Allow me to start with countering a comment I saw yesterday referencing the furniture in the new Firehouse. The Volunteers offered to pay for ALL of the furnishings in the new Station, Gordy & See refused to accept the money. Instead, they chose to put it on the Taxpayers back in the sum of around $70,000.00.
Many Firefighters are already laughing at the Ikea style furnishings, stating it just doesn't look right and it's certainly not the style of furniture they would have chosen. I looked at it and I can't say as I blame them. It works though and that's all that matters.
The desks are ugly! so are the chairs for that matter. You would think in a modern office there would be things like cable management, monitor shelves(or arms) The place looks like a community college computer lab. The phones are quite sexy though out of place in that office!
Invite Shanie to sit on it, and then it will have to be replaced!
Sasy, doesn't the city council have anysay in what is purchased with tax dollars for the new fire station? Yes, I know the vote on such items would be 3-2, but at least we tax payers could comment on such purchases and ask why the bosses wouldn't take the volunteers offer to pay for the furnishings.
A. Goetz
The public can still go ahead and comment on why they didn't let the volunteers pay for the furnishings.
I'd like to hear the answer to that myself.
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