Well, it's been a year since they received the unit from the Wicomico County Library and let me assure you, they put good money after good money on this project.
Today the Press had the pleasure of getting an exclusive tour through this unit, which is quite impressive. Cameras everywhere, inside and out. Internet access throughout the unit so Officers can set up with their laptops and get immediate information on suspects on the scene. It truly is an impressive piece of work, all for around $61,000.00!
The paint job alone is impressive, let alone the interior cabinets and flooring. The mounted lights on the rear have tripods where they detach from the unit and can be set and directed just about anywhere to illuminate the area.
This unit isn't just for emergency situations. It will also be used as a command center for events like Porqueena In The Park and other large events. A new Unit would have cost the Taxpayers at least $300,000.00, so retrofitting this unit was certainly a great taxpayer investment and once again the Sheriff's Department has proven fiscal responsibility and we should all be very proud of such an example.
This unit was paid for three different ways. Community Policing grant money, Wicomico County tax dollars and most importantly, Forfeiture money from drug arrests.
$61,000 is damn good. Does anyone know how much Ocean City Emergency Management on spent their unit under the direction of Joe Theobald?
Joe you might want to go inspect Ocean City’s. It is my understanding that is cost around $650,000. They might tell you that it was a Homeland Security Grant but the only difference is they screwed the Country vs. the City taxpayers. And, from news reports they wanted Theobald to run the fire service. That could get expensive!
Yea real cheap wait until the repair bills start coming in for like the motor or transmission.
anonymous 11:05, they were overhauled just before it was turned over to the Sheriff's Department. Nice try though.
OMG is that a flat screen monitor mounted on the wall and oak cabinets? Its ok for the cops to have such stuff but not the FD
Finally--it looks like maybe-just maybe--some common sense and fiscal conservatism utilized in our government. Looks great. Congratulations.
Hopefully, the county council will exercise that same fiscal conservatism in regards to the Crooked Oak property by voting NO!
Anon 11:17
I believe there is more of a space issue in the command center as opposed to the 10000 sq.ft. fire palace.
61k bucks is a good deal for a command vehicle. Before I can call it a great deal I would have to know more about the internal workings of the vehicle and what it's exact capabilities are. Either way, I don't think you can go wrong by having a place for Emergency Service providers to collect their data and thoughts and to do it for only 61k... at least someone is trying to be responsible.
anon 11:17-- flat screens are no longer as expensive as you think, and make sense where space is limited. Also, those cabinets look exactly like the ones in my kitchen that were put in by the cheap developer--oak Product, not soild oak, but they wear well and are easy to keep clean. $61,000 would probably not have allowed for so many solid oak. And I am a major supporter and contributor to the FD also, but resent the way the money is spent. What they did on the West Side firehouse is WAY overkill.
You don't see the fire department rolling around id a command unit do you..We use a pickup,
anon @ 11:17
They are using it as a computer monitor to display relevant information. The firemen will be using the loads of flat screen's they are getting for watching ESPN, MTV, and Cartoon Network, see the difference?
Answer this for me Joe; why do MSP, WCSO, & SPD all need command vehicles? Please explain as I would like to know.
Fire Chief
those are custom built Oak no imitation products but for 61k thats a deal for all i see on this unit
It's so obvious here who the PRO FD people are, especially SFD. #! they are so quic222wssss1k to bash anything Joe says #2 SFD is very quick to bash any FD that consist mainly of volunteers. I look at this unit and see a high dollar paint job with reflective properties in the paint scheme and I'd say a minimum of $7500.00 just in the paint job. Radio,cameras,computers,internet capabilities at a click of the mouse,cabinets,flooring,emergency and crime scene lighting and on and on and on!! $61k is CHEAP! As long as it takes the nay sayers fail to realize the things Mike Lewis does for the citizens of this county day in and day out in so many different ways! The more stupid you look when you try to bash him. I know the level of commitment he brings to his job and he's still,quoting our former governor "better than any drug dog in this state' and his nose for criminals will bring those responsible for crime in this county to justice! So whether your a nay sayer or a disgruntled firefighter do the rest of us a favor shut up or move!
This is a very conservative use ofa piece of surplus property belonging to the county. Coodoo's to all involved! Looks great and will no doubt perform quite well for the Sheriff!
A. Goetz
How are they gonna keep those chairs still while that is driving around?
Chairs still?? BUNGEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Now what else can you whine about?
koodos to the county as a whole and the WCSD in particular. Shame on the Fire DEpts who seem to jealous of how to judically spend TAXPAYERS money. The majority of the funding for this well used unit came not from taxpayers, but from other sources. Mainly from sized monies and property. Just in case you are wondering I AM NOT A COUNTY EMPLOYEE.
what a deal here , a new loaded diesel excursion would cost close to what this total revamp cost here .good brainstorming and reuse of county surplus.glad to see taxdollars in action here in wicomico rather than for a couple statues in annapolis .
now get the thugs off the street. make us safer.
They need to park that thing in downtown Salisbury and show the SPD how police work is done.
I would hope that their office looks as clean and up to date as this does. It might pay to go and see?
I am an adamant supporter of Sheriff Mike Lewis. He has improved the sheriff's department by reorganization,demanding 100 % from his deputies and sending a message loud and clear that crime will not be tolerated in Wicomico County. Building a Mobile Command Unit economically shows that Mike wants his money's value. He wants his men to have equipment that will enable the deputies to be effective in job performance and do so in as safe an environment as possible.I love the paint job. Very impressive.
no comment on the post 1029? joe your slipping
does anyone know who did the paint? it must have been quite a job transforming it from the bookmobile to this!
does anyone know who did the paint? it must have been quite a job transforming it from the bookmobile to this!
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