While this has NO reflection on the paid and or volunteer firefighters, upper management is obviously going to sign off and acept the cracks in the new $10,000,000.00 Fire House Floors.
The series of photos provided clearly shows this cracks length and over time will more than likelyshift and get worse. It seems that doesn't matter to both See & Gordy as that may tap into their reserves from such a great bargain deal of $10 mil.
Ahhhh! tax payers money at work. It seems the more you give them the less they care. The upper level leaders don't care after all they got what they wanted. Now they'll give away the old firehouse and maybe they should just stay there. I sit back and wonder how long it will take for them to start renovating this new pride and joy they have built.
Shoddy workmanship!! But remember they built on the old Salisbury dump site, I'll be surprised if they don't encounter other problems down the road !!
They better hurry up and carpet over those cracks for the vehicles to park on, of course it will be indoor outdoor! Out of site out of mind.
Ahhh the pleasures of spending someone elses money. No worries, the remaining 25% of the homeowners will foot the bill for future renovations, repairs and ultimately RELOCATION.
freeze all taxpayer money to the firehouse unless for salaries and daily required expenses, no more riding around looking busy, all vehicles grounded except for the responding Emergency equipment, not the cars ect.. See and Gordy won't like that so maybe they will get off their a$$ and be responsible for a change. The Mare should not be an a$$ and let it be accepted as is.
That's what usually happens in pole buildings.
Have you scene the horrible furniture they put in the day room? I thought the volunteers were buying better than whats in there.
why is this the chief's fault. i thought he was supposed to be in charge of firefighting not levelling the concrete floor?
What a beautiful floor!! I want the contractor's number to do a job for me!We should all be proud of our new fire dept.!
See is also responcible for the completed project. The Buck stops at every leaders desk, and don't we all know that. At the end of the day, the boss is responcible for everything. That's just the world of business, private or government.
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