On Tuesday evening of this week the Wicomico County Council hosted a public hearing on a proposal to purchase land familiarly known as The Humphries Farm for future use as a community park serving the West Metro Core, a district defined by the county’s comprehensive plan for recreation and parks and adopted several years ago by the then-county council. The hearing followed a meeting of my own held last year at the Rockawalkin Methodist Community Hall which was itself preceded by a hearing at the Civic Center sponsored by the county recreation and parks department.
That a community park designed to serve the growing needs of a population center expected to top 14,000 residents in the next several years is not in dispute. For a period of ten years, county officials have been attempting to identify property that would comply with established criteria for a park and meet State requirements for funding under Program Open Space. The Humphries property, subsequently known as the Davis property fit all of the criteria.
From the start there were significant and well-grounded concerns expressed about traffic control and roads conditions that caused many to oppose location of a park at this particular location. Following my own hearing last year I believed if we could address the traffic safety issues satisfactorily, much of the opposition would turn to support. That has not happened. In fact, other issues have been raised since that time that have turned what should be a positive exercise in community improvement into a serious dispute pitting neighbor against neighbor and citizens against their government. The tone of the discussion has taken an ugly tone and quite, frankly, it’s time to bring it to a stop.
Without getting into the merits of the various elements of this debate I will say simply that a project such as this, the development of a community park to serve the recreational needs of a specific segment of our population should be one that is embraced by the hosting neighborhood with enthusiasm and excited anticipation. It should be an occasion for neighborhoods to come together, united in a common cause…a positive cause, rather than one based on suspicion and distrust. For whatever reason, we have lost that opportunity in this case and I announce today that I am withdrawing our proposal to purchase the property.
We are often taught that when one door closes another opens. One of the benefits of Tuesday’s public hearing is that several other property owners have contacted the county indicating their interest in selling land for the West Metro Core Park. Indeed, through the last year, I have held conversations over other potential sites. Some of these alternatives are quite promising and I assure you that we will follow every lead until we can identify and secure a place to provide for the legitimate recreational needs of our citizens.
In closing I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. John Davis for their patience and forbearance over this past year as we confronted the challenges before us. I expect they will proceed to build upon their preliminary approval from planning and zoning for a residential subdivision and, of course, we wish them well in that regard.
Que sera sera!
Pollitt is culpable for this ridiculous episode. He failed to can Gary Mackes -- that should have been job one after he took office.
And how much was wasted for those "appraisals" and legal fees?
Welcome Bill Duvall!
Good response 657PM. I am glad he did turn down the park deal but in the meantime, lots of people got
rich off of this. Namely the appraisers and lawyers.
Along with the hours spent salary wise!
Wow_ I am glad that is over. I look forward to a more suitable place for this to occur, as well as a much more reasonable price.
I thought I heard there were also problems with the Davis land perking, so how is Davis going to put houses there?
Kudos and thanks for helping to spike this shenanigan before it was too late (it was really close, though). Pollitt would have done the deal but for you and GA Harrison. And, of course, Joe "Gangbusters" Holloway.
Were McCain or Cannon on hand for the coup de grace? What about the Davis clan?
Thank you Mr Pollitt, and especially to my fellow Co. Taxpayers who dedicated their "free" time to help those who we "pay" to guide our county, with proper decision making.
Smart decision there Rick. Now take a walk down the hall and teach that witch er ummm I mean mayor how to take the concerns of the citizens seriously. You do realize it is her fault there is so much suspicion cast over every deal tendered be it city or county.
Davis can build his 11 perk development on 10 acre lots of land or find someone else to pony up $2 million for the land.
The best alternate site would be the Waller Landing land in Hebron. That would be a win-win for everyone.
I have to hand it to Rick, people talked and he listened. Even when it was something he wanted to do, he listened to the citizens. Yes I wish we could get a city council majority that listens to the citizens.
Even though he did sound a little irked about the citizen criticism, he finished up on a positive note. With all the other problems going on I wouldn't want his job.
I feel for ya Rick, I know the Landfill alone has got to be a big pain in the you know what. Thanks for listening~!
I'm glad Rick didnt let this deal go through. Rick, We are taxed enough in this county and with fuel prices up and job loss's up. We dont get free fuel like some of you do or did. Now is not a good time for the county to raise taxes on us more because we all know thats where the money is coming from. We are slowly going into the poor house some already there. We in this county and state are taxed to death and we need not spend foolishly right now. THAT ALSO MEANS OUR LOCAL GOVT as well. Suck it up and quit spending our money foolishly like it was yours. Leave our money in our pockets where it belongs. We dont need another park in this county or other dumb crap. Cut the fat. cut our taxes! STOP SPENDING! Election time will be here before you know it and you can be voted out just as you were voted in. Save your job cut spending and taxes.
The gingerbreadman
Thank you Rick, for listening to the tax paying citizens of Wicomico County. You did the right thing.
farm boy
The Davis's thought they were going to become rich with the inflated value of the land. Do you suppose Gary Mackes was supposed to get a small slice of the pie? After attending the meeting, I have my doubts about his honesty. I listened closely what some of the speakers said that Gary had told them.Some things don't add up. Gary has been around a long time with a satisfactory reputation but you know money can be tempting. Ask ole Ray Lewis.
"In closing I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. John Davis for their patience and forbearance over this past year as we confronted the challenges before us."
Thanks for trying to rape the public, too, but maybe we've had our eyes opened to the real Gary Mackes.
Dear Mr. Chaney:
Here's what really happened - Rick Pollitt felt the heat and saw the light, thanks to the local bloggers, including Joe. But for them, Pollitt would have followed the Mackes-Davis bailout plan.
Glad I voted for Mr. Pollitt. Wasn't sure there for a while. A little faith in our "system" has been restored.
p.s. the first time ever, voting for a "dem"
I don't personally know enough to comment about Mackes, but it seems like there is some concern among the regulars of this blog as to his competence and/or integrity. With the large budget that he has control over, should there be something more we should be watching with this person? The thing that jumps out at me is his eagerness to "build his empire" without concern for taking good care of and being responsible for those properties which are already in the portfolio....Winterplace keeps being mentioned...some park lands which are at present not developed near Nanticoke...what is the status of these projects?
I'm just a little irked that he felt the need to publicly thank the sellers-that-aren't. It would have been more appropriate to send them a nice note on his official letterhead. In light of the negative press that this situation brought forth, it was, IMO, politically incorrect to act as though they (Davis) were doing us a favor by allowing us to consider overpaying for their mistake.
Frankly I resent your statement in the press release saying that, because there was opposition to your (bad idea of a) plan, we were somehow out of order and had gone against the government. If the taxpaying citizens of a community, city, county, state, or even our beloved country are going to be criticized for opposing an expenditure (which was clearly decided by a small group) affecting this many people, then I believe YOU'RE wrong. The democratic process worked. Why couldn't you leave it at that?
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