My Friend "Cliff from Delmar" saw this guy today driving his Toyota Prius Hybrid with Delaware Farm Truck tags! I'm sure he wasn't on his way back from an errand at Tractor Supply, lol. Furthermore, I'd be willing to bet his yuppie self hasn't even ever stepped foot on a farm, let alone own one.
Section 1. Amend Chapter 21, Title 21 of the Delaware Code
Ҥ 2113. Special farm vehicle registration.
Farmers may register vehicles for farm use in the following manner:
(1) Farm truck license plates (“FT” tags):
a. Farmers may qualify for the reduced registration fee for “FT” license tags if they derive at least $1,000.00 of their annual income from the operation of their farm and they own or rent at least 10 acres which is actively used in the farming operation from which they derive that income.
b. Any vehicle upon which an “FT” license tag is affixed must be used exclusively in the operation of a farm.
c. Farmers shall not hire or rent the farm truck, or permit a farm truck to be used for hauling merchandise, farm products, or other items whatsoever under rent, hire, or for pay.
d. Farmers shall not use any vehicle upon which an “FT” license tag is affixed for any use except in the operation of a farm owned or rented by the registered owner of such vehicle or in aid of and assistance to another farmer for harvest purposes.
(2) Farm vehicles exempt from inspection and registration (“Farm Vehicle” tags):
a. Farmers may qualify for a registration and inspection waiver for a farm motor vehicle, farm vehicle, or farm trailer if they derive at least $1,000.00 of their annual income from the operation of their farm and they own or rent at least 10 acres which are actively used in the farming operation from which they derive that income.
b. Any vehicle or trailer upon which a “Farm Vehicle” tag is affixed must be used exclusively in the operation of a farm.
c. No farm motor vehicle, farm vehicle, or farm trailer may be used for hire or for any use except in the exclusive operation of a farm owned or rented by the owner of such vehicle or trailer, or in aid of and assistance to another farmer for harvest purposes.
d. Farmers shall not hire or rent any farm motor vehicle, farm vehicle, or farm trailer, or permit a farm motor vehicle, farm vehicle, or farm trailer to be used for hauling merchandise, farm products, or other items whatsoever under rent, hire, or for pay.
e. Farmers shall not use any vehicle or trailer upon which an “Farm Vehicle” tag is affixed for any use except in the operation of a farm owned or rented by the titled owner of such vehicle or trailer or in aid of and assistance to another farmer for harvest purposes.
f. No farm motor vehicle, farm vehicle, or farm trailer may be operated or towed upon the public highways or roads unless:
1. Those highways and roads are within a 10 mile radius of a farm owned or managed by the owner of the vehicle or trailer;
2. The vehicle or trailer is operated or towed by a person who is properly licensed by the Division of Motor Vehicles;
3. The vehicle or trailer is properly equipped with a stop light, turn signals and brakes which are in a safe operating condition.”
Section 2. Amend §2151(8), Title 21 of the Delaware Code by deleting the words “by farmers who derive 70 percent or more of their income from the operation of their farms” and substituting in lieu thereof the words “by farmers who derive at least $1,000 of their annual income from the operation of their farm and they own or rent at least 10 acres which are actively used in the farming operation from which they derive that income”.
Approved July 19, 2004
You would have a field day in Virginia...
I have seen them use a piece of cardboard with the word FARM written on it.
It says "in the operation of a farm" so they could be using it to run for parts or paper work related errands, or running for lunch even. If they meet all the def. of a farm, hell, why not? Saving fuel....smart move!
why don't you go make a citizens arrest?
i bet he pays his property taxes
There has to be some perks to being a farmer! My dad was a farmer during the depression. My mom bought hamburger for our dog to eat at that time, because that is all the dog would eat. I am sure the neighbors would have had a fit if they had known. I sure wouldn't want to be a farmer today. Heck, I had bad luck with 10 tomato plants last year.
at least he has a tag. go to smith island where tags arent required.
Go to the McGee farm in Selbyville where the sons ride around days and nights in there personal trucks with farm tags. Figure that one out.
Anonymous said...
at least he has a tag. go to smith island where tags arent required.
8:54 PM
Tags are required in Smith Island, although they think they are their own law.
Owns one of the largest farms in the greater millsboro area. GEt facts straight before spewing a pack of lies.
I say good for her / him! We should all have the guts to say no to this wicked government. Why are we all giving them our money anyway? Why do we think the government should tell us what to do, what to eat, what to drink? The elites extort money from us in so many ways it is hard to count. What if all of us put a cardboard sign on the rear of our cars that said "just say no - to the government". Ha
anon. 3:42: why do you care? Really, why do you care if one person gets one over on the government? I don't get this. Instead, why don't we all just follow the lead and say no to the government?
i bet one thing !that tag there is a fortune itself. probably worth more than that hybrid rice its screwed too.
This is not a farm tag. It's a personalized plate "FT 4". Although I can see where you might mistake this for a farm plate.
This could be a fake tag. I've seen PC0 (zero) before and I called the DMV and that is fake. In general, the number immediately succeeds any prefix on the tag - here, there is a space between FT and 4. However, this might just be because of the black tag.
Either way, ever since low tags started to be worth lots of money, the DMV has been more lenient with the use of specialty tags. I always see lower PC tags on sedans and number tags on SUVs/station wagons. Hope this sheds some light.
yall dont know what your talking about. the tags that say FT**** are legal for use, anytime, anywhere. It can be used just like a regular tag. Its the red and white ones that say farm use whout a registration sticker or anything that have to play by all the rules said on this page.
Alright, I'm gonna set everyone straight here and go along with the last comment. This tag says ft4. It happens to be worth quite a sum of money and is owned belongs to one of the biggest amounts of land in lower DE. Although black and white FT tags are not legal (only stainless steel and blue & gold(because of the later years they started to get produced)), this happens to be a very legal tag to go anywhere you want to with, whether it be 10 miles or a million miles away. I have quite a few on my vehicles, and and they also don't save me any registration money anymore so there is no difference from these tags to a C**** or a CL**** or just a plain number tag. The only only tags that have a retriction anymore are red and white FARM USE and blue and white FARM VEHICLE farm bureau tags. They are only allowed to go ten miles away from the farm and can only be used for farm purposes such as hauling grain or making a run to southern states, etc. So leave this prius alone. It's not doing a thing in the world wrong except looking hideous going down the road. But at least it's helping the environment i guess.
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