The setting and tournament was held at the Green Hill Country Club with more than 120 players. The event was a huge success even though the weather threatened large amounts of rain. Believe it or not, no sooner did they start teeing off, the sun broke out and mainly stayed that way till the very end and it started raining soon after. I was able to hang out with Fernando and his close friend and fellow Boxer, Shawn and give them some tips at the driving range. Yes, I'm a pretty darned good golfer. The fun part was, Fernando is left handed and Shawn is right handed. Fernando had never played a full round of golf so when I got up there and grabbed his left handed driver, tee's a ball up and smacked it into the fairway on the driving range, he was quite pleased. Shawn then said, but can you do that right handed. I took his driver and teed up a ball and drove it over the net 300' away. It could have been shorter, I wasn't really looking but it went well over the net.
I'm told Fernando will have another big fight at the end of this month and perhaps another ESPN Fight within the next two months.
Main Street Gym and Fernando! Now there's a true local success story that's only begun to be written. Look for other "champions" in life and personal suiccess to come out of this true charity.
I can't wait, love to see him box here. Hometown guy goes pro, I bet it would be a sell out.
300' ? Not such a good drive (100 yards = 300')
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