The Salisbury Fire Department has ordered a new Tower Truck and apparently two new Engines as well. The new Deputy Chief (Hoppes) wanted the color changed to Chicago black over red. Yeah, that should be well seen! Do these Idiots know why the colors RED and Green are used in the first place?
The Sheriff's Department was ragged on the other day because of their black Chargers. There is the element of surprise necessary with those vehicles. However, I don't believe the element of surprise should be a part of the Fire Department, do you?
Let's stick with the two additional Engines ordered the other day. We were all aware of the $1,200,000.00 Ladder Truck. However, there's been NO MENTION of two additional Engines? Uh oh, did I just OUT SCOOP the Daily Times again?
Deputy Chief Gordy did mention they were going to replace them all when we did the tour through the new Fire Station but I didn't realize the City of Salisbury was so rich right now that they could afford to purchase even more multi million dollar vehicles?
Like I said in an earlier Post. This is up to you Folks now. We can only do so much here at Salisbury News. Once again, even after a very lengthy conversation with Greg Bassett the other day, the Daily Times article stated the Fire House was once again at $8,000,000.00 and now the actual $10,000,000.00. Perhaps the additional $2,000,000.00 difference is in purchasing all these new Fire Trucks?
All in all Folks, while the United States is going broke and the State of Maryland is raising their taxes, as well as the City of Salisbury, are you Idiots just going to sit there and take this crap day in and day out? Well, are you?
It seems like it will never end!
I don't live in the city , but
I keep up with the news.What is
the progress on getting rid of the Mayor and others?
I haven't heard anything lately.
GREAT! It about time the Salisbury fire dept gets the equipment the deserve. They've been running around in dangerous, antique crap for way to long! Way to go, Chief See and Gordy! The citizens are behind you, and love the improvements you are bringing to the city.
Why don't you bitch about the million your buddies in Delmar spend on fire trucks? All for a tiny town. SFD has an entire city and surrounding areas to protect.
7:58 am.....are you smoking crack behind Brew River?!!!
Are you new? no...it must be the drugs...noone in their right mind would condone the actions of See and Gordy lately. Go away, your brown nosing is smelling up the place.
Live from FDIC, yep and we love the colors, everyone was polled, and when you see it you will like it to, IT'S HOT!
I'll add, this is why EVERYONE is starting to lose respect towards Firefighters.
You run around acting like you save lives. Hell, more Police Officers save lives than you guys do! Besides that, since you're no longer raising funds through donations, IT'S NOW A BUSINESS! You want all these fancy toys, well, you better earn them from here on out!
You better make damn sure another building NEVER burns down because you know what, we're paying for those toys to make sure they don't! If we're out there, (and not you, mind you, since 99% of you don't even live in the City) paying for all this sh!t, we want results.
Oh, and while you're at it, let's talk about BROTHERHOOD.
I hear See & Gordy are doing everything they can to FIRE a 18 year veteran David Merritt!
That's right Folks. Here's yet ANOTHER City Employee injured on the job and the Mayor and Fire Department want him fired now because, (like my Wife) he can't come back 100%, so they want him GONE!
So BROTHERHOOD, do you see what these worthless pieces of sh!t can and will do to you when you put your life on the line?
The funds going to fire/police etc., are needed, but as tight as the money is getting, and the hard times everyone is going through, it just seems the fire/police would be a little more responsible right now, thats all. You know, layoffs NEVER happen in government, UNTIL they go to far, watch it, it could happen.
For christ sake!! Im a firefighter near Washington DC and It doesnt matter what color a firetruck is. Citizens driving around with the radio full blast and on Cell phones just DONT get out of the way. They could care less about an emergency! They are to busy trying to get what they need done, who cares abouty everyone else!
In my 20 + years in the Fire Department as a volunteer and a Career Firefighter Ive driven lots of fire apparatus. Lights and Sirens are what people see and hear. That is what moves them out of them way! Color isnt it. Black Over Red. Slime Lime. Blue. All Red. It just doesnt matter!
And when did you become one to say how much fire trucks are suppose to cost. Call Seagrave, Pierce, American Lafrance & E-One. Tell them your looking to purchase a firetruck and have them tell you how much a basic Truck cost. I bet it starts @ around $800,000.00 Thats just basic! The you have to add the NEW DOT crap on it as well!!!!
I think you should go and Join the local volunteer Fire Department. Tell them you want to be on the apparatus committee!
If they are getting 2 new engines and 1 truck. Thats great. IM drving a firetruck right now thats 20 years old and falling apart. We are still waiting for out new ones! Hopefully by May I will be driving it! I have to email you a pic!
Have a Safe and Quiet week!
Metro DC Fireman
You are wrong, Country girl! (or is it Joe in drag?) Plenty of people support the leadership of SFD. But Joe generally censors those comments, like he will probably do to this one!
Joe, I hate to say it, but your right. The brotherhood has been lost, and mostly it's about money now. The new recruits only know about the pay, and the perks, not about working for each other, and for what we get. We have severial at FDIC right now, just to see how much they can drink, and cheat on thier wifes. I wish we could stay at 16, and just have our "old boys" back. Hey, we must move on. Shame, real Shame.
{Because it was funds raised by Volunteers in donations.}
As usual, you show how ignorant you are in the ways of the fire service. The truth is VFD's get alot more support from taxes than paid depts. That's what's mostly paying for your shiny new stuff. Doing fundraisers that net a couple of grand help with the fuel costs, bit they don't buy million dollar fire engines.
Metro DC, when you guys get an engine, it cost 1/3 less, because to spec them to WORK, not profile or parade. In addition, your a real fireman, not like the boys we have, you do it for the "job", not for a flat screen TV, the chrome, a new firehouse, or the fricken paycheck. God bless you.
well, I for one love the Twer trucks.....My grnadfather and Mack trucks and the FDNY intvented them....I'm very proud of my grandfather and his truck and I will be happy to see them. New equipment is a good thing. I'm sure you update things for yourself and well being right, so you know you are safe and up to date.. If your house or building was burning would you want a truck that is old and may not get the job done or would you like to know your life and belongings could be saved by equipment that works? Fire euqipment isn't a joke, you should rather have trucks that are in working order. I feel you just hate firefighters and no matter what, you'll find negative in what is actually positive. It's sad sir and I think you should be pleased with it and the safety and what these trucks will do. I never wish harm on others, but if someday you are in need of the fire department, I hope you realize the help you would receive. I pray that you don't have the mis fortune of a fire, but just for one second, think about it and you may not have the right to bitch about it.
Good job on the new trucks, I know my grand father would be happy. He also invented the Super Pumper. If you don't now what that is, well it's a truck they made to pump water out of the Hudson river in NY. I'm not a fire fighter but my grand father who was a Chief of FDNY was and I was also unfortunate to be in a house fire as a kid, I praise all firefighters and what they do and I'm thankful everyday for being here, although we lost a lot in our fire, I'm alive do to the quick brave actions of firefighters, and many today are alive do to my grandfather's trucks. So please, stop bashing firefighters.... One day they just may have to save you and or yor family. So be thankful, not hateful. Karma is a bitch so watch how much you hate, you may be sorry for it one day. I would be honored to share with you pictures of the first trucks in NY. I have lots of pictures and the amazing stories that go with them.
There is plenty of brotherhood left in the fire service, even with liars around like Joe who try and undermine it all the time.
Pocomoke's new firehouse is l6,500 sq. ft and built by Blades Construction at budgeted cost of $2.2million--meeting and training rooms, offices, lounge, rec room, bunk room, fitness area, communication center, carbon monoxice removal system, etc. There's a $400,000 capital campaign to help finance.
Barrie opted to soak the City taxpayers......she's so dumb.
9:07, with such a positive responce, it would be an honor for you to show your name. Joe, does not seem to hat all fireman, just the ones that claim to be, and are not.
9:14, now theres some facts joe, run with that. Bet the two firehouses can do the same job. Ok Salisbury, double that size, for 4 million, wheres the other 6 million, wasted!
9:09, you can't undermine real brotherhood, it erodes over time. Try again. When the pay gets more important, the brotherhood is gone.
Fantastic new fire house, new ambo's, new engines and a truck coming! WOW! Chief See has really turned this dept around. SFD is regaining the greatness it once had long ago!
Pocomoke's new fire house looks like a shithole. It's fine for a little podunk vollie house, but a paid dept with 24/7 staffing needs something alot better.
9:41/9:43 It's clear your just a paid vampire, sucking all the dollars and energy from what the fire service once stood for. One day, maybe you will understand what it's like to earn what we have.
9:43, so the vollies deserve less huh?, seems it's the other way around, your paid to be there. Oh, thats right you guys always forget that. We put our paid guys in thier place once, right out behind the building, and can do it again.
Yes, guys that are there for 24 hr shifts NEED MORE than people making calls from their house, or just hanging out for a few hrs. If you were a vollie house that ran duty crews I'd feel the same way. It's common sense- not a vollie vs. career thing. A career dept house needs things like a good kitchen, adequate sleeping quarters and lockers. These are luxuries for a vollie house.
SFD put their vollies in their place abour 5 years ago!
I'll make this simple for all of you.
The colors of the lights on a traffic signal are there for a very specific reason. More so than most of the Idiot Firefighters ever knew or realized.
Red means what? STOP!
Green means what? GO!
Amber means what? Oh shit!
Why do you think American Express is the #1 Credit Card? What color is the money in your pocket? GREEN! GO! SPEND! USE IT! HURRY! GO, GO, GO!
Red Means, Don't even think of it! NO!
It reflects what you should and shouldn't do with colors alone. It leaves a mark in your brain and these are ALL for caution. Granted, the lime green the put on trucks has always been stupid to me but they do stand out.
Now, what does Black mean? I don't know, I'll have to look that up. However, I'd personally say it's a guy thing. Black and chrome is manly, period.
Fire Trucks should be RED, period. STOP! GET OUT OF THE WAY!
10:27 Thats something to be proud of, whats next just run them off all together.
Taxpayers wait until it's to late to do anything with the government, that's history. They will be the first to complain to their boss they need a raise, the first to complain to the merchant prices are to high, but they let the largest single thief go untouched, why? Take the income tax you pay, the sales tax you pay, the real estate tax you pay, among many others, and you wonder why you have nothing left ........ and the average person does nothing about it. Joe makes his own money by being self employed, and doesn't stand for being robbed, he is the minority, and I don't mean his skin color. By the time everyone else wakes up, we will be in another depression, and I didn't type recession.
I believe the reason they picked black is there are only three choices of color that will go with red. Red over red, white over red, black over red. Black would be my last choice, but that is preference. Studies have shown that the color of the equipment does not mean a thihng. It is the amount of lights and reflective striping that are on the epuipment and those items are governed by the NFPA.
Everyone talks about "brotherhood" it's a bunch a crap. I am a volunteer firefighter, I have never in my life been paid to do my job and I am not taking up for paid firefighters when I say this but the "brotherhood" is being lost in the volunteer companies too. People stabbing each other in the back, underqualified people put in positions of authority and someone is supposed to take them seriously? I love it because it seems like a bunch of drama queens to me, because you have a FD that has run like a well tuned machine for years upon years and just because people want what they call a "change" turn their backs on the people who made them what they are today. So SFD shouldn't get badgered for lack of "brotherhood", no one anymore knows the meaning of respect and that goes for everyday life as well.
There isn't a person here that can tell you, (NON fire department related) that they have seen a black fire truck. I can tell you I was just inOcean City for a HUGE fire and there was not one! Tell someone who wants to listen. Salisbury wants the biggest, most expensive and now unique.
Funny thing, history repeats itself, when things get real bad, the volunteerism and brotherhood may return, because the men won't be able to afford many of the things that attracted them away from the fire service years ago. That's not withstanding how people pull together when they lose their homes and families.
Actually there was a company from the western shore running all black engines. Cannot remember the name of the station but I do know it was a volunteer department and they used to bring an engine down in June for the State Convention. Used to be parked next to my grandparents cottage during that week and I played on it many times as a kid.
At 10:36 am I put up a comment referencing the colors of a traffic light and or fire trucks and the reason for such. There's been no response since. I'm glad I was able to shut some up and give them a lesson on colors and why they are what they are and should be. You're welcome, by the way.
Joe, I hate to bust your bubble, but Delmar does little to fund raise. They are funded by the Wicomico county, Sussex county, The state of Maryland and the state of Delaware. Maybe even the town of Delmar, but I'm not sure. Thats atleast 4. Research before you make yourself look like an idiot. What little they do make, will not pay the cost of the fire trucks. The only thing it will cover if the cost of toilet paper and cleaning supplies for the year.
Hmmm A Black Firetruck!!
There ya go JOE.. Now you can say Ive seen one!!
For the person that said delmar does litle fundrasing youneed to check your facts. They do numerous casinos night and they also do they gun bash which is abig success. And you are right they do get good money from sussex thats because they gat funding from the fire tax that they have. Which maryland isn't smart enough to have. ANd for the red over black it does look good but is that critical now. you just bought 2 engines and they aren't that way try keeping all your equipment one color that looks better. if you want to see red over black just look at laurel volunteer fire dept.
There are many fire departments in Pennsylvania that have them.
Joe, you are so funny. You school people on the purpose of the colors. Please talk about the important stuff, you know like the waste of money, embezzlement, so on. That is the important stuff. You are good at it, so please give us more of it. This other dribble about brotherhood and colors just sounds gay to me. I think it probably sounds gay to a lot of people. So hey, let's not be gay anyway.
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