Some good questions came up at the city council work session about Fire Station 16 from Debbie Campbell about keeping some emergency response there, but the questions still went unanswered. While most of the discussion focused on fires, Terry Cohen asked about EMS response because Louise Smith said she was comfortable with Chief See saying there was plenty of fire coverage from the stations at Beaglin, Brown and Fruitland. When Terry asked if there was ambulance service at Fruitland and Gary Comegys said "no," Louise said there were private companies to handle that.
Dee, dee, deeee, Louise. Companies like Lifestar don't do those kind of calls.
That wasn't Louise's only dee, dee, deeee moment of the night, either. When the council was considering a city in China to be a sister city, she asked the Derek Wu from Bennett High School (amazing, well-spoken young man of Chinese ancestry) where he learned to speak English so well. Derek didn't miss a beat, saying, "I was born in Oregon." So much for Louise touting her "multiculturalism" background. If she'd been listening, she'd have known Derek was American. (By the way, Derek is THE student representative to the Maryland State Board of Education, a first I think for the Eastern Shore. Congratulation, Derek!)
I have to admit, Louise did ask on the fire station if the matter of who owns Station 16 had been settled (been reading my blog, Louise?) But when the answer was not yet, but it "looked" like the city does, Louise didn't miss a beat just moving on ahead as though nothing mattered. Terry Cohen was the one who came back to it and said the issue had to be settled for certain before any RFP could go out. (Can't sell what's not yours.) Oh, and an FYI for certain hand-out requesters, the strip of land next to Station 16 is NOT part of this RFP. The council wants to keep it as open space.
There was an intense discussion on the large budget amendments Barrie Tilghman and the council majority tried to ram through and Paul Wilber's big legal bills to the city, but I'll post on that later today. It deserves its own space, including a few more dee, dee, deeees to come.
Geez, that Louise is sure dull--how could she insult the student like that? What a gaff on her part (and she's making a lot of them these days).
Come on, Louise, get up to speed--Cohen and Campbell are leading the way.
Loweasal insults everyone, she is just right down ignorant!
I wonder just what kind of "background" Louise has. She clearly showed from the audit sessions that she isn't what she claimed to be about "audits and compliance."
Give her a break. At least she was willing to give this young man the floor so he could express remorse regarding what his ancestors did to us at Pearl Harbor. Has anyone spoken with citizens of this city in China to determine if they really want to be associated with us?
Mrs. Smith looks completely like a fish out of water in her role as council president. Poor listening skills, poor people skills, flustered constantly. Please, Louise-do us a favor and give it up. We did expect better of you with your educational background, but unfortunately, you don't come off any better than Comegys and Shields.
Yep, Louise doesn't seem to be as she has portrayed herself as to credentials, background, etc.--when she makes statements like she did at the worksession, it is difficult to believe she could have functioned in academia!
Let's start researching just what/who she really is. What she has said up to this time: says she has a background in the Church Street area; spent her career in education/audit compliance (nothing we have seen here would even indicate that); came from Florida college, says she was threatened by the mob for a drug treatment initiative (uh, now that's a stretch).
What (if any) of her pontificating is absolutely true? She seems so flakey that it is hard to believe her; in truth, she seems to desire to be a contender but doesn't have the intellect or fortitude for it. She's marginal, at best and definitely not Council President material. That position has Campbell or Cohen's name all over it!
Ummm . . 10:23, you do know that China and Japan are not the same country, right? If you are going to make an ignorant comment (like this kid needs to apologize for anything that happened in 1941), at least get your basic facts in line!
Final frontier
Anon 10:23 said:
"At least she was willing to give this young man the floor so he could express remorse regarding what his ancestors did to us at Pearl Harbor."
I believe Joe mentioned that Derek Wu was of Chinese ancestry. If so, his ancestors didn't do anything to us at Pearl Harbor. The Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor, different people, different country. Louise, is that you posting to Joe's blog?
That budget needs to be looked over with a fine tooth comb--line by line. Keep up the diligence Mrs. Cohen and Campbell!
The issue of a city atty having the potential of so many conflicts of interest which results in a budget busting excess needs to be up for discussion. Since the city is so large and has so many legalities to research, I think it is time for the city to be employed solely by the city, and the salary be negotiated up front. My husband is salaried, and believe me-when he works extra on weekends and holidays he does not receive one red cent extra.
Poor planning by the city atty. for not negotiating his salary up front with those things in mind. He should not be paid more. Suck it up-like the rest of us who constantly get stuff shoved down our throats and up our butts.
The biggest lie Louise told was that she was the niece of the Senator Smith of "goes to Washington fame" --trouble is that was a fictional movie. Surely no one is so stupid they believe the Chinese bombed Pearl Harbor? Besides the Chinese abhor the Japanese and vice versa. Fortunately for the Barrie/SAPOA/Banker cartel she has just the right intellect, just like Shanie and Gary, extremely ignorant and arrogant.
Anon 10:23,
Wow. Just, wow.
Is there any special title insurance for property that looks "like" the City owns it but has no deed?
The perfect squelch would have been if he said: Ms. Smith, my English is better than yours because I'm a come here, not a from here.
Is that idiot at 10:23 trying to be funny or does he/she not know that the Japanese have done much more against China than they have ever done against the United States, even with the Pearl Harbor/World War II saga?
You dumb asses have never even heard of sarcasm have you? I was further magnifying the idiocy of the insult of that comment. Even Bluto knew the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. Did you also really believe the fire chief fron The Towering Inferno was coming to apply C4 to blast Comegy's fat ass out of the training tower.It really shows just how dense all of you really are-no wonder you guys can't cross the street properly.
Looks like Anon 1023 is a student of Louise Smith.
Hey Final Frontier: I found one your speed.
YOU: Maw' who be at the screen door
YOU: YEEHAW Maw'we gettin oranges!!
ME: ORANGE ya glad I didn't say dumbass.
Yeah, I'm just a moron. Maybe you need a lesson in sarcasm, dummy! How about this: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? No!" Now, had you got the quote right, your alleged attempt at sarcasm might have made more sense. I'm still not sure you just didn't make a dumb mistake, though.
Final Frontier
Hold my hand-it is still too wet to pull out the golf clubs so I will spoon feed you. I hate The Weasel. I read Joe's posting where I almost pissed my pants because this ignorant wench completely insulted an Asian American by assuming because his skin was not lilly white he must be an alien. I found this young man's reply that, strangely enough as a domestic born Oregonian he speaks better English than the Weasel to be hysterical. However, I was also very embarrassed that a local public official could be so dumb and insulting. Anyone can say "oh jeepers The Weasel sucks again." That has been done before. I thought I would understate my humor by pretending to be a Weasel lemming, who was equally or more stupid than her. You, because you also hate the weasel, let my first sentence throw you when I said "Give her a break." After that your little brain short-circuited and was not able to grasp the imbedded sarcasm that not all Asians derive from the same country or speak the same language. I went to lunch only to come back and find the local dingbats had taken me seriously as usual-you in particular referring to me being ignorant. I have forgotten more about world history than you will ever learn. So as a result, I lowered the bar on my expectations for you guys to ever understand. Maybe I can come up with some witty banter on how many of you might notice that you are rednecks. Now I know why these officials that you bitch about get elected, and more sickeningly re-elected. You guys don't do the research, or have the stones to think beyond the good old boy network.
Really? You really think you know more than me? I guess my Phi Beta Kappa brain is too tiny to catch your genius. Not gonna say any more so I can remain at least somewhat anonymous. If you would calm down and read what you originally wrote, you will see that sarcasm rarely translates in typed words. There's an art to it. But I guess all the other people who failed to appreciate your art are idiots, too. I stand by my statement--you would have made your sarcasm clear had you correctly (or at least more closely) made a connection with Animal House, which is what you apparently were trying to do. A wee bit defensive today? All you had to do was be a little more artful in your original post and you would have made your point clear. The fault is yours, not all of us here local dummies who don't know how to read this here sarcasm. My IQ goes to 11.
Dr. Final Frontier
Why would I blindly steal a classic quote and look like a poser hack when I can be more subtle and get people to think in a more creative way just how embarassing this woman is? How exactly would I get from an insult made about Asian/English speaking abilities to involving the Germans anyway? That is why I invoked the Japanese you stunad. And believe me I have several of those fancy degrees too which, when combined with $7 will get you a Starbucks coffee if you can't transpose intelligent thought into real world practice. And if you ever sold your mobile home wheels to invest in Keno....you may be a redneck. You will get partial credit in my book if your last sentence is a Spinal Tap homage.....that is the humor we need in these troubled times. Hugs and Kisses; "ALSO a Dr. Anonymous."
Ah, I'll take one last stab at it. I'm not challenging your history knowledge--you just weren't all that funny! Sorry, but it is true! You seem to be the only one who understood your first comment, so either everyone here is wrong, including several people with those fancy degrees (not just me, though for some reason you singled me out), or you might make room for the possibility that it was just a bad post! No big deal! No reason to get all crazy! Now, if I could just get out of this pod with my friggin' guitar, we could start the show.
Anon 10:23,
I have more degrees gathering dust on the wall than most people and I have to agree with FF.
If your attempt was for sarcasm, you failed in your delivery. Don't blame the audience if it's you who failed to make your point clearly.
Oh, and feel free to call me a redneck because I failed to find evidence of sarcasm in your original post, you couldn't be further from the truth.
If you aren't a redneck at least maybe I can push your buttons enough to go Paul Simonon at The Palladium. Or are you more of a Jason Castro-type fella? Or is that reference also lost on your out of tune behind as well?
this one is funny... i'm glad i went back and read all the comments... try this next time you want to be sarcastic in type...
i'm happy <--- sarcasm
I won't give up the proud fight to restore a sense of humor to all of you. Consider it an intervention. Let us not forget our true enemy, The Weasel.And FF, the chord changes on I Gave My Love A Cherry are something like D-G-D-A-D-A-D-A-Bm-G-D. Smell ya later...
Anon 10:33 - thank you. That is hilarious!
Okay...smoke a peace pipe, guys.
I'm sorry 10:23 anonymous, I confess I missed your sarcasm, too, on the Japan-China thing, although I DID get the sarcasm of the post overall.
Let's all agree on the main point of this: Louise Smith is an idiot, a fraud and an embarrassment.
Like Joe, I'll commend the young man for holding it together after getting asked that question by the FREAKIN PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL!
Talking to Louise is like talking into a mules anus. Bubba? We all know he's dumber than a box of rocks.
I would like to offer a partial apology to Final Frontier. In an effort to make his head explode yesterday I suggested he may be comparable to Jason Castro of American Idol. In exchange for certain spousal compromises, I am forced to watch this dreadful competition (last night I eventually found shoveling dog nuggets more entertaining). After seeing the disgraceful performance of the ukelele playing Jar Jar Binks look-a-like, I apologize to FF because although we may disagree, at least he/she is not sucking the life blood out of the music industry like this dillweed.
I was hoping there was another Jason Castro you were comparing me to--alas for me! Apology accepted, as that guy is off the charts lame. Of course, now I will not be able to look at that guy without thinking of the awful Jar Jar Binks--thanks a lot! If it helps get the image of Jason Castro out of your mind, you should know that I'm not a guy (anonymity is a funny thing).
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