The Budget Public Hearing on PAC 14 plays again at 1 p.m. tomorrow, (Saturday) and again at 8:59 p.m.
Monday AT 9:25 p.m., they play the budget hearing again.
The photos above are just some of the concerned taxpayers/citizens expressing their thoughts, concerns and ideas referencing the Mayor's Budget for 2009. Believe me Ladies & Gentlemen, this is a must see Show on PAC 14. You can skip the first 30 minutes of the Mayor's grandstanding. I love how she pulled, (for the third time in a row now) the old, how much was that loan rate for that project Mr. Caldwell? (No reply the first time from Caldwell) I believe it was .04% wasn't it Mr. Caldwell? I believe he's shaking his head yes. Boy, I sure would love to have that kind of rate on my home, said the Mayor.
Click HERE to start the streaming with REAL Player.
IF you want to navigate from their website HERE look for PAC 14 Services on the taskbar near the top of the page, and click there. The pull-down list includes Live streaming of PAC 14 (Real Player).
Thanks for the times and links, Joe. I see the ladies of "On Your Side" have the times up on their website (www.onyoursidesby.blogspot.com).
I really appreciate the photos and coverage you and G.A. Harrison are giving to the city budget. Also Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Cohen for all their audio and PDF links. The Daily Times has been a miserable failure at keeping us informed about any of it.
I can't believe some of the drivel in that budget that the mayor wants. She wants it, let her pay for it. The city is such a mess, thanks to her.
Off topic, Joe, but I would like to plant a bug in your ear.
It was reported by the local free paper in Ocean City that they are raising the tax rate 4 cents for next year. This follows a BIG increase for police and "business as usual" for the city govmint powers that be.
No apologies or excuses offered by the Silly Council of OC. They just do what they (and their puppetmasters) want.
Maybe the master plan is to force gambling into Ocean City. At the rate they are spending, it appears a certainty.
Is this the wildlife photo of the day?
7:20 --
What's with you. If we can dupe them into calling this "mess" that Barrie has given us an "all-American City" just think how much better we will be!
All American City! Yep, that's what I'd call Salisbury. It's competeing at the moment with Detroit for the title of Murder Capital of the USA. Three in a couple of weeks, we're on a roll.
Is murder a Part 1 crime? Just want to have my facts straight because the mayor stood on TV and said Part 1 crime is DOWN. Wouldn't want to accuse her of lying, seeing how she is the mayor and all.
I make my living selling homes which happen to be in the city.
It is with great concern that I watch these charges, rates and assessments continue to rise for the city taxpayers. There are many nice people who were happy to live in such a nice place here in SBY, who were struggling with the OLD tax rates and other charges. I've often felt like apologizing to a prospective buyer who asks about taxes, because it seems like a lot of money for most people who would want to live here. Our current home owners pay more than $3,000 per year plus water and sewer, where a similar property in Sussex County would be less than $1,000 per year.
We've come up to what might be the saturation point for this issue, which would mean that people start to move away because they can live so much cheaper and have the same quality of life elsewhere. I know there are many who won't buy in SBY because of the high taxes already.
I don't personally live within the city limits or I'd be in the front row of every meeting these people have.
12:14 anonymous said...
"We've come up to what might be the saturation point for this issue, which would mean that people start to move away because they can live so much cheaper and have the same quality of life elsewhere. I know there are many who won't buy in SBY because of the high taxes already."
Actually, they can live cheaper and have a BETTER quality of life while getting whatever they need out of Salisbury, as Barrie often whines.
Well, Barrie, you killed OFF our quality of life. If it were still here, people would hold on to that even through increases.
But now we have the worst of both worlds, while those residing outside of Salisbury have the BEST of both worlds.
Thanks for the "vision" you and your friends like Bubba and Howdy Doody and the Cathcarts and the slumlords have given our town. More like a fearsome sight than a vision.
But like the folks pictured here, let's fight on! There's still something worth saving here. Let's run them out before they run us out.
Did anyone get the name of that young lady who is a controller for a company? The city will need a replacement for Pam Oland soon.
I watched the PAC 14 show of shows today and sure do thank all those fine citizens who got up and spoke (except for Lynn)for all of us on this rediculous budget the mayor is trying to get passed. The sad thing is, the bobble heads will pass it 3-2 and we aught to all get out there and protest to them, so they don't get away with this farce any longer! Can't wait for the elections next spring!
A. Goetz
PAC is airing the budget hearing again tonight at 8:59 (such weird times!)
Anonymous 2:39, maybe we can get that financial woman's name then.
Would love to see Pam Oland replaced, too.
When the vote comes up we need to pack the room to SRO capacity. That budget needs to go back to the drawing board. If it passes as is, there is likely to be all hell break loose.
And what is with the comment by 7:19?
that's bubba's remark, trying just to be hurtful.
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