This is why someone would be ranked Politically Influential, when you can check at random and see POLITICIANS checking you out. Come on Michael, pop on your meter at random and deliver an example like the ones I have shown over the past two days. BNN needs to do some serious tweaking to their rankings.
You should ask Billy that before you ask me, he's higher ranked than both of us.
I did, just a few minutes ago. Unlike you, (with all due respect) he's clueless how his Blog could be ranked #1. He visits BNN two times a week, that's it.
You have to admit Michael, you're doing well but you're nowhere near the volume of hits Salisbury News gets and that too shows influence. Don't think for a second I'm not happy for you because I truly am. However, when I see articles you post go on and on for days on end and there's absolutely no comments, please don't think for a second that I believe you belong in the top rankings. When I see great articles you write and people getting involved, that's influential and that's when you see me congratulate you.
Perhaps I shouldn't just pick on you per se. I see several Blog on there that are in the top rankings that are a complete joke. Gunpowder, please. What does that guy get, 25 hits a week? Worcester, same thing.
BNN has a flawed system, period. Now granted, if it went by hits and I was #1 every week, week after week, that too would suck. I believe it's important for others to be encouraged and be rated so their hard work can be recognized. However, I ask that you study the word influential and take it to heart. You do great work, there's no doubt about that. However, you're limited to politics only with the exception to local band stuff and although that does put you at a higher level than most, there are so many other Blogs like the Duck that truly delivers multiple articles daily that rarely ever makes the top 10.
BNN needs to look deeper into their ranking system and also keep in mind Michael, you only post one article a day. When others are out there doing multiple articles and working hard to deliver everyone news and information, I don't think a one article a day Blog deserves a top ranking, period. We appreciate your hard work, seriously. I also appreciate your style and accuracy. I just disagree with the rankings and so do many other Bloggers, including Billy.
Keep up the good work but I ask, do everyone a favor and rather than passing the buck to someone else, (Billy) face what is being said here and perhaps respond to what YOU think would help BNN to better their rating system, unless you think the way they're doing things is fine?
not sure what it means. could be a person going through a proxy. IP addresses rarely mean anything anymore.
Same with number of hits. Since many people are using RSS readers that pole every few minutes, you are going to get a greater number of hits than what is a real "read". And depending on the ISP your readers are using, they might go out of a different proxy each time, your hit counts are probably misleading too.
And, you can use privacy proxies who hide where you are coming through by routing you around the globe.
If you think that many people are going through all that trouble to increase my hits by the thousands, you have some serious screws loose in your head.
Look, I remember the days when the hits were 25 to 50 a day. Then a hundred. Then 250 a day. Then 5,000a day and then it went completely out of control. The point here is, none of these other Blogs are experiencing such hits and there's absolutely no way you're going to get me to believe people are purposely going to different computers by the thousands in order to fake my numbers through the roof. Granted, I'll accept SOME read it before work and then again at work and then again when they get home. That could be accurate. However, not all of them are doing that but even if they were, I must be doing a pretty darned good job getting them to come back mul;tiple times a day on different IP Addresses. Mind you, there's still only two different IP Addresses in that example.
This Blog is doing well because we deliver. Not once a day, several times a day. I personally don't care how they're all coming here. The fact remains, we;'re blowing away the competition because we're delivering information like no one else ever has in the past.
I'll add, it takes a special kind of individual to follow one of Michaels posts from beginning to end. I'm not knocking ANYONE reading this Blog but I truly don't think many of the people coming here go to his Site and enjoy most of those posts. Again, I'm NOT saying there's anything wrong with them. It just takes a different kind of individual to go there, understand them completely and more importantly enjoy them. That's just my opinion.
I read BNN to scan the news in Maryland and I agree that their system is a little messed up.
I would think that a true gauge of influence would be the reader ratings.
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