Carlos Gonzalez, B/M, 21, Salisbury, MD.
James Alfred Hill, W/M, 28, Salisbury, MD.
On 4-19-06, Deputies from the WCSO responded to the Wicomico County Youth & Civic Center to investigate a motor vehicle theft. Upon arrival it was discovered that two work release inmates from the WCDC, James Hill and Carlos Gonzalez, who were working at the Civic Center gained access to a set of keys to a county vehicle and took off with the vehicle.
The vehicle is a 2000 Green Dodge Caravan with Maryland Tags, <578013. Both subjects are presumed to still be in the vehicle and their current whereabouts are unknown.
Anyone with information as to the location of Hill or Gonzalez, OR the Dodge Caravan is asked to contact the WCSO at 410-548-4891.
Because the two did not return to the Detention Center, Arrest Warrants have been issued charging them with 2nd Degree Escape. In addition, both suspects will face additional charges in relation to the vehicle they stole from the Civic Center.
DUMB ASSES !! Now lock em up FOREVER!!!!
AMAZING YOU READ ABOUT THIS 2 DAYS LATER ON YOUR BLOG.What happened to notifying the public of these instants?Headofhousehold goes in hiding or kissing ass again.TWO DAYS AND NOTHING WAS REPORTED TO THE PUBLIC.Thats another mark for replacement of the Headofhousehold.I also understand that when stall calls him at home the wife will not give him the phone until they tell her what the calls about.
if this happened in 2006 why do i care? u should fix the date :)
anon 1:34>>What difference does it make?It was not reported for 2 days.
bring back the chain gangs and make them all work for real, I'm sick to death of paying for their housing,gymns, tv's, educations n such. wmdt done an ivestigation 5 r 6yrs ago, then it cost 33thousand a yr to house 1 inmate at eci. Thats more than the averge person makes to raise a family on!! Just not fair! Sick of taxes! Make them earn their keep, put them to work and cut down our cost!! Theres no incentive to stay out!!! they've got it made in there!!
that head of household get paid to give them a 2 day head start????
hip boots:
Saying "they have it made in there (meaning jail)."
Until you have walked in an inmates/loved one shoes, I wouldnt judge if I were you.
Well if the inmates/ loved ones acted like a human being in the first place and controlled themselves they wouldn't be there. I bet its societies fault right?
9:48, If prison were like it should be maybe so many would try to do better not to be there. The amount of repeat criminals is alarming. Make them work to defray the cost, why should the rest of us be punished by paying for their luxuiries? I'm sorry for the loss of your loved one, perhaps you'll pay my share of the taxes?
If they do the crime they must do the time....on easy street.
Maybe not a luxury spa, but they usually don't have to work every day like I have to, to pay their keep. There are plenty of jobs which could be done by inmates, and perhaps defray the expenses involved with keeping them incarcerated. AND, why aren't more of these non-violent offenders
given home confinement with ankle bracelet systems? Then their "loved ones" could bear the expense of keeping them in the style they want to be kept in...
carlos gonzales is convicted of displaying obscene matter to a minor, according to md case search, and was sentenced to (2) years in 07. specifically the sentencing judge stated, "NO WORK RELEASE AUTHORIZED." however, it appears that in october 07, some SMART (LOL) judge decided against that. now he's probably in the community molesting children, AGAIN!!! great job justice system!!
Seriously, why was this not the lead story on ALL the mainstream media?
Once again, if I didn't read SBYNEWS I wouldn't know something important.
Yeah two escaped criminals on the loose and no news from MSM. They were too busy working on the article about Joe and posting his picture.
hip boots: 3:57am:
How do you know they have luxuries? Have you actually been in jail to know? And by the way I didnt have a loss of a loved one. See there you go thinking and judging again!! Like I said until you have been there or walked in someone elses shoes be careful what you say!!!
anon 8:46am:
Ask your court systems (judges) why they dont do home detention more. An by the way, inmates do work everyday to earn their keep just like you and I do.
Funny you think that. The people that I've spoken with who have spent time in the pokey all spend alot of time doing nothing, occasionally reading or watching TV. I don't know of any who hold down a job.
Are you actually complaining that inmates don't have luxuries? How crazy is that? The fact that they have food and a bed is a luxury to someone in jail. I have food and a bed, but I have to abide by the law and work every day to provide mine....I also ahve to work every day to provide theirs. So, get a life and quit defending the indefensible.
In Pennsylvania there is a prison that the inmates grow all of their own vegetables.
In Arizona the Maricopa County Jail is run by Joe Arpaio and he runs a tight ship. Ask anyone out there how they like their pink underwear or pink jumpsuits. He runs his jail more efficiently than any corporation in the country. Maybe someone should either go out there and see how it's done or bring Joe Arpaio out here to show you how its done. Imagine the funds the county would save if we did it the same as Joe Arpaio. ACLU and every other bleeding heart be damned.
If Gonzalez is in fact a child molester he should be shot ON SIGHT.They are scumbags who jail is to good for.
And who the HELL is "head of household" I have no idea what you are alluding to.
When you are in jail they have jobs for the inmates to do. They have to pay so much of their money to stay there. Isnt that like a job like we have except we dont pay the jail we pay a mortgage.
As far as luxuries, no i dont think they should have luxuries. That was the point!! Someone said that inmates have luxuries in jail and I was stating that they do not have luxuries like you and I do and i dont expect them to. But lets remember they are human to and people every where makes mistakes. Some bigger than other ones. I feel they should be punished for whatever they have done in society but also i feel they should be treated correctly too!!!
When you are in jail they have jobs for the inmates to do. They have to pay so much of their money to stay there. Isnt that like a job like we have except we dont pay the jail we pay a mortgage.
As far as luxuries, no i dont think they should have luxuries. That was the point!! Someone said that inmates have luxuries in jail and I was stating that they do not have luxuries like you and I do and i dont expect them to. But lets remember they are human to and people every where makes mistakes. Some bigger than other ones. I feel they should be punished for whatever they have done in society but also i feel they should be treated correctly too!!!
By the way, I do have a life and i will defend people that cant defend themselves from vultures like you.
Sometimes I think you're too harsh on commenters. It turns out I was wrong...some people who write on your blog are total idiots. It would please me to be able to give this one particular writer a piece of my mind.
You DO have incredible self control.
2:32pm, Had you read my first post you know I'm NOT judging, its fact!
Aprox. 5 r 6 yrs ago 47 or 16 done aninvestigation on eci, at the time the state was paying my 29thou a yr to raise a family of 4. Yet they spend 35thou a yr to raise 1 inmate at eci. When the took the camras into the pantry there they pointed out cases and cases of top brand items such as Pringles, not food lion brand! I couldnt afford pringles for my family. Twice a year they ordered subs from RED DOOR for ALL the inmates, was several thous a pop. No luxuries my A$$!! Its no damn wonder theres so many repeat criminals, other than freedom to come n go they've got it made! You cant live that good on 50thou a yr now!
By now the cost must be over 40thou per/inmate. Tv, a/c, gymn, library, free college, and internet! And more than likely thats where 2:32pm is posting from!
anom 4:42
Everyone has an opinion so why not state yours. Not everyone is an idiot!
Judge hip boots 5:53:
First of all the pringles that probably were seen goes to the commonsary for the inmates that gets money from their families to spend on extra food. The tray that is provided cost approx 29 cents (which probably isnt enough to even feed you). The inmates that does not get any money from their families doesnt get to go to the commonsary to get any extra items. I assure you the items that are there cost more than what we pay at the grocery store for our families to eat. That money goes directly to the state. As far as RED DOOR coming twice a year that is a something I have never seen done. Whoever gave you that information is wrong. There is TV, library and they can get educated class at eci but there is no ac unless you work in the so called bubble or offices at eci.
I agree that until you either work at these facilities or have someone in the prision system outside people dont really know how it really is in the prison system. I know first hand!!! DO YOU!!!
I also agree there is some inmates that come back time and time again but its not because its the so called luxuries in prison its because they have no support from families, community, etc when they get released into society. Not every inmate goes back some do try to be a better person when they get released.
Again I agree that if they did the crime do the time but I also think they need to be treated like humans too!!
Three hots and a cot should be their only luxuries.
He isn't a child molester and the charge was stupid he was watching porn in the privacy of his own home when a 17 year old almost 18 came over and started watching too mind you the boy should have been in school but was a delinquent who always missed school walked round the neighborhood smoking and drinking then got mad because he didn't want to hang out anymore went home and told a lie to his mom and that's how he got charged
Don't speak on things you don't know the whole story of
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