I'm not proud of the fact that I've been a 36" waist the past two years. However, when I was heading up the tower at the new Fire Station 16, even I felt it being snug. Then, Comegys came up the stairs and wanted to attempt to get up to the very top like I had been. I thought, this should get interesting!
The next thing I knew, Bubba was rubbing hips on both handrails going up, (hence photo #1) and as he wanted to act like a very young man, the last few steps he sort of raced up there and almost tripped on the last one at the top. If was quite humorous. You know, one of those, WHAT? WHAT? Nothing happened! LOL
After the rise in blood pressure they had to grease the rails so he could come back down again, not. LOL
By the way, this Tower, (although in the original drawings) was NOT planned, (so they claimed) but found they had additional funds to build it and they added it onto the project for I believe around $1,000,000.00. I'm sure I'll be corrected on that figure but if I'm not, you'll know this 4 concrete wall structure was yet another BS expense on the Fire Department. Again, the funny part is, it's in the drawings of the original plans and once again the Taxpayers were scammed.
Yea right, Joe! Training???? FF's don't need any training!! It's just a waste of money. Jest go out there and wing it. Heck, you know all there is to know about firefighting, and you have not been to a fire school 1. If it burns down, who cares! They should have insurance. If somebody's kid dies, the parents cant just have another. If a parent dies, well they were getting old anyway. If a single person dies, well, they didn't have a family, so who cares. There's too many people on this Earth now anyway. We need to send someone to the call first, in a economy car, going the speed limit, to verify and assess the fire, and then just send just whatever equipment they truly need. All this wasteful spending going on in FD's! If more building would burn dwn to the ground, it would create jobs and help stimulate the economy. Right, fire chief Albero??
I haven't seen an image that compelling and tragic since the lovely Shelly Winters wiggled her juicy behind through the airshafts of the doomed SS Poseidon.
Joe. Another mission. Use your mobile uplink to find out who local ff is. Give us a real name. Give us some pictures. Let us seek him out an embarass him in front of his work supervisors regarding his hillbilly ways. Make him cry like a little girl my man.
You know, I don't like Bubba either, but you are very rude talking about his size. It's not his size that matters when he votes how Barrie wants him to vote and it's not his size that matters when he opens his stupid mouth. So why not lay off what size someone may be and stick to reporting like reporters should do.
I don't think the stupid tower was necessary either, especially there, but it's there and so be it, they are not going to tear it down because Bubba is too big to get up the steps or because it cost the taxpayers too much. Quit being so rude. We know it just comes natural for you, but why not try to change.
Being fat is a self-inflicted wound. I have about this much sympathy (imagine my fingers held very very very close together)Perhaps if we mock him and others they will stop piling crap in their faces so they will not die of heart disease at age 44.
Anon 10:46
The tower at the new station does provide for some valuable training. Please take a look around the city at what is being built and what is already there so far as multi-story buildings. Downtown in the One Plaza East, a building that changes inside constantly. Look at SU. Many doems on Cambed ave and the New building on 13 & College ave. The new condos on the river and more to come (supossedly). Multi-story building use different tecniques than single story or two story dwellings. This type of building will become more and more prevalent in our future and the training for working fires in these structures is important.
The addition of the tower as well as the other training props incorporated in hte new building is indeed a plus.
10:46,i agree with you it is very rude to make remark about someone size.but as i have said in the past.this is a personal thing with joe it's not all about the council.he is very rude. so let me be the first to say joe you are nothing to look at yourself,see if you like this.my parents told me if i didn't have anything to say nice don't say anything at all.your attack on people size doesn't say much for your up bringing. and some peoples weight is done to health problems.
if some peoples wait is done to health problems it is that much more important they eet better. n it s not jus joe who thinks a lot of u need an intervention.
Anonymous said...
if some peoples wait is done to health problems it is that much more important they eet better. n it s not jus joe who thinks a lot of u need an intervention.
12:48 PM
bubba dit u rite dis urself?
Joe - you a size 36 pants - c'mon! I've seen pics - you're one of those guys that WEARS a size 36 but should be in a 40 or 42 - you just squeeze in and let the Dunlap disease prevail.... Pt calling the kettle black?
know i couldnnt rite it. i am steel stuk n this damn starwell. pleeze help i am very thursty.
Breaking News ----The mayor is having the stairs taken out of the tower and putting in an elevator just for Bubba. I knew she cared for him and we citizens don't mind paying out a little more. It's just money and more tax money keeps pouring in.
I have just heard that local fire officials have consulted with San Francisco fire hero, Chief Michael O'Hallorhan regarding an immediate rescue regarding the beloved male figure trapped in the Salisbury fire department training tower. O'Hallorhan and the fire cadet who is last to respond to the accident scene will be helicoptered to the top of the apparatus. C4 will be placed on the roof water tanks and exploded so that the victim can be appropriately flushed to the bottom of the structure. Maureen McGovern will perform an acapulco version of "The Morning After" to soothe first responders during this trying time. More on this captivating story as it develops.
It's awful funny you say the tower wasn't planned Joe. I've been involved in the process from the start just like the tower, from the start.
Anonymous said...
It's awful funny you say the tower wasn't planned Joe. I've been involved in the process from the start just like the tower, from the start.
8:38 PM
BFD!! Who care what you have been doing. Isn't there a suitable tower 15 minutes down the road at the University that was already bought and paid for by the tax payers and ready to use any time they want? Nothing like Smallsbury duplicating services again and then demanding more taxes.
Joe, looking at the tower, building space and property, why couldn't we sell it to the state for $ 20 million to use for a white collar prison for people like Ray Lewis, Ray Sharma, the other fellows that were fired at the landfill and probably Barrie, Paul, Gary and the list gets added to weekly.Train them, puy them on work release to be semi-paid firemen and fireladies.Oh dear and life goes on.
Bubba, how could you get mixed up with another woman? You got me pregnant 3 years ago and now lie about it. Some man you are. Ever hear of being faithful?
Dere is no time for dis as i am steel stuk in this damn tower. Pleez do knot let dem use esplosives i dont want to be blowed up i want a second opinyon. n could sumone get ms mgovrn to stop singing dat damn song.
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