Click on image above.
I encourage each and every one of you to please click on the first photo and enlarge it. It clearly shows Gary's cell phone in his hand and as he hears my camera clicking away, he looks up and gives me one of those, (I'm going to kill you) looks.
At this point in time, the Mayor left the meeting and there's no doubt in my mind she was texting Gary to tell him what to say and do. This went on for quite some time and perhaps we've cornered their scheme to actually help Gary come off more intelligent?
Nevertheless, cell phones MUST be banned by Council Members during Council Meetings.
That is just downright rude and disrespectful to the citizens of Wicomico County!
Perhaps you meant to say the citizens of Salisbury?
Why does she leave the meeting so often ?
It's impossible to make a stump look intelligent.
Having observed Barrie's modus operandi over a very long period of time, I often wondered why she had not utilized this technique to communicate with Gary during meetings. Recall, too, that Gary sometimes exits worksessions to take 'calls'. Joe is on to something here. I want Terry and Debbie to call Gary out on the spot at meetings if it happens again. We don't have to worry about Shanie 'cause she wouldn't have a clue how to do it--she's so stupid.
What a great way for Bubba to see someone's body language and facial expression, and he's R NECKS MARE.
I wonder if he can type one handed too?
yes... yes i did mean the citizens of Salisbury. thanks Joe, i've had the county council on my brain a lot here lately!
What a GOOF Ball! How did he make it this far in life?
And Yes, how RUDE. So unprofessional! He and the MARE both need could learn some proper etiquette.
Not only is this texting rude, but I am sure people saw on PAC 14 how the mayor rared back in her chair on more than one occasion and threw her head back and her hands up to her head. Totally unprofessional and uncalled for conduct from a person in that position. Very immature. This was not the first meeting she has shown this same behavior. Why doesn't Louise call her down. You can hear her grunting at times, too. Disgusting
obviously the standard for cell phones for the public is different than the standard for our illustrious leaders. we are told to turn ours off. oh well, when a weasel is giving the orders, who knows.
I'm with nalagirl again. She has it all said and I too think it is extremely rude of both Gary and the mare to pull this stuff during a council meeting. The Weasel should put a stop to it immediately and Debbie and Terry should call her on it. What's good for the public attending is the same for those bosos!
A. Goetz
I do not have to enlarge the picture because I was at that meeting and watched in pure horror at the way this as well as other meetings are held. I saw Gary texting and I heard Louse, sounding like the old school marm and calling her kids down for laughing, and then laughing herself. I also saw the Mayor ( Linda Blair look alike) make a complete fool of her self. Would not have missed it for the world. Thank God for Pac14
Wanda Disharoon
joealbero said...
Perhaps you meant to say the citizens of Salisbury?
9:16 AM
Salisbury is Wicomico, but we get the point.
Anonymous said...
Why does she leave the meeting so often ?
9:23 AM
Why does she attend the meeting anyway? It is not required that she be there.
Anyone with just a thimble full of intelligence and common sense knows to turn of the cell phone when entering a meeting, so...obviously Gary has none of either. The Weasal should say something to him for texting during a meeting and she should say something to the Mare for grandstanding and constantly getting up and parading around. For those of you who have children at home, you should let them watch these meetings on Pac 14 and explain to them that this is the way you do not act in public.
anon 12:31pm She just goes so she can get her daily dose of Joe- Joe Albero that is. She wants to make sure her stool pigeons do want she has told them to do and a certain person named JOE does not change their feeble minds for them. As far as the one arm text messages from Gary - he needs to conform to the same rules everyone else is asked to follow. I wish we all had his phone number we could all send him our concerns during the next council meeting.
I recently attended a Scout meeting, kids around 12 years old, and THEY were using Robert's Rules of Order to run their meeting....why is God's name doesn't the City Council have someone acting as Parliamentarian at their meetings? It would solve so many of their childish problems, and maybe they could act like "grown-ups" like the Girl Scouts!
Oh, and here's a thought...why doesn't everybody in the room hold up their phones while these supposedly important people disrespect the process by texting? At least they would know that someone was noticing.
anon 3:00pm maybe we should get our boy scouts and girl scouts to attend the council meetings as instructors of how a proper meeting should be run.I am Quite sure the disrespectful individuals running this council including the Mare could learn a lot from them.
Let's get his # and flood him with messages at the next meeting!
What a poor excuse for elected officials. These people are an embarassment to anyone who has a Salisbury address. I know that there are two council members who have a more mature and businesslike approach, but unfortunately no casual observer would remember them. It's the others who make a name for themselves (bad) and for the city (also bad). What a shame for all of us.
No matter how the mare behaves, she will always be disgusting.
Now you can see why her daughter was kicking Mrs. Rachel Polk in the city parking lot, the nut don't fall far from the tree. I guess Shamie was OK with that?
I like the idea of people holding up their cell phones when that happens.
Watching PAC 14 this Monday night, it's pretty obvious to me that Terry Cohen knows Roberts Rules and that Louise Smith does not.
It's also pretty obvious that Gary Comegys doesn't know basic civics or common courtesy.
Debbie Campbell knows housing and finance.
Shanie knows nothing. Her absence took away nothing, but the background grunting, sighing and chewing.
The mayor knows how to throw a hissy fit.
And that's alls I knows.
Isn't he the ultimate "good ole boy"?
The Tilghman famiy certainly gives Salisbury a bad name.Barrie is a psychotic, alcoholic and dictator.She is prejudice and is scheming to rid Salisbury of the poor Black folks and Shamie does not have a clue what's happening. Barrie's daughter is a spoiled brat who has no social skills and resorts to physical violence to get her way. Matt tries to sell insurance and throws a fit when he does not get the business he has bid on. If my last name was TILGHMAN, Id hire Paul Wlber to change it. In response to one of the commenters, Barrie leaves the meetings to go get a drink of liquor and throw herself on the floor in frustration kick ,roll around and pray that Joe Albero will drop dead or become a Barrie angel and bless all her decisions and say amen to all her prophesies.
One word: Compound Stupid
Hey 9:54:
Bubba knows beer from the bottom of the glass, up.
Joe: if you can get his cell number ... well, you know what I mean!
Bubba's Best Friend:
"Matt" is now a tool of the Bank of Delmarva - it's not his insurance agency.
Gary's cell phone number is right on his webpage on the Contact page
let the texting begin!
Maybe it's a tape recorder designed to self-destruct....
That's what people should do at the May 12 council meeting. Blast him with phone call after phone call between 6:15 PM until adjournment.
Talk about looking dumb, his knuckles will be dragging the floor, hey you know he may actually be the missing link from ape to man Hehehehee
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