From Coach Hal:
Wow! Thanks so much for all the great support. You all have no idea how much it means. In fact with out it all the work and victories would seem hollow. I asked Fernando about a coming home party tonight and being the kind of person he is, he really felt he needed to go to the gym and see all the kids. However, anyone that would like to stop by is more than welcome to stop in and say hello. It is very humbling to have such a supportive community behind you. Thank you again.
Rather go to the gym and see the kids, what a man~! Good show Fernando, and good work Hal. Salisbury does need more good role models and it looks like both of you are working hard at it.
Very proud of you, especially a Hispanic in the Eastern Shore, there are many of us Hispanics doing great things in the community and don't get any credit, So thanks this one we are all grateful to have you making history.. Felizidades y Suerte
The match was amazing. I am not sure the technical term of what he did exactly but in my own words I will basically say he beat the Crap out of that other guy.
I watched and it was great, congrats but you would have left him seeing stars if you followed the straight left with a right hook but thats easy for me to say, I wasn't in the ring & if I was I would probably be the one seeing stars, it's awesome to see you suceed but it's even better hearing you on national tv giving props to your boxing roots, Main Street Gym and Salisbury Md., good luck with your career in boxing, we will be watching & cheering.
Where is the gym?
At this point in his career it is more important to make sure he doesn't get over confident and allow himself to get knocked out with a lucky punch from his opponent. Looks like he has a great trainer to boot. The ESPN commentators sounded like they know of Hal, and Fernando had the support of the crowd as well.
The experience he is getting in the ring will bring the rest together when he his ready. He did punish that Jalomo's face didn't he? LoL
Just an FYI, I know one teacher at Bennett Sr Hgh that is having her students read the novel "the contender" and are following Fernando's success in the paper and on TV. Its a great story of what it takes to be a success. Congrats to Hal and Fernando.
I'll also add that Fernando looks like one of the best stalking boxers since Tommy Hearns. I used to watch a lot of boxing, I remember the Ali, Frazier, Foreman fights live on free TV and ABC's Howard Cosell. Then of course Ceasar Chavez, Sugar Ray, Roberto Duran, man they were the days.
Oh, and how could I forget Leon "snaggle toof" Spinks, he actually beat Ali in only his seventh pro match. Of course in the re-match, Ali taught Leon a good lesson in boxing.
Then one night I went to see Tyson- Holyfield at a friends house and a party with the big screen TV out on the deck. I bought a $10 cigar just for the occasion. As I was getting comfortable and just got my cigar lit good the fight was called because Iron Mike bit a chunk off of Holyfield's ear. The fight didn't cost me a cent to watch but what a waste of a good cigar and $10!
I don't watch boxing as much as I used to but will be sure to follow Fernado. Viva La Fernando.......
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