional and built upon lies? Then what about their "sacrifice"? Just because they think, hope, and believe they are doing the right thing by invading and occupying Iraq . . . doesn't mean it is the "right thing". And those of us back home buying the bullets and bombs . . . we aren't doing the right thing either. Our government is lying to us, and they are using the soldiers to get us to go along with a wicked action. Tell everyone you know to stay home. Don't join their army, and don't do their killing.
to 6:46--zip it.
Anon 7:08
Are you minnie-me, or big-me?
Are you so shallow that you can't let another person speak their opinion? If their opinion hurts you so badly, is it because it is the truth?
Anon 6:46 and 7:08; Will you two be on the front lines when the Terrorists come over here after we leave Irag and Afganistan? I doubt it - your kind never do want to defend our freedoms when it takes your time and effort to do so!
A. Goetz
Oh lord here we go again. Some of those left over Jane Fonda followers at it again.
Lets make one very important thing clear. When you enlist or are drafted you swear an oath to obey the commander in chief, aka the President of the United States. Right or wrong you follow orders. We followed orders in Desert Storm, Viet Nam, Korea, WW2, WW1 and anyone enlisting in the military now will follow orders. It is not up to them to decide if it is right or wrong, it is their job to do as commanded. Do you think they don't know this war is wrong? Do you think it makes them feel any better having someone like you tell them to stay home?
You are entitled to your opinion, it is your right. They are protecting the rights to form that very opinion. Get a grip.
Anonymous said...
I know its hard to criticize such a warm and fuzzy story. But doesn't it ocurr to anyone that the soldiers may not be keeping us safe and free.
We all know they want to do the right thing. They believe they are serving their country. But what if the war itself is unconstitutional and built upon lies? Then what about their "sacrifice"? Just because they think, hope, and believe they are doing the right thing by invading and occupying Iraq . . . doesn't mean it is the "right thing". And those of us back home buying the bullets and bombs . . . we aren't doing the right thing either. Our government is lying to us, and they are using the soldiers to get us to go along with a wicked action. Tell everyone you know to stay home. Don't join their army, and don't do their killing.
6:46 PM
Who is this LIBERAL PUSSY??
The soldiers swear an oath to defend the Constitution. They are forbidden from following an unlawful order.
Anon 9:53
there isn't anything beautiful about killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens in the name of an illegal war of aggression. America doesn't believe in pre-emptive war. Pre-emptive war is murder. Sorry to rain on your parade. And for those of you who don't understand free speech: the freedom to question authority and resist oppression is AMERICAN. It is our Patriotic duty to stand up to tyranny. Just because CNN, FOX, and NBC support these warmongers doesn't mean we have to accept them. This war is wrong.
I agree wholeheartedly this war is wrong but don't hold the war against those that follow orders. They didn't start the war and if you asked any one of them I'm sure they'd tell you they'd rather not be there.
If you want to uphold your freedoms against tyranny I'd suggest you start right here in Salisbury, Maryland. There is a tyrant running the city and has been for the past 10 years.
Can't we all just for one day see that it is nice that this man is home to see his family and see a daughter that he has NEVER held in his arms. How soon we forget the luxury of being able to take our wives to the hospitol and see our children born and hold them for the first time. If he wasn't in Iraq chances are he would of been somewhere else around the globe there is alot of times certain things we as civilans take for granted. Just imagine if you were not stateside for you childs birth, put yourself in the place of being a father who did not get to bond with your newborn! Shame on anyone who casts blame on any solder for the job they are mandated to perform. I cannot imagine keeping me sanity. Thank God we are home always....
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