While the bays were empty last week, this employee was telling people they weren't serving gas for some reason? So cars were pulling in and immediately driving away. Could they have run out of gasoline? Maybe someone has the answer and can inform us as to why so many were driven away?
Looks like remodeling and equipment upgrades ... just a guess. It is actually probably more cost efficent to shut down the whole operation than to try and work around so many customers.
My coworker told me they are remodeling/renovating and they would be open in a few days....that's the story going around anyway....
I know I got fuel there a several times last week. I did not have any problems with the gas pumps or the desiel pumps.
They are remodeling all locations. They did the one by the mall first and then the one in Delmar. Last week was the one in Salisbury on Autumn Grove. Not outta gas, just closed for remodeling.
Probably waiting until the price of gasoline went up!!
Gas right down the street from Gordy's and 7-11 is 10 cents a gallon less and its another 5 cents per gallon less for paying CASH. Why continue to feed the tiger?
I go to Hebron Mini Mart/Chicken Man in Hebron. Much cheaper than the average there as well.
Best you all go to Sam's Club if your a member and get the 5 cents off, which puts it well below the Tigermarts. Also, if you don't use the Tigermart perhaps he'll lower his prices even more?
A. Goetz
I filled up a Sam's Club for $3.51 yesterday.
filled up what a lawn mower?
It's BAD management, pure and simple! I know the manager of the Autumn Grove Gordy Tiger Mart. He's a sleazy, stupid little piece of white trash named Jerry. If sub-humans like him are the best Gordy can find for management, it's no wonder they can't keep their stores running properly! Maybe it's true: "pay peanuts for wages, get monkeys for workers!"
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