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Now I'm mad! I learned this morning that the City of Salisbury, Mayor Barrie Tilghman, Chief See and Deputy Chief Gordy are ONCE AGAIN trying to FIRE yet another 18 year veteran of the City, Mr. David Merritt of the Salisbury Fire Department.
That's right Folks. Here's yet another victim of their bullshit brotherhood crap where they'll do anything to advance and forget where they came from. They did it to my Wife after 18 years too.
If ANY ONE OF YOU have had the pleasure of getting to know this man, they do not come any finer! Dedication, honorable, fair and a true Brother, yet his Brothers are standing there watching yet ANOTHER person fall and get screwed by the system and those dumb Idiots just stand there and watch because they're getting flat screen tv's and new Fire Trucks as well as a new station.
So please, each and every one of you pieces of sh!t, don't come on here and talk Brotherhood to me. And as far as See & Gordy go, game on, you pieces of sh!t! Thank God your fat asses never got hurt on the job so bad you couldn't perform 100%, right?
I have lost all respect for these two and as it was my goal to rid of John Jacobs, Jim Rapp & Carrie Samis, See & Gordy are now next. Oh, if you think it's not possible, just look at Jacobs, Rapp & Samis. I'm batting a thousand!
Joe, I don't know the facts, however brotherhood ends with a paycheck. Don't expect the men in the department to stand up for a brother, if it may hurt thier chance of a promotion or thier check, won't happen.
Does the "Mare" and Fire Chief get along, or does he stand up to her? I am asking a serious question. If he folds to her, thats why a Chief should never work directly for one person, fire or police or otherwise.
So you are saying that because he was told to come back to work or lose his job that the guys on the main floor are to be held accountable? That is from a level way higher that us at the top of the stairs. Years ago this happened to another career employee.
Thats sad to hear! I do know Mr. Merritt on a professional basis and yes he is a dedicated, hard working, dependable man.
Whats up with See and Gordy?
The point here is, you have NO job security, even at the risks all of you claim to take every day.
And I don't give a shit wahat LEVEL you're at or in, BROTHERHOOD is BROTHERHOOD! You know, "YOU GO, I GO!"
Oh, that's right, that's ONLY in the Movies, I forgot.
Pansie ass little girls. Stand up for one and other!
Ask former Chief Brezler about the nature of "brotherhood" in the SFD.
Great point 9:59!
Another one of the finest men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting on the Eastern Shore!
See & Gordy need to GO!
Joe, whats the background here, I hate for you to lose cedibility, can he even come back to work? If he can't, the next thing you would say is they are waisting more tax dollars keeping him. Don't tell half the story. Also, if he can't come back, but not filling his position keeps the staff one short somewhere which is not safe, and thats maybe why they can't disagree with letting him go.
Joe, your comments are on target but calling the spineless men "girls" is off the mark. On the recent "What Would You Do?" TV show about coming to the aid of people in dire situations involving law breaking, domestic violence, etc., the ones who stood up and protected others were far more likely to be women. Even when there was physical aggression being inflicted, women were more likely to step in. Please consider this before you call those with no backbone "girls".
Breszler was worthless slime! The Sta 2 vollies may not have won everthing they should have, but at least they ran that guy out of town!
Its not just SFD, its with all the departments, granted more with the ones that have paid personel, and those with a rank structure based pay scale.
Let's try this again. YOU GO, I GO! A Brotherhood doesn't HARP on one man injured and leaving him lying in the field after 18 YEARS, you Idiot!
You either stand TOGETHER as men for one of your own or you just go on living like the pussies that you are and STOP using words like Brotherhood because the REAL MEN out there wouldn't stand for your pink laced attitudes, such as the comment you just made.
You make me sick with your excuses! Talk about losing credibility! When a man is down, you make room for his salary, you piece of shit! Not a $1,200,000.00 Ladder Truck and two more Trucks behind it!
I heard that fat piece of shit Chief went in there and cleared out his locker. You must be one proud fat ass piece of shit Chief there Chiefy. Yeah, you're a man turning around the Department all right.
Run fast, all of you because the City of Salisbury only wants and needs you as long as YOU'RE giving 100%, not them! This is EXACTLY why they created UNIONS! To PROTECT you guys because the people at the top clearly couldn't give a shit about you.
The entire City Employees should GO UNION! That will show the Chief how to be a man!
10:08, Please Joe, don't say that union word, you think it's bad, then it gets worse. Come to think of it, no-body wins when politics get involved, no-body.
10:01, Joe he is just asking for some background. We support your position here, just supply some more facts.
It is very sad that you can get hurt at work and then be told come back buy what ever date or lose your job. Mr. Merritt is attempting to get his injured foot healed and is getting screwed with. I hope he has a good lawyer.
Trust me, our lawyer was the very best money could buy and Barrie Tilghman learned that. He has NEVER lost a workers comp case, NEVER!
That being said, in order to get him you have to already be a client doing a ton of business with that Firm, like I already do.
So here's what I'll tell you about that point. Find out what your value is right up front for your injury and that's probably what you'll get. My guess, (honest to God) in this case, maybe $10,000.00! MAX!
You mark my words, that's the MOST he'll see out of it. This is where the anger comes in. You become outraged because there's no way after 18 years your injury could be so worthless. WANNA BET? Your money against mine, I guarantee you, I'll win the bet!
So when you Idiots out there stand up for See & Gordy, look around real good and know if you get hurt just how screwed you're going to be.
OIr are you the type that walks around thinking you'll never get hurt or you'll never die? If that's the case, then just keep on posting supportive comments towards See & Gordy and we'll know who and what you're all about.
What a crying shame that Paramerritt got hurt on duty, doing a task that he was directed to by a ranking officer, on that rag that is called Truck 16 and if failed and crushed his foot! It was not his fault that the truck failed or that the hospital missed that he was injured worse than they initially thought their subsequent "rehab" made it worse. I know that he was scheduled to have surgery to fix it, but is getting shafted by workmans comp too! Paramerritt, burn em!
Deena B.
Dam Joe, tell us how you really feel. LOL btw, are thee any firemen or fire depts you get along with?
Joe, I couldnt agree with you more. It really hits the heart when i see people getting screwed because they got hurt. Here is a guy that, from what i gather, served the city for 18 years. He put his life on the line to serve a cause. He didnt ask if the person her was helping was hurt or could pay for some sort of tax or service. He just went out and served the city. It truely saddens me to hear this. There really is no more true brotherhood and this is horrible. It is pretty much everywhere you go now days. There is no true loyalty or brotherhood. People will screw over there own family so you know they will stick a hot cole iron into the back of a friend. I hope everything works out for him. God Bless him and his family.
11:00 Well said. Mind if I ask how old you are?
Nothing in the fire service is like it was years ago when everyone paid or volunteer had respect for each other. This man has been at it for 18 years and I have never heard of him doing anything to bring a bad name on any department he has been associated with. He got hurt and was misdiagnosed, that isn't his fault he could only tell them how much it hurt and they go from there, sounds to me like he needs to do something about the doctor that treated him and the SFD. David See is such a joke he wants to fire someone who got hurt within his FD but he sits on his butt all day, why doesn't he with all of his infinite wisdom take David's spot until he can come back or how about Gordy. Oh wait I bet neither one of them could pass the PT test required to be a firefigher there. Aren't "leaders" supposed to lead by example, they should be able to step in at any time and do a job if needed. All I have to say is fight for your right Dave, some of us are still behind you.
Neither See or Gordy have enough brains to pass the NREMT-P exam both of them together couldn't pass it. But it is my understanding that the word to come back to work, or be terminated came from higher up. I guess Merritt pissed in the Mares cornflakes. And yes it has happened before ar SFD, so this is nothing new except that person was not out on workers comp.
Here is a fact. Why is David's foot ok to run calls as a Chief in Princess Anne but, not well enough to work in Salisbury?
Dave Meritt worked with me for many years. He was injured in August of 2007 while operating a ladder truck. Dave was always great to work with and was very good firefighter and Paramedic. I hope that he is able to return soon after his surgery. I am not aware of the City firing him or getting rid of Dave. This would be a big loss to the department.
This is the new philosophy of the S.F.D. Dont get hurt or your gone. At a time when the city is crying for Paramedics and can't get them, it doesn't make sense. This trick has been played before by these guys.
The ladder truck has had numerous problems and needed to be replaced years ago. When this accident happened they stated " This P.O.S. has injured the last person and we're going to City Hall and get emergency funds to replace it tomorrow" Well, that changed the next day and nothing has happened. That SAFETY platform they harp on all the time is BULL. The funds have been there several times to replace the truck and it hasn't happened.
This guy gets hurt while on the job and they tell him to get back to work by a certain date or your gone. Dave is getting ready to be a very wealthy man.
Joe, so is this really true, has he been fired or not? Before anyone can help, we need to know. I hope you didn't start all this on a rumor.
If you check into it Joe the sfd is not the only ones with this policy. I understand the same thing just happend to a deputy from the wcso. I hear he got hurt on the job was out having surgery and recovery time. When he was called by his supervisor and told he was on his own time and only had so many days to return to work or he was gone.
PLEASE tell me EXACTLY why he is getting fired. I want to know EXACTLY why.
Here’s a man hurt on the job by a 28 year old ladder truck with tons of documented problems and the city wants to terminate him. Hum, I can say illegal and so can you. David is a well educated instructor, firefighter/paramedic who is liked by all. Trying to terminate David is insane.
The brothers and sisters like Paramedic Merritt. Its the upper management that wants to kick him to the curb. This man did everything asked of him and this is how they treat him. Their equipment failed and hurt him and he is expected to rush back. If your medical system wasn't playing games, then he would be back. This man has been strung along since August and still isn't right. He deserves better and you know it.
While you're gunnin' for people who work for the city and who think they have ultimate power, there is a lady named Jana Potvin. Please put her on the list.
Now the new fire station is complete See and Gordy days should be numbered.
I hope Merritt owns salisbury fire department when its over.
Here is the question you all should be asking. Where is the Local 4246 that he is a member of ?
He isnt terminated yet as I hear it. He was sent a letter saying be back to work by a date in August or lose his job. It happens to be that the day before that date is when the surgery on his foot has been scheduled. Employees of Salisbury have such a great employer.
Sounds to me like Dave Merritt needs a GOOD Philadelphia lawyer to come down here and teach this city one or two things. I hope they use Paul Wilber to defend the city against him. He'll have his case IN THE MONEY BAG.
The local is there. If a member wants to hav the assistance of the local lawyer the member needs to contact the local asking for the lawyers assistance. Merritt is aware of this. I cant say if he has utilized this process or not
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