APRIL 7, 2008
4:30 p.m. Presentation for Dalian, China to become a Sister City to Salisbury, Maryland – Sister Cities Association of Salisbury/Wicomico County (George Whitehead/Derek Wu)
5:00 p.m. Affordable Housing and Revitalization Fund proposal – Councilwoman Deborah Campbell
5:45 p.m. Review of RFP for old Fire Station #16 – Karen Reddersen
6:10 p.m. Review of RFP for efficiency study on Internal Services Department – Pam Oland
6:35 p.m. Appropriations
• Update from Administration on supplemental appropriations and discussion of Council-Administration joint plans
• Ensuring compliance with State law on supplemental appropriations
7:05 p.m. Establishing a policy for City involvement in litigation (introduction)
7:15 p.m. Discussion – posting work session minutes on web site
I'm told if you go to the Briefing Book you'll learn this scam of a Mayor is planning on proposing to offer the building not to the highest bidder but to the person willing to do exactly what the City wants them to do with the building.
Ladies & Gentlemen, don't let this one lie. You must do something about this woman as they'll do anything for the FOB's and anything to keep me out, similar to the Mounted Patrol Horses, purchasing a surplus Fire Truck and yes, even a Grandparents Membership to the Zoo. To take it a step further, they'll even sue me for no good reason.
Before Barrie Tilghman GIVES away the City before she leaves, you need to stop her from playing these games. Now, if you don't care, so be it. It's only a building to me. If you liked that staged picture I had up months ago showing what the Art's people want to do with it, go for it.
I'm tired of doing ALL of your fighting, along with the rest of the original Dirty Dozen, as we were named. It's time for you people to start acting responsible and get out of those diapers.
More to come on the Fire House.
things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.
there is no deed reference on the Md. sdat sheet for this property.
now, fyi, everyone has a deed reference for their property. (supposed to anyhow.)
Doesn't Salisbury already have at least one "Sister City" -- in Estonia or England?
Joe, Keep us posted on our Firehouse and let us know who wants to steal it from us.
I hope the volunteers at Station 16 have the balls to speak out and keep the Fire house as it is theirs, not Barries or Bubbas.
actually, the volunteers have completed their own independent investigation. The results are that it is the city's building, built by city funds and city bid process.
Joe, can anyone go to the City Council meeting? I live in this lovely city and would LOVE to see the MARE in action!!!
Mr/Ms Anonymous @ 7:38
Your info about the City building & owning the fire station downtown is not correct. That was a fire company (then not part of the City) project. The City doesn't have a deed either. Your ship won't float, bunky.
They are open meetings. Anyone can attend.
Then, I suggest you read the city council minutes from 1926-27 where the issues has been discussed.
btw you are right. It was a fire company. However, the city built them a building
1. to stick their nasty little hand in your pocket.
2. to keep your mouth shut so no one will find out they are all p.o.s.
3. to find a great plastic surgeon for thay wrinkled drunken mayor.
4. to waste your money as fast as they can.
5. to live in lala land and pretend salisbury is some great metropolitain area.
We're ready to do something about the mayor, where's the supposed petition we heard about, we're ready to sign.
Yes, Where is that recall petition? We have not seen it or had the opertunity to sign it. The best way to get us to sign is to make the petition available for us to sign - DUH.
A. Goetz
the point of mentioning the lack of a deed reference on the sdat sheet is proof of ownership. If there were a deed reference, there would be no doubt about whose it is. (that's the md real property data base where all real property is listed)
If you look in the "books", you should be able to find the deed reference number.
Heres the email addy for the SU student, those of you wanting to sign the petitions, I found it in Feb's post. Take a moment and email him. You atleast need to get the 3 monkeys out of the council!
The petition looks like more of a tactic to get the Dirty Dozen distracted from the truth and issues now being debated and scutinized.
Someone always has an eye on you crooks. Louise has taught us to keep our left up. Keep jabbing them until they hypnotized and throw the roundhouse for a knockout.
I don't know Karate, but I know I-Swing-Low ROFLMAO
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