On January 30, 2008 the Command Post Vehicle was used for an emergency situation just off Mt. Hermon Road.
On February 29, 2008 it was used again in the homicide case in Parsonsburg.
There have been a couple of comments talking about how this unit has no real use but they're wrong. The unit was in being retrofitted for quite some time and no sooner has it come out with its new face lift it has gone right into service.
I'd say this was good money after good money. A perfect example of good money after bad money would be a new Fire Station on the west side of Salisbury, leaving no reserves for a new Fire Station on the north side of town where it was without any question needed far more than the west side. Of course that's just my opinion and as many Firefighters would disagree with me, I believe many others would agree with my view.
The Sheriff's Department is actually getting a return on the money being spent on that Department while the Salisbury Fire Department continues to be a money pit. That being said, lay off the WCSO because they're staying afloat while the Fire Department sinks.
Oh, I'll close with, let's see where things stand 6 months to a year from now with Volunteers. My guess is that Gordy and See will be hitting up the City for more money to pay Firefighters because they can't retain, can't encourage Volunteers to come to the new Station. All the money and toys in the world aren't going to get them to race all the way across the City just to catch a Fire Truck back to their neighborhoods.
My hat is tipped to Sheriff Lewis for being open and willing to accept this piece of equipment and put it back into good use. It won't be used that often, (hopefully) and there was no reason to buy new. Something See & Gordy cannot and will not understand or accept.
OK, I got a question. How many times has the Bookmobile now converted to a Command Post been used since last March?
Second question how many times has the Patriotic Chicken Mobile been used since last March.
Well there you go, convert a used County vehicle to another worth while use and you get s---.
Take a wheel barrow full of Homeland Security money and buy a new Recreational Vehicle and spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to convert it into a Recreational Vehicle with a s---- paint job and wow! Oh! s--- I almost forgot the multi-thousand dollar generator purchased with Homeland Security money that sits near the Patriotic Chicken mobile covered by a WalMart tarp.
You go Sheriff Lewis!
The fire department should start billing insurance companies for the house fires and car accidents they respond on. Then they can recoup some funds. It is done elsewhere.
Why, it's easier to steal it from the taxpayers knowing the Mayor will just give the OK on anything and everything they want.
I think the mayor got the message loud and clear this past Monday night. Money will not be handed out on a whim when you need a 4/5ths vote.
Barrie for the first time in 10 years finally got a boot in her ass. Now if we kick a little harder she'll roll out the door for good.
Again, I will ask why do they not use the vehicle bought new....why was ANY money spent on converting anything.
If the other vehicle needed something that was not on it put the money toward that unit...not wasting on a second unit.
I am an avid supporter of Sheriff Lewis but strongly disagree on this decision.
Michael Hamm
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