Honest to God, this is what happened when this Citizen stood up in front of the Council and said, whenever people come up here to speak you start reading magazines and you don't look at the people confronting you. "Will you look at me please?" Once she said that I snapped off the next two pictures below her, (look at the properties) and you'll see just how the Council reacted, or should I say, didn't react.
Because Shanie just sat there all cocky and leaning so far over, her body language simply said, I don't give a shit. Nevertheless, this Citizen looked right at Shanie and said, if you don't like being on the Council, why don't you get up right now and leave?
Nevertheless, it was very clear that even Louise Smith refused to look up so this Citizen confronted her directly and said, Louise, LOOK AT ME when I speak to you. Louise looked up for a second and I swear to you she immediately put her head back down and started drawing on her pad of paper once again.
The "citizen" speaking is an absolutely amazing woman. She has be an enormous blessing to my family and I over the past few months and it is sad she was so disrespected by the council. She is right, don't want to be here, go home. This is just one of the small reasons great citizens of this city, like the one speaking, are considering leaving this town. Council- you need to be the ones to shape up or get out! There is one main road off the shore, not too confusing to find your way..
I love your blog, and every day that I read it, I am so thankful that I moved of the Salisbury City limits a few years ago to Worcester County. I understand every City/Town has it's issues, but Salisbury, wow, it just takes the cake,in a sad,pathedic way!
The Council (well, three of them anyway) think they are above the citizens of Salisbury. They are incredibly disrespectful. Vote them out, and vote out the mayor or whatever candidate she supports in the next election.
Bravo to this brave lady--thank you for doing the right thing!! Shanie is a despicable excuse for a human being. Louise, well does she multiple personality disorder or something? Or is she a pathological liar--because this lady has serious mental health problems to have lied to so many of us like she did. Gary is synonymous with Barrie--but with one IQ point missing.
The city has a mess on their hands due to these political figures.
If Debbie and Terry can hold out ,
mabe things will change.I don't
know why Shanie is holding a pen in her hand , she can't write.
Oh yeh , she draws pictures .
Must have been in that 30 % that
can't graduate from school in the other county.
or scroll down about ten posts below this one.
Bubba, Louweasel and Shameless are more disgusting at every meeting.
Just moved from the bury where I was born and raised, to 2 miles over the state line. This is one reason I left is lack of respect in the county for their public servents (firemen, teachers, county employees)by elected officials and citizens. and what JOE is showing us right now in these photos. No wonder the citizens are fed up with the public servents look at how they get treated by their elected officials. and we wonder where students are learning their social skills.
Joe sometimes you make me so mad when you call me an IDOT, then you show pics like this and confirm the fact, yea I voted for some of em!
If it help you any, you're no longer an Idiot since you moved to Delmar, DE.
Just think about that for a minute. You're much smarter than the rest of the people that voted for those Idiots and are still living there. Now that's an Idiot!
She is my new hero.
Wanda Disharoon
That's not Wanda.
Does she not know that they pay Wilber to be there and do their looking at speakers for them?
Politicians are only required to be elected, not polite and many are downright rude in dealing with their constituents.
What was the content or message this lady was trying to make?
When elected officials show contempt for the voters, it is time to remind them who holds the power. The electorate can do better without these officials, but these officials hold no power without the electorate. How did Louise the Maven of Manners come to be so insufferably rude and arrogant? Even her thin veneer of civility has cracked.
Do you know what BOOR means?
Do you know what Low Class means?
Dor you know what RUDE and CRUDE means?
I am ashamed at the three people on the council who I have just named.
There is no excuse.
That is Sharon Lloyd. I remember her from the night Mike Dunn tried to throw her and Terry Cohen out of a meeting for accidentally applauding.
Mrs. Lloyd stood her ground and refused to be thrown out. Mrs. Cohen defused the situation and the meeting went on.
I don't know Mrs. Lloyd personally, but that event was burned into my memory forever, one of the few nights I could attend a meeting.
I hear through the grapevine that Mrs. Lloyd took the mayor and the three council monkeys each to task, thanks Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Cohen, and basically said the lousy financial policies of the past years were fast-tracking us to bankruptcy. She also said she had been retaliated against by the city from the last time she spoke.
Mrs. Lloyd, I wish I could have been there to see you, but I will try to catch the meeting on PAC14 now that it is being shown. I just want to thank you for being a Stand Up Citizen.
Wish we could clone you and bottle your courage. Because if more citizens would do what you did, Salisbury would be in much shape.
This lady is one that suffered at the hands of the mayors retaliation when she dared to support the 4-2 ordinance against the mayor and her slumlord buddies. Her message was to stop the reckless spending. Her closing words were the city is fast forward to bankruptcy.
It won't be long before the gleesom
3 som will be asking for bodyguards!
gary,loweseal and shanie.
Ms. Lloyd, we average citizens who have suffered under Barrie's rule and retaliation salute you. Please continue to come and speak at the meetings--we need you, really, really need you.
If that would have been me up there speaking, I also would have probably said the same thing. Its unbelievable that the Weasel keeps her head down like that when speakers are at the podium (also during most of the meeting) and Shanie - well, she belongs back in second (or first) grade! I have a child who would act better than both of those combined in a public meeting - Geeesh! What class!
"we average citizens who have suffered under Barrie's rule and retaliation salute you. Please continue to come and speak at the meetings--we need you, really, really need you."
No need to fear a perjury charge. (the new "buzz" word around the GOB.)It isn't testimony before a court. The court of public opinion, maybe, but that's it.
Opinion is exactly that. Opinion. Not testimony to the truth.
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