I truly don't understand Billy Gibbs thinking on this one and I'm even more confused as to why the Mayor and Council would approve such a concept.
For many years our kids have worked for Dough Rollers and one of the nice parts about working there is that they always offered housing for their Staff. With property values at a high, (back in the day) the Gibbs sold off many of their properties, making it more difficult for Staff to find a place to live over the summer.
Both our boys lived above the Dough Rollers that burned down and get this, they paid $75.00 a week to stay two to a room. They all shared a bathroom upstairs, so the Gibbs were getting $600.00 a month per room for a good ten rooms upstairs. $6,000.00 a month towards your mortgage ain't so shabby!
OK, so now they're going to build a brand new Dough Blowers in the same location but they're not putting on a second floor and or any housing for their Staff. As things get worse and housing becomes scarce as it always does over the summer, cutting back on Employee Housing throughout Ocean City flat out sucks and I'm truly disappointed in the Gibbs. If they couldn't get a room from the Gibbs it would probably cost them more than $100.00 a week for extremely low paying jobs throughout Ocean City and the kids get completely screwed.
I have always felt that Ocean City should be building something similar to Student Housing in Berlin with a Bus Service every 30 minutes during peak hours in and out of Ocean City. Instead, they encourage foreign students that live literally 6 humans to a studio apartment, (ONE ROOM)! I have personally seen it and when I spoke with these people they simply work out arrangements to work certain jobs where half the people work day jobs and the other half work nights. I can assure you as well, many of these foreign students work at least two full time jobs or one full time and two part time. They're here to make money over the summer, period!
Then the Landlords, true SLUMLORDS, screw them for the maximum amount of money possible and no one gets to hear their complaints. The local MSM isn't willing to go against the grain in Ocean City and print stories about just how bad it is out there for these young kids but believe me, there's a major story to be told.
The Gibbs should reconsider their plans. More importantly, Mayor Meehan needs to stop this plan immediately and consider these employees now short another 10 rooms and or 20 people. Ocean City is acting very irresponsible, IMO.
Joe, I understand your point of view fully the young people working over there get screwed-period. But look at it another way as well most of the rental units I work on over there get trashed in the summer time. Yes they need places to live and could find some nice places but they destroy them so people like Gibbs are getting out of the housing business. Then look at the ocean city building codes for buildings like you are referring to. Ocean City codes have become so unbearable to build units like that because of the added cost. You know that people like Gibbs cannot afford any more cost (ha!ha!) the bottom line is if he can't increase his profit to himself he's not doing it.
First of all, this is an Insurance Payoff. They were insured to REPLACE what they had, s I strongly disagree.
For what it's worth, the Gibbs were extremely strict in their policies within their own housing, seriously. They inspected and kept regular tabs on whomever was living upstairs. You were NOT allowed guests, period. If you screwed up, you were out and I do mean out as in that moment.
There will always be those few people who will destroy property but you make it sound as if it's worse than it really is. If you don't manage your properties well enough then you're going to have problems. It's the risk of being in the business.
As far as damage goes, I think the $6,000.00 a month they were collecting covers their tails should something happen. However, the people living there respect that this is the lowest price you're going to find in Ocean City and they respect that.
Getting back to the main point here though, this is an Insurance payoff. They should rebuild what they had, even if it's for historical purposes. They're going to, (from the picture) build a standard store front stucco building, cheap and crappy because I believe they're getting out of the business in the not so distant future.
On that note, the building would be worth so much more money. I wonder why they were persuaded to take less back in return, unless they weren't properly insured?????
Joe, although I understand your point, I disagree with your opinion as well. I have read numerous posts on here that have said the fire supposedly started in the apartments. If this is true, why would or should he want to rebuild the apartments again? We don't know what the actual cause of the fire was or whether it was an accidental or intentional. But, rebuilding the apartments brings the risk of losing everything again. I understand the Gibbs' have enforced rules about no visitors, etc but you can't tell me that the employees don't try to break them. If I were in the same situation, I don't think I would rebuild the apartments either.
Now that's just a complete lie and a crock of shit! WHERE, you show me where anything was ever said about the fire starting in one of the apartments?
As a matter of fact, Gibbs is on record CLAIMING none of the apartments were occupied at the time, which I don't believe is true. However, the fire started inbetween the two buildings side by side and had nothing at all to do with Dough Rollers at all and or the people NOT living in the building.
So my question to you is, why would you make such a statement?
You must be on of those anti albero bloggers just out to say whatever just to get a rise out of me. LMAO!
As a matter of fact, I AM NOT an anit-albero blogger. I think you are doing a wonderful job for the community and keeping us informed. I wasn't aware that Gibbs said the fire did not start in the apartments so I did not know all of the facts. SORRY. No need to think everyone hates what you do.
"I have read numerous posts on here that have said the fire supposedly started in the apartments."
That's what you said in your own words. Not one comment was put up here suggesting anything of the sort happened in any apartment.
So do tell me then, why would you make such a statement if it was never even suggested here or anywhere else for that matter?
It would just make better sense if they had something upstairs even if it was another restaurant or ocean front condo's. More revenue.
Rent on the boardwalk can cost a business $300 a square foot or more. They have about 2 1/2 months to make most of their money.
A second floor would just make better sense money wise.
FYI- Gibbs is not getting out of the business. He has been grooming his three sons for years to continue with what he started. Two of them have been involved for about 10 years now. They just built a new hotel about 2 years ago and are constantly expanding their businesses.
Joe, Im not a anti albero blogger but i can tell you that you dont make much sense to me. You are anti Mayor in the bury, but then when the mayor stays out of someones business, as they should, you rant and rave that they are nuts for allowing it.
Keep in mind that theese units are totally trashed by the end of the year. I can tell you that the dough roller on 3rd street doesnt have housing and is much nicer. It is a huge nightmare to constantly hae the OCPD call at night and say that they have found another unit unsecured or someone has Overdosed in the unit, or a large party caused lots of damage from the kids partying. It is truely a nightmare.
Im sure you know from your properties that you own, not sure if you rent them or not....but keep that in mind. Gibbs isnt getting any younger and to have to deal with such headaches, i dont disagree with him whatsoever.
Barry, respectfully, I truly don't understand your first paragraph?
As for Mr. Gibbs, he's in the rental/housing business. He knew what he was getting into and trust me, he made money at it.
The real point here however is not just Mr. Gibbs. It's ALL the seasonal restaurant and business owners that should be pushing Ocean City to provide housing for these poor people.
Yes, just like the LAX Players at SU, there are a few bad apples out there. You roll with the punches and get rid of them should they cause a problem and unlike SU, there should be a very low tollerance for this kind of behavior!
Perhaps I just know more than most of you about this situation and how horrible the condtions are and believe me, if OC had a Tom Stevenson working out there, these propert owners would be in deep shit!
I also believe they should rebuild that property into at least a two story dwelling, even if they leave the second floor empty. It's a STUPID business move being right on the Boardwalk. Just my opinion.
I recall a former OC mayor trying to block a certain project for personal reasons, and the legal fees it cost the City. If Meehan or the Council takes the law in their own hands they should pick up the tab, not the taxpayers.
In your own words, here's the link to the post where you hinted that the fire started in the apartments upstairs.
WRONG! Another F/N lie. Don't tell me you're not an anti albero blogger!
I strongly recommend everyone go to that link and read the article yourself. It clealy states I believed someone was living upstairs. I never once suggested the fire started upstairs. Now that's the last comment that will go through like that because you're simply stiring the pot. You people will stop at nothing, even if it means lying and getting caught. Unbelievable!
I agree with Joe here guys. I dont read it that way.
What i meant by the first paragraph joe is I dont know why you would want the mayor to get involved. They get involved in to much. Leave their noses out of it.
Hey Joe, havent heard much from ya on the OC open Container law. What do you think about it? Me, i think it is a hunk of horse _ _ _ _! I truely feel bad for the cops down there. Ive spoken to many and they are very pissed that the town council did this. Sucks for the town.
Anonymous 11:09,
Thanks for clarifying that for me. I believe the Mayor and or Council should stick to their guns referencing the historical portion of the building. They have a plan for the Downtown area, does this fit within those new guidelines?
As far as the container law, here's how I feel on that. It cost the Taxpayers a small fortune to lock someone up fior that open container and they're losing money doing so. The idea that the City of Salisbury came up with the idea to fine noise violations, the City is now making a small fortune.
The being said, just imagine how much money OC will make fining these people, one after the other.
IMO, it's a win/win for all parties. No lawyers, just a fine and you don't have to return to OC for Court if you're from out of State and or a few hours away.
OC will make out like a bandid on this one.
Yeah, that is the thought but do you honestly think these guys that violate the law are actually gonna pay for the ticket. From what i hear this is what will happen.
1) if you are caught with a open container, you are given a ticket for it.
2) if you pay it within 1 or 2 days, then the fine is $100
3) if you pay it after that it is $200.
4) if you dont pay it at all, its not a criminal matter so its only gonna get sent to collections. NO WARRANT, so homeless people have no reason not to drink and have a ball.
I just think that it brings a little bit of trash to a town that has gone down hill over the years. I can remember years ago taking the kids down there and it being a nice place. Now, its a town on the verge of becoming a trashy town. At least with the open container law, they were able to lock up the kids that were out drinking and prevent them from either getting hurt, struck by cars, beating up in fights, drownings....stay tuned folks...could be a rough year in OC
The fire started with an unattended ceramic heater in an upstairs apartment, closest to in between the two buildings. This information came from Mr. & Mrs. Gibbs' mouths just one day after the fire. I never heard or asked anything since then. This information was given to me in my office the day after the fire from a customer of mine, which happens to be a manager of one of the Dough Rollers.
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