The other day I posted a photo of a Gas Tanker doing 70 mph down Spring Hill Road. A few people sent in comments suggesting the vehicle following was speeding up and slowing down in order to get a shot of the truck doing 70 mph. That simply was not the case, nice try. Here are three pictures in a row showing how he stayed steady at 65 to 70 mph on a back country road. So, enough is enough.
Since these are 'still' shots, how are we to know that the driver of the pic-taking vehicle DIDN'T just speed up to catch the tanker?? Just because you say so?? Without a moving image (i.e. video), we, as viewers, cannot be sure!! Also, out of curiousity, do blog comments that don't agree with yours get posted?
I guarantee my source is accurate and factual on this issue. I'm also confident the driver will do anything he can to get out of this illegal activity and as I have lived on this road for three years now, these guys fly through this area and many neighbors complain about it. To anser your final question, your message is here, isn't it.
Driving 70MPH taking pictures is just as dangerous as driving a tank truck 70MPH on a country road. You people are crazy.
Interesting it belongs to Eagle Company....seems like they have had their share of problems before with their drivers. Speeding tickets, loaded too heavy etc....I remember several years ago one of their trucks was filmed on a Baltimore TV station sitting at a bar during working hours.
At least the Wicomico County dump truck was photographed at the outlets in Queenstown. That for sure is a bit more comforting.
My god the pickup driver is just a guilty of speeding.
William Mainard
What pickup driver?
It indeed true of the speed of the truck.I used to board my horse at the farm in the picture on the left on spring hill.I cannot tell you how many times I witnessed speeders...cars,motorcycles and yes trucks.The Eagle trucks are infamous for flying down this road,you would think having an office right down the road they would certainly encourage their "professional" drivers to drive the speed limit or something close to it,yes???I once was turning left into the horse farm (TURN SIGNAL ON)when an Eagle (18 wheeler mind you)Truck apparently wasn't happy with my speed,decided to go around me.ON MY LEFT SIDE !!!!!.At the last second,the driver realized that I was turning and swerved to avoid hitting me broadside.After I calmed down (after contemplating following the driver and beating the tar out of him),I drove to Eagle's office on memory garden.Mmmmmmmm.....could not even get inside,combination lock on the front door.Soon after this incident,I now no longer drive down this road and I do not miss it for a second.I have no doubt that there will come a time when there will be be a horrific accident there.I can only pray that no people or animals(HORSES)will be the innocent victim(s).Good ole' country roads......gotta love 'em.NOT!!!!!
wow joe since your such an honest guys i'll take your word for it. by the time they get to your house joe they have to bee slowed down to get through the curves there, why don't you flag them down and straighten them drivers out.
It's no secret that those Eagle Transport trucks drive WAY tooooo fast to get over to 54. That being said, the person who chose to drive Seventy Miles Per Hour and take a picture has got to be the biggest friggin idiot alive. WHO drives that fast snapping not one but several pictures? Simply IDIOTIC.
I just passed an Eagle truck this weekend up in the Baltimore area and they were actually driving within the speed limit. However, has not always been that way out on Route 50 if it meant keeping up with them....no way! They seem to always be in a hurry!
I guess with gas at 3.20 a gallon they have lots of stations to deliver to....are they "timed" for each load?
Just curious!
Let's see, you have been the Salisbury Police Dept. "police", the Salisbury Fire Department police, Salisbury City Council police, the zoo police, the transfer station police, the sewage police, Hebron Fire Department police, etc., etc., etc., and now the gasoline tank truck police. You are one busy man. Or perhaps, not busy enough.
It was a street sweeper in Queenstown A$$hole not a dump truck friggin idiot!!
street sweeper-dumptruck? Whats the difference.
They are both city/county vehicles. Sounds like I hit a sore nerve about the dumptruck. Must be a county
employee feeling a little guilty.
And speeding with thousands of gallons of "explosives" in the back is a bit dangerous dont you think Mr. Anonymous 108?
who was taking the photos . i certaintly hope it wasn't the driver. also the camera shots are pretty steady for such a bumpy road.
eagle trucks are governed at 65, how can it b goin 70?
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