For years now it has been VERY clear that the new Fire Station will cost the Taxpayers $10,000,000.00. However, for the SECOND time this week, Barrie Tilghman and the Daily Times have been promoting the Station costing $8,000,000.00? That's a 20% reduction and even though I did hear it has been completed at 3% under the overall cost, we're talking Bubba Math here Ladies & Gentlemen.
Just how many times in one day can one Newspaper KNOWINGLY LIE to their Customers? IF the Mayor had saved the Taxpayers $2,000,000.00 on that building, a Press Conference would have broken out and at least YOU/I would have seen some relief. However, the Daily Times is once again running Barrie Tilghman's Reelection Campaign and if I were you, I wouldn't take this crap any longer.
It's bad enough they allowed two comments in today's Grapevine, knowing what was stated about Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen was wrong. However, anything to smear their names and promote the positive for Barrie Tilghman.
I've said enough. YOU look at the article and make up your own mind. Is it 8 million or 10 million dollars?
All I know is look NATIONWIDE, there are studies of new firehouses, and SBY spent 4-5 million to much using anyones math!
Joe, the fire house is built it will be paid for, by us and it will serve us for sometime I am sure. If it last half as long as the old station 16 then we got a bargin. If the firefighters are happy we got a bargin. If someones life is saved we got a bargin. Personally it is time to let the fire station go, and focus on real issues like the waste water treatment plant, and the Wicomico river. That horse is running and will not stop till something is done. Let's trow this out. Why does the county continue to refuse Thomas H Ruark his own waste water plant when it is a proven, working, good thing for the people. Let those who use it pay for it?
ANON 1:35
I'm guessing that you don't actually live within the corporate limits of SBY, so don't care too much about a measly $2m. Well, I work six days a week, have a hard time feeding my family AND paying my city taxes, and really and truly RESENT that this is not an issue to enough people. I agree that done is done, but to be fair to those of us upon whose back this burden falls, we deserve better treatment. As you say, I'm happy that these valuable volunteers, and brave career firefighters have a nice facility, state of the art equipment with which to work, and all that. What I'm NOT so happy about is the complete disregard by the people charged with putting this whole thing together of how much of MY money was being spent on unnecessary and, yes, frivolous choices.
All water over the dam you say? Without oversight by the taxpayers who's to say what's next?
I'll tell you what's next......
A $1,200,000.00 Fire Truck.
A $800,000.00 Fire Boat.
A $2,000,000.00 Building at the Zoo.
A $50,000.00 Dog Park.
A endless pitt price on the removal of an old water tower.
A multi million dollar loss on the Old Mall TIF.
The GIFT of the $800,000.00 Old Fire Station 16 to the Arts people.
If Gary Comegys and Barrie Tilghman have their hands in it, it's going to cost YOU big!
Now what kind of a dog park can you get for only $50k? Surely they can allot more than that for such an important facililty.
I rest my case. (for now)
Really Joe what difference does it make to you what the price tag is? Lets be honest here tell me the actual dollar amount that will come out of your wallet if it’s $8 million or $10 million. Show me your math I’d like to see it. If your going to bitch about it show me your facts! Oh and I’m live by the way with my new fancy internet card.
If you dont recall the 3 bad/dishonest council ppl you cant begin to turn things around. If you dont recall the mayor you'll be sending a message to all those that will follow. The message that waste and corruption can and will be tolerated. I think the message needs to be the opposite, they need to be removed IMMEDIATLY. It needs to be made clear, anyone thinking of running for these positions, with these types of administrative values, will be run out of town ASAP!!!
300 W. Main Street, that's where. I pay more taxes in the City of Salisbury than you do, let me assure you of that.
That's a piss poor answer Joey Little Dick! Can't you do any better than that? I own thirteen property's in Salisbury against your ONE! Tell me some numbers LITTLE DICK if you can.
T. Hopkins
Tell me Folks, do you believe that's T Hopkins or D. Church? Do YOU know what the "D" stands for?
If I didn't know any better I'd say he's avoiding the question like usual.
I own 300 W. Main St. and I pay taxes, well big deal.
has "T. Hopkins" come out of the closet yet?
Whether you own one or one hundred and one properties in SBY you should be distressed at government wasting tax money. It does not matter to me, a taxpayer on just one property in SBY, how much a government project costs, as long as the money was carefully spent. It's hard to come to terms with an $8m or $10m firehouse.
Now that's an acceptable answer I can live with.
Cleaning up on rentals I've owned for years............
Slumlord. I'd bet money on it.
My money is on Dough Church bringing up the little dick comment.
It appears that he got so excited that he did mistype a bit, though. The 13 properties that he "owns" are really in mommy's name. Doug just takes advantage of the community and college kids by slumming them out.
I wonder how his 10000 square foot building in Lewes and his huge new house in Rehoboth are going? He's been bragging about them for months now - just like he bragged about buying the building on Market Street but he could never come up with the funds to close the deal.
So as I was saying...if anybody knows what it's like to come up a little short, it would be him.
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