Although Mayor Tilghman stated the Salisbury Police Department was only one position shy of being fully staffed yesterday, although she stated the Graffiti was gone, the Mayor should have been at the time well aware that the District Court House was nailed big time by graffiti artists as well as 212 E. Main Street as well as the markings I have provided. I'm told much of this, (if not all) was done on Sunday night. You tell me, did the people who own these buildings simply MISS that they were tagged?
You see Mayor, yesterday was a record day here on this Blog and today will probably be even better, (Tuesday's usually are better than Monday's, believe it or not). That being said, people are going to think back to yesterday's State of the Screwed Up City Address, your words and then they'll see these photos and think, (like I did) Bull Sh!t!
Nope, you didn't see this in the Daily Times, I wonder why? However, we are your other source for REAL News and Information as well as Opinion. Call it whatever you want, Salisbury News delivers!
I made some phone calls to the proper people and they're NOT happy! How is it they made sure the Court House was immediately cleaned up, 212 E. Main Street, yet NONE of these other buildings were taken care of and the graffiti removed within 24 hours? Who owns 212 E. Main Street?
There is a Policy in which Chief Webster is supposed to enforce for the City having all graffiti removed within 24 hours. The County obviously took their end of the deal seriously. Why do the Mayor and Chief ignore such a partnership? Oh well, I guess the property owners will be fined and the Main Street area will be well cared for because it stands out more so than any other street?
I want to comment on Mrs Tilghmans statement that SPD is one position short of being fully staffed.
SHE IS FULL OF SHIT! How can she state that a sqaud made up of approximately 12 people on the road can consist of a fully staffed sqaud? 12 people to cover an entire city. 12 people to handle what can exced over 90 calls in a 12 hour period. 12 people. WTF?
& then you have to take other aspects into consideration. What happens when one is sick? One has to take off cause their kids are sick? One gets half run over by an idiot during a traffic stop & is out for months with a crused leg? 2 have court cases that they are stuck sitting half the morning in court just to find out that their case is dismissed or has once again been post-poned.
Bottom line is, Barrie Tilghman, you are so full of shit your eyes should be brown. You obviously either A) Dont have a f*cking clue as to what you are talking about OR B) Just plain out dont care cause thats what you do. Im thinking its the latter of those 2 options.
The Mayor & The Chief dont care because they dont have to. THey arent out there risking their lives to protect Salisbury. They just have to "run" it. & i think most will agree with me when i state that they are doing a piss poor job. 1 position short... WTF?
Here's the owners of that building as listed for the address in the state records:
It is described as a "commercial condo"
is this really breaking news??
"THey arent out there risking their lives to protect Salisbury. They just have to "run" it. & i think most will agree with me when i state that they are doing a piss poor job."
Luckyduck-I have to say they are doing a great job running it(the city). They are running it right into the ground.
Renaissance? More bull.
SERIOUSLY? There are only 12 full time officers on in SBY? That explains everything. How many officers could be funded if we weren't spending so much on lawyers? Luckyduck, I hope you're incorrect. I fear you're not, but I really hope you've gotten bad info or something. 12? How can that be? AND, every time you turn around there is another property being annexed, adding to the geographic area which must be covered. How embarassing for us.
what a surprise, skaters come to civic center... then grafitti next. this is what you will get with a skatepark
There are more to a squad but they arent always on the road. From 8am-8pm there are 12 officers on the streets. From 8pm to 8am there are 12 officers on the streets. & from 7-8pm (the early out shift) there are 2. Yes you read right. 2 people. While the rest of the days or nights shifts are headed in to the station, there are 2 officers ready & waiting to protect the entire city. Makes ya feel safe doesnt it.
So yeah, for Salisbury, our lucky number is 12. 12 people to make it possible for us to walk safely down our streets. After all thats all Salisbury can afford what with loosing $10,000,000...
Might as well add a few more sections to Salisbury, WTF, our officers can hardly cover what we have now. But bring in those businesses, add those developments, go right ahead with your bad self mayor. After all its all about the money...
Which brings me to a final statement... Makes you love to pay your taxes doesnt it?
Joe, If only everyone could be as smart and awesome as you are life on Delmarva would be great! Your constant attacks on other local news producers really puts things in perspective. Catty name calling and finger pointing is the way to go. You must continue to condem those news organizations that wait to verify that their stories are correct before publishing. Blame any issue, even the slightest on Greg Basset. If you used half the effort you put into mocking those that try to report an unbiased story you really could help the Salisbury area. Keep mastering your blog.
joe, who cares??
is this tagging a new gang? I am sure that these markings will be noticed. Tagging is the way a gang marks their territory. Also the way rival gangs will disrepect other gangs. I am not blinded that this is a problem that must be taken seriously. To the person who skaters and skate boarders, GET REAL, supporters take better care of there areas than this.
See if PRMC can put cameras around the city. They have a way of getting interesting things on tape....
If our lucky number is 12, everyone should buy a 12 gauge shotgun with the shortest barrel they make. That's a real crowd breaker upper.
Uhhhh, 12 officers on the road is a lot of officers for salisbury pd. There have been times when there are only 4 officers on the road for the city. So, 12 officer's handling calls is a lot for SPD and the city. True there should be double or triple to kill crime but, that notwithstanding 12 per shift is fat for the city. Unfortunately, the city is staffed with relatively inexperienced officers for the most part. The persons with the most experience are supervisors and rightfully so. But, most of the officer's there have less then 3 years road experience, most brand new with less than 1 1/2 years. It's kinda obvious when a police car pulls up and a kid, looking like he is 15 steps out.
The sheriff's office only has 4-7 per shift and they handle the entire county so if anyone needs more personnel I would expect it would be the sheriff's office. But, their level of experience is much higher with a more mature staff.
12 officers on per shift. What dream world are you living in. On a good day there may be between 7-9 officers out there.
As far are the sheriff's office only having 4-7 on for the entire county. The sheriff's office splits the calls with MSP. Look at the calls for service at WCSD, you will see that it is no where near what SPD handles.
As usual we will have to wait for a much higher body count before they hire adaquate staff.
Hey you forgot the county also pads there calls for service. When I started, County only had approx. 5000 calls, State approx. 5000 and the City a whopping 30,000 calls. These were true calls. Now the county includes patrol checks and the like to increase their CFS. Open me a card for a patrol check in Pittsville as they ride down Old O.C. Road. A Deputy laughed at me a few years ago when I told him I answered 23 CFS as primary officer. He stated I only answered 3 CFS as primary the whole week. WOW Really!
At least Mike Lewis isn't afraid to pull somebody over and do some work himself. Must be someone Mike arrested?
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