My Grandparents who lived in the house in which we live both died of cancer. My Uncle Donnie who took care of them died of cancer.

Dozens of people that I have had the pleasure of knowing have died in the time that I have lived here and all from Cancer.
I have a couple of theories that I will share, now these are not based on scientific fact just plain old observation.
1) Nearly every weather system that develops on our continent goes from west to east, and we breath air blown all the way across the country blowing all of the good air mixed with all kinds of pollutants from other areas. Often during the summer, not only are we breathing all of those pollutants but we also end up drinking them and eating them. Many of the weather systems dump that weathers rain right smack on top of us with chemicals of all different sorts. Which leads me to my next observation...
2) If all of this weather from across the country rains or snows on us bringing all of the toxic chemicals right here to the ground on which we walk sow our seeds eat our vegetables, in the end seeps down into our groundwater, which in my backyard is exactly 4'1" from the surface.
3) If these various chemicals leach into our soil and eventually into our groundwater, then that means we are drinking all of them. This can't be good for us.
4) Additionally, we are host a huge array of factory farms not only on the eastern shore but the Shenandoah Valley, Pennsylvania, and western Maryland, all of whose water flows right to us.

We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Chicken farms create huge amounts of nitrogen. While nitrogen on very limited scale is good for the soil in mass quantities it is proven to cause cancer.
Moreover, all of the chemicals that we feed these animals including growth hormones and, antibiotics to name a few are not only being eaten when we purchase these animals in our local stores and ingest them, but they are also excreted in their waste.
Recently, it was reported on national news sources that pharmaceuticals have been found in our drinking water. What else is in there. They test for lead, ammonia, chlorine, and other things but are we testing for all of these other things and are we making provision to rectify these.
WBOC did a story the other day about how polluted the Pocomoke River is, because of an antiquated sewer system dumping millions of gallons a day of treated effluent into the river everyday from the Snow Hill, Sewer Treatment Facility.

I found a site this map will show you what factory farms are in your area, how many, and the top polluters.
According to the map Maryland is #10 in the nation for Broiler Chicken Production, and #23 out of 50 in polluters.
This is a very interesting site, and extremely informative. Check it out!
We owe to ourselves and our children to clean up our acts and take responsibility ourselves to make this a healthier place to live.
11 comments: provided the following information on the health effects of Nitrogen.
Nitrogen, while natural occurring element on earth, has been manipulated by humans to help us in many ways from curing bacon (sodium nitrate and nitrite) to fertilizing our fields.
It can be our friend or our's all about our exposure level and what it gets mixed with.
What are the health effects of nitrogen in water?
The human body consists of approximately 2.6% nitrogen, which is a constituent of most proteins and nucleic acids. This means nitrogen is a dietary requirement. Nitrogen is the main constituent of the air we breathe. Increased nitrogen concentrations in air may cause asphyxiation, but mainly because it results in a lower oxygen concentration.
We mainly absorb nitrogen as proteins. These cannot be stored and are therefore directly converted to energy when not required. Nitrogen is excreted through the kidneys as urea. We also release nitrogen through the skin and the intestinal tract. When kidney failure occurs, one is incriminated with protein decomposition products. The calculation factor from nitrogen to protein in 6.25. This value does not represent protein digestibility.
Drinking water contains large amounts of nitrate, and health effects are not expected at concentrations below 1000 mg/L. Nitrates are not generally considered toxic, but at high concentrations the body may convert nitrate to nitrite. Nitrites are toxic salts that disrupt blood oxygen transport by disrupting haemoglobin to methemoglobin conversion. This causes nausea and stomach aches for adults. For young infants it may be extremely risky, because it rapidly causes blood oxygen deprivation.
Nitrites and amines from protein-rich food form so-called nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic substances. This reaction may be prevented by the reducing and anti-oxidant properties of vitamin C.
Examples of toxic nitrogen compounds are PAN-compounds, which are fifty times more toxic than the nitrogen compounds these are converted from (nitriles and nitrilo compounds). NTA is not absorbed in the stomach, because it is complexed with heavy metals. It may however still disrupt electrolyte metabolism.
Nitrogen oxides play a more significant role in air than in water. These can cause breathing disorders. Nitrogen hydrogen acid fumes may cause irritations, heart problems and collapsing.
Health effects of nitrogen
Nitrates and nitrites are known to cause several health effects. These are the
most common effects:
- Reactions with haemoglobin in blood, causing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood to decrease (nitrite)
- Decreased functioning of the thyroid gland (nitrate)
- Vitamin A shortages (nitrate)
- Fashioning of nitro amines, which are known as one of the most common causes of cancer (nitrates and nitrites)
But from a metabolic point of view, nitric oxide (NO) is much more important than nitrogen alone. In 1987, Salvador Moncada discovered that this was a vital body messenger for relaxing muscles, and today we know that it is involved in the cardiovascular system, the immune system, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The enzyme that produces nitric oxide, called nitric oxide synthesis, is abundant in the brain.
Although nitric oxide is relatively short-lived, it can diffuse through membranes to carry out its functions. In 1991, a team headed by K.E. Anderson of Lund University Hospital, Sweden, showed that nitric oxide activates an erection by relaxing the muscle that controls the bloodflow into the penis. The drug Viagra works by releasing nitric oxide to produce the same effect.
Environmental effects of nitrogen
Humans have radically changed natural supplies of nitrates and nitrites. The main cause of the addition of nitrates and nitrites is the extensive use of fertilizers. Combustion processes can also enhance the nitrate and nitrite supplies, due to the emission of nitrogen oxides that can be converted to nitrates and nitrites in the environment.
Nitrates and nitrites also form during chemical production and they are used as food conservers. This causes groundwater and surface water nitrogen concentration, and nitrogen in food to increase greatly.
The addition of nitrogen bonds in the environment has various effects. Firstly, it can change the composition of species due to susceptibility of certain organisms to the consequences of nitrogen compounds. Secondly, mainly nitrite may cause various health effects in humans and animals. Food that is rich in nitrogen compounds can cause the oxygen transport of the blood to decrease, which can have serious consequences for cattle.
High nitrogen uptake can cause problems in the thyroid gland and it can lead to vitamin A shortages. In the animal stomach and intestines nitrates can form nitroamines; dangerously carcinogenic compounds.
Delmarva as an area has the highest cancer rate per 100,000 people in the United States!!!
This is no joke...
The main reason for the problems you read about** OVERPOPULATION The more people , the more it attacks and destroys our resources!! Yet we still have that open door policy, welcoming whoever and shit**ng on our own!!!
The main reason for the problems you read about** OVERPOPULATION The more people , the more it attacks and destroys our resources!!
Unless you're white and your family has been here for more than 350 years you to get the F out of here.
Anon 12:57 & 6:16 - come on now. You two are pretending to be hillbillies right?
Great post and comments Steph, thanks. You sure did your homework. Humans......we are our own worst enemies.
Anonymous 6:16
This really is a very serious question: were there any white people here 350 years ago? That seems like an awfully long time ago. If there were, what was the surname? I want to know because they obviously intermarried.
Northhampton County VA Courthouse is the oldest continuous repository of public records in North America dating all the way back to 1632.
We have friends in Atlantic who have had the family farm since the 40's...the 1640's Taylor is the name.
So let me get this straight... Nitrogen, a naturally occuring element is a major cause of cancer? Your water purifier web site has no reason to bend the truth correct?
Radiation causes cancer and also helps get rid of it. Go figure.
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