On Monday night there was no water and services in the GOB based on this valve bursting. Many of these pipes were put into place in the 1930's and this is part of the infrastructure the Mayor was talking about getting old in her recent Press Conference.
It's not often I agree with the Mayor but how can you argue the fact that things are getting old and one can only expect the worst down the road and or in the near future.
It's kind of like the Salisbury Zoo. Many of the animals there are aging and they too will start dying off and their inventory will drop dramatically in the next few years.
So what does this mean for all of you? It means, someone is going to have to pay for it! Let me also add, just what has the Mayor done for the City of Salisbury to drive more people into the City and want to live here? You see, that's what it's going to take. So since there's only 25% of you that are eligible to vote, (since 75% of the properties are rentals) it's easier to make the entire City rentals, remove the voters and raise taxes. Then no one will care, no one will vote and the Mayor will have their way any time they want it. Salisbury becomes one big business, the rental business.
In the mean time, anyone who thinks they're threatening this Mayor about moving, she couldn't care less. The more of you that move, the easier it is to stay in Office.
In the mean time, pray accidents like this don't happen too often because the Mayor will use this against the taxpayers like there's no tomorrow. Then contact the proper authorities about them holding meetings in a building illegally. No water and sewer, no meetings.
Case in point, Ocean City. The taxes have gone through the roof because of the higher assessments, whereby the rate should have dropped much more, they just take the windfall and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, and the people most affected, ie: the people that can't vote PAY FOR IT. You better listen to Joe, and get on board while you can. Throw the mare the he** out, get some good business people and conservatives on the Council, or you will forever live with the results. Build a couple more ten million dollar buildings and you will see.
It's the lack of repair and replacement of City infrastructure -- water & sewer mains, roads, etc. -- that has allowed Barrie to accumulate the surplus she boasts about. Now she's starting to go through it like gangbusters -- over $4 Million in her proposed FY2009 budget to avoid a huge increase in fees before she has to run again in the 2009 election. And she's still cutting back on road work -- another $100,000 being cut to avoid another tax increase.
You mean they had a public meeting in a building with no toilet facilties, no drinking water or fire sprinklers? Shows you how public safety is regulated here, little to none. In case of fire you can't use the elevators, that could have been a disaster and a lawsuit that would have bankrupt the city. As The Stomach Turns should be Salisbury's theme.
if they would budget what is needed for what is needed, we'd all be O.K.
The Salisbury Zoo was a great place when it was newer, fresher. Back then it was more of a "big deal" for parents to take their kids to Baltimore or D.C. to a zoo.
But our zoo is now old, smelly, messy and the animals are ancient. Maybe it's time to CLOSE the zoo and use the money to refresh the rest of the City Park. The whole thing is looking very "ghetto" and I don't think that's the impression Salisbury wants to give people.
The same thing happened in Baltimore when their Zoo fell into disrepair. The whole area became a crack and heroin infested ghetto. Huh, let's see maybe it started with the homeless living there just like they do here now.
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