A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country.
Well, there's a very simple answer.
Nobody bothered to check the oil.
We just didn't know we were getting low.
The reason for that is purely geographical.
Our OIL is located in
Coastal Florida
Coastal Louisiana
Our DIPSTICKS are located in Washington , DC!!!
Any Questions???
Didn't think So.
I predict that some day our failure to create alternative fuels could very will put us in a National Security crisis.
Even if it does cost more in the beginning, we won't be left as pawns in the oil guzzling era and dependent on foreign resources.
Hydro electric may be a good investment, there are plenty of dam's around here.
Think Dam's, not TIF's.....
I LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard nearly peed me panties lol great one!
boy you hit that nail on the head.
Why cant we be proactive instead of arguing. I dont know all the details about Blue Water Wind but I would think DE would jump at the chance to say "Look at us". Even the drunk Ted Kennedy says "Not in my backyard" when it comes to alternate energy. Dont worry-ethanol will save the world!!!!! My ass.............
I agree Steve, we need to do more than just talk about it. American technology brought us spliting the atom, the first man on the moon, The Hubble, on and on. Surely we can do better in a search for alternative fuels.
Like my Dad used to say, "Do something even if it's wrong~!"
I don't know why Delaware wouldn't want wind power, California has had a wind farm for decades. I believe there is one up in Montana or Wyoming also.
Ted Kennedy doesn't want anything in his backyard that doesn't generate alcohol.
Ethanol will keep everyone driving I just don't know where they'll be driving to, certainly not the grocery store because all the corn will have gone to fuel your car instead of feeding those animals we all love to eat.
Ethanol is a begining, wind power does have some improving to do evironmeantally. Using many different kinds of alternative fuels will determine what is best for a nations future.
Wind Power, solar power, hydro electric combined would be a good start. I'd rather my fuel money at whatever cost, stays right here in the USA. It would also spur new high tech jobs that are sorely missed, and a better boost for the country's economy than Bush's government handouts.
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