While I had heard this Internal Auditor position was the County Executives responsibility, that is completely wrong. It is and has been the responsibility of the County Council to have hired this auditor.
So why haven't they done so? The answer is very simple. They have tried. They have run ads and searched for such a person. However, NO ONE RESPONDED! I noticed this go around they're saying salary negotiable, depending on qualifications and they are offering full benefits.
Looks to me like IF there is someone out there with an accounting background and was looking for job security, it's time to step up and take advantage of a good thing.
The county has always had a hard time filling positions. This is not news. It is because the pay sucks and the benefits arent as great as they are cracked up to be. The county has wasted money on salary studies and either has not implemented them or has told the company first what they want the findings to be. (how much money they had to plug into raises) The county is way behind in the market is salaries. (except the teachers and sheriffs). Until they do a real market study and implement it, they will always have a hard time attracting help.
The county isn't the only place that has trouble getting qualified applicants.
Thanks to the urban sprawl and infrastructure not keeping up with an ever increasing population, it attracts most people moving here having little to no skills.
They just assume that given the population there must be more jobs. However that is not the case. People that grow up here and acquire a degree are smart enough to move somewhere else that rewards their qualifications with competitive pay.
It's truely scary what our school systems are turning loose on the work force. Young people are short on team work for the most part, and they expect a paycheck for doing as little as possible.
There wouldn't be enough eggs in Salisbury to pelt the county council with if they decided to hire Pam Oland! ROFL
Oh yeah, send Pam Oland over to the county and turn Stevie and Gail loose on her. She'll wish she was back at the city.
Oland is surely ready and willing -- but certainly not "able" -- to do the job.
I'm sure Oland is willing to leave the city after another major fiasco and those two council members questioning everything. How dare they ask if the money is in insured/collateralized accounts. How dare they find 8.8 million sitting in surplus just when the mayor wants to raise sewer and water rates. Yeah, Oland is ready, willing yet not quite able to leave. There is a lot to cleanup for the mayor before she goes.
It is good that this position works and reports directly to the County Council. Seperated from the Finance Office the Internal Auditor position will provide needed checks and balances.
This whole landfill theft scheme should have been detected at a number of levels of accountability. It absolutely should have been discovered within the Finance Office.
Someone needs to look more closely at what's going on in this county. Ray Lewis is still getting rich off of the county. I took a Saturday drive through the country and what did I see....ASAP(a company owned by Ray Lewis) removing concrete rubble from a tax ditch near Powellville on Mt. Hermon Road. Audit this: the PDA (tax paying ditch association) pays to have this work done. The Soil Conservation (tax funded) placed the rubble there first and now the PDA is going to have to pay Ray Lewis back. The thief is still getting rich. It may be a shady deal since the Soil Conservation has a ASAP dumpster in their yard. Joe: this needs to be addressed since the tax payers fund the Soil Conservation.
if oland doesn't have to resign, why would mr. ruark?
There we go, closing the barn door after the horse got out. But, at least this move should elliminate such fiasco's in the future, for the county anyway. Now the city is another horse that needs some attention in thew same way. It appears that Oland can't do the job she was hired to do and now we need to burden the tax payers with another one or two salaries in that trumped up office Barrie put together. Is there ever to be an end to making us pay more taxes???
A. Goetz
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