"I am returning to resume my duties as State's Attorney. I will not resign or retire."
"I am much, much stronger than anyone thinks. I have done an exceptional job for the people of Wicomico County, and I will continue to do so."
"I was alone in the automobile . . . all by myself . . . and that there was no one waiting for me at the condominium."
So Barrie Tilghman and others, cut the BS! Spreading lies and rumors in the attempt to destroy someones career after 20 years is sad and completely out of line. Again, I'll repeat, Davis Ruark has made ONE mistake in judgment, Barrie has made MANY. Don't make me have to repeat them all either!
The truth, Davis has taken some leave to go to a facility south of Maryland and will come back a changed man with a whole new appreciation for life, work and the people he serves.
How come you didn't read stories with information and quotes like this from The New Daily Times?
I'm glad that Davis is getting the treatment he thinks he needs. I hope one day he can put this all behind him and move on.
Unfortunately I believe he's making the wrong choice. His statement will likely begin another deluge of negative comments directed at him AND his office - as well it should. This is prima fascia evidence that the situation he created will continue to diminish the respect of the public for the office of States Attorney and in fact the entire criminal justice system.
Will Davis now instruct his Asst. S/A's to give EVERYONE charged with DWI/handgun violations a second chance if it is a first offense? If so, he has effectively rendered his office impotent. If not, then he is embracing a prosecutorial policy of immunity to elected officials.
Way to take responsibility Davis. Very disappointing.
Kudos Davis!
Illigitimi non carborundum.
Vox Populi
Barrie Tilghman should not gloat to much. What goes around comes around. As much as she drinks and as often as she is seen drunk in public she could be next. Question is, will Greg Bassett plaster her picture all over the front page of her litter box liner? Time will tell. No one gets away with wrong doings forever. It's coming home to roost Barrie. The chief of SPD might allow you to drive off drunk don't expect the same from Mike Lewis and his deputies or MSP.
If Barrie Tilghman doesn't have to resign why should Davis Ruark? He drove drunk, she continues to drive drunk among many many many other things.
I applaud Davis' decision to stay on as States Attorney. Give the man a break. He has only had this one drunk driving charge against him and the loaded gun issue (that he told the cop about), and he is willing to seek the care he neeeds to get past this, so do give him a break. He has served for over 20 years I believe and done quite well as the SA here! You hang in there tiger!
A. Goetz
I read a comment from a certain college student recently on another website, "Things you can't substantiate? ...its not what you know its what you can prove!"
One thing referenced here is proven, and the others, well - "you can't substantiate."
Smart kid, that Jordan.
Court audio files prove Chief Webster allowed Barrie Tilghman and her boarding school brat daughter drive off drunk after assaulting Rachel Polk.
Witnesses at the Rotary Club, a fire department event can verify Barrie Tilghman arrived drunk. She fell on her ass entering the door at the SFD event. The woman is a drunk and a liar.
Book her Dano
Although I beleive Davis is making a hugh mistake especially with the loss of respect both for he and his office, I will say no more until after the trial
Oh! by the way has anybody heard when this "speedy" trial will be held?c
I personally don't accept this whole "one mistake" deal. A person of that stature and responsibility, IMO, does not get to make little "mistakes" like driving while intoxicated and being in possesion of a loaded gun while doing so. Overdrafting your bank account, backing into something, spilling your coffee, these are mistakes, not blantanly abusing your position of responsibilty by having diregard to laws.
Rurak is history. he can go with some dignity and resign, or he will be forced from office by public outrage. The choice is his.
Davis Ruark is NOT a quitter. He has fought hard for Wicomico County for 20 years now and the one time he has proven to screw up, nail him to a cross and YOU pass judgment? I say, leave it to a Judge to be tried fairly. Remember that piece of sh!t Chris Llinus, the attorney that got to serve one year in his home for breaking the law? His crime was very serious verses Davis Ruark and the public outcry just wasn't there against him?
Nevertheless, let this one take its course and see where it goes. If you don't like Davis Ruark as a man down the road and feel he's not qualified to continue as States Attorney, don't vote for him next go around, it's that simple. In the mean time, this is his decision, not yours and he has yet to be found guilty of anything.
I should add, IF ANY OF YOU were to see Davis Ruark out ANYWHERE having a drink after he returns, nail him to that Cross. In the mean time, recognize the man has made a mistake and assures everyone it will NEVER happen again.
Concerned Citizen Said......
"Davis is free to become a private lawyer, but he is no longer qualified to be a States Attorney. He is a serious liability to be driving a govt vehicle, or a personal vehicle in conjunction with govt service. If he was a cop, firefighter, truck driver or heavy equip operator working for the govt he'd be canned already. Just because he's Joe Albero's buddy doesn't mean he gets special treatment."
Now, I'll NOT post the rest of your comment as I will NOT allow personal stuff and or family into it.
That being said, just because he's a buddy of Joe Albero certainly doesn't give him special treatment, come on now.
Davis has NOT been found guilty of anything yet. Till then, be patient and let's see what an honorable Judge thinks.
Till then Concerned Citizen/Barrie Tilghman, go home, put on some clothes and a bra and start acting like a respectable Mayor. Oh, keep the family out of it or it won't get posted.
The family IS in it, JOE. It shows this man has a history of unethical conduct that has been covered up for decades. You had no problem involving the family when it was the dump fiasco, or berating Casey Tilghman every chance you get. HYPOCRITE!!
everyone deserves a second chance. what i don't want to see is "special treatment". this man needs to go through the same due process as any "john doe" would. he needs to be subjected to the same stress as many of those who have faced similar circumstances. he should be hard pressed to come up with the $$$ that average people who DON'T know the law would be. but this isn't likely to happen. he has money. he knows the law. he knows the system. he knows the people. as a states attorney he's done an outstanding job. he goes after people who are a treat to our public safety. the problem i have is that he's also gone after people who've done EXACTLY what he's accused of.
And he said he would not prosecute any DUI/DWI or vehicle cases. That is why he has an entire staff trained to take those cases on.
Did anyone bitch like this when Frank Perdue had the fatal wreck on the bay bridge, drunk? NO, they just talked about him behind his back.
Where was the outrage when Judge Richard Warren left the American Legion on Rt 50 DRUNK and struck a telephone pole on Booth St? I didn't hear anyone say he should resign or retire.
It is my opinion that the one screaming the loudest over Davis returning is none other than Barrie and her boarding school brat Kasey because the States Attorneys office prosecuted her case. Davis wouldn't extend what she considered a professional courtesy.
Screw Barrie and her boarding school brat. Did she ever get married or is she another statistic, unwed mother.
The case was against K.C. Tilghman, NOT Barrie Tilghman. It wasn't about bringing her Daughter into the spot light. She brought on her own troubles by physically attacking Rachel Polk. You remember, the fight Chief Webster claims he never saw, yet he allegedly yanked K.C. Tilghman off of Rachel Polk, according to one witness after the other?
Twist it all you want, I'm not putting up your other comments under anonymous. Now go back to work and find us several more millions of dollars the City could use.
Ruark should resign, due to the fact that he and his Assistant Attorney's have put many innocent people behind bars for similar mistakes first offenses being at the wrong place at the wrong time and letting the real criminals roaming our streets and schools. His office actually knows that they have had enough proof that the person they prosecuted is in deed innocent, but because they jumped the gun and or a victim or defendant is a good ole boys family member they through an innocent person in jail. But why I ask, OK because they don't want to look inconsistency in the publics eye. See lady's and gentleman, we all know the system is corrupted, all of it, the good ole boy system. We have Thief's, Liars, Drunks in the system. I am 100% sure of what I am stating, not no rumor, not making it up because I'm not the Daily Times not trying to make any money on any stories or to benefit me in anyway. I happen to know at least 300 plus people in this town that are aware of these situations going on in this city/county. So my suggestion is in all fairness to all why hasn't anyone contacted the real FEDS to come down here investigating all the agency's. I'm not talking about the WCB of Investigators, but the FBI. Is that to much to ask in all fairness to the tax payers (people.
OK Barie, SLOW DOWN & TAKE A PILL! Someone call a Doctor! ROTFLMAO!
You know the saying, what goes around comes around and your time has come around sir. I think you that the same way you manned up to apologizing you should do the right think, man up and step down. Joe I like you, you don't bore the bloggers with the same story reworded like the news paper company. Can you say BORING
anon 246 You also didn't see Worcester county do a thing about a Harrison running some poor kid off the road and killing him on 611 did ya? Or Leighton Moore tossing his one of his now ex-wife's lover off the Rt. 50 bridge--and many other lovely deeds by the rich and famous.
Mike Lewis said it best when he commented that if one of his deputies drove drunk and got caught there would be no questions asked, they would be fired. These are the men that merely arrest people for breaking the law and Davis is the man who prosecutes these criminals and he doesn't get fired?? If I ever get a DUI I hope that Davis gets to try my case and they try to give me something more than what he gets if he gets anything at all. I know that a lot of people drive while under the influence but this man is supposed to set an example for the rest of us. Some example he has set for us and our kids.
You would be shocked if you knew all of the crimes that Davis has covered up for his buddies. Davis has broken the law and needs to be removed from office!
Once again you pussy, put up a name for yourself and show some credibility? Nah, you won't do it because you simply like to talk sh!t. PROVE IT! Come on, we're waiting.
this man should not be treated any diferently than you or i as far as the charges are concerned.and i do believe he should recieve some serious punishment for what he has done, this is the state prosecutor and since i have recently read the phrase good ole boy,s club in lots of your comments it sounds to me like you have joined that club JOE.
Yeah, I'm a good old boy. LMAO!
Well Davis has not been found guilty of anything yet, true BUT blowing a .15 is per sey so its prima facie evidence that Davis was intoxicated to almost double the legal limit.
Where do I begin, first I find it offensive as a survior who was hit head on by a drunk driver in OC many years ago, to see a picture of Davis with a smile. Are the comments directly from him or someone's interpertation of what he said?
Anyway, it does not matter what Davis did for 20 years or what he will do the next twenty years, What matters is what he did that night. He got caught breaking the law by driving drunk. He will have to pay the price, if he loses his job that is part of the consequences for chosing to drive drunk. Do we not teach our children that when they make bad decisions they have to accept the consequences?
He knows the law, there is no excuse for what he did. He was lucky he did not kill anyone, by the way, the person who hit me didn't have anyone in his car either.
I know Davis and have appreciated the job he has done. I also know the horror of a drunk driver coming at you head on and you beg God and keep begging God not to kill you and let you live to see your children grow up. That night I had an angel watching over me and survived and I thank God everyday, but I also believe people have to pay for the choices they make good or bad and this was a bad one for Davis.
Ever since this situation was reported I have tried very hard to imagine how Davis will be able to do is job prosecuting drunk drivers and cannot see it. I thought of the worst situation, a family is killed by a drunk driver in Wicomico County, we want our best fighting for this family, shouldn't our States Attorney be the best? I don't feel he would be the best person since he himself broke this law.
I wish Davis and his family nothing by the best. I felt I had to express myself as a survior.
States attorney is held to higher standards, just like law enforcement officers. He is a good guy and made a mistake, but he needs to step down. What good is a states attorney that can only prosecute certain cases? And no matter what happens, a good defense attorney can easily bring up his situation in court and sway a jury. Jury trials are all about public opinion of the trying attorneys. It comes down to which attorney they like more wins.
This whole deal screams of cover up and malfeasance of office. Questions to consider:
Since when does the county own and issue a sportscar to Davis as a county issued vehicle
Why hasn't the Maryland States Attorney reviewed this whole handling of the gun? that means Wicomico Counties handling AND Ocean City's handling of that gun, and the choices made that night that lead to the gun not being held as evidence.
Where the "H" is David Elzey??????? any other accident scene, any other public arrest involving DUI cases, David and MADD are up front and center, why this quick rush to hush?
As the Wicomico County States Attorney, where are our leaders???
Why should this be a case of "will David Ruark quit, or retire" (retire?? how he should be fired from office) Why hasn't he been SUSPENDED WITH OUT PAY, until the outcome of trial, if he is found not guilty he gets back pay, guilty he is terminated.
WHY this double standard in our society, in this case, many men and women have gone to jail with out as much as a second look for their mistakes, and yes, many with NO criminal history, "lets make an example out of you young man"
Well folks, isnt it time to make an example?
When your top law enforcer is caught making such a dangerous decision, and possibly deadly, and when that same man has argued the exact deadly effects in our own courts, is his sworn testimony now make retracted? " I'm sorry your honor, when I said throw the book at them, I didnt mean me, I'm special"
"concerned citizen said...
The family IS in it, JOE. It shows this man has a history of unethical conduct that has been covered up for decades"
2:07 PM
In which case, the mayor & her daughter should NOT be where they are today.
Mr. Ruark has violated the public trust and his oath of office and should resign.
But what the heck, one more unethical politician in Salisbury shouldn't be a problem.
Joe, am I right in saying that you claimed we should take it easy on Ruark because he made 'one little mistake'??? Driving so far over the legal limit (on multiple occassions) and with a handgun.....but didn't you take to task the sports reporter at the local news station who drove AT the legal limit??? Seems a bit hypocritical to me, doesn't it???
One little mistake? Do you have any idea what Wicomico County's BS has done to so many for "one little mistake"? There was no sympathy for my one little drinking and driving mistake, nor for many others who got thrown in jail for noise violations and crimes they didn't even commit. So don't give me this "one mistake" crap. The system there is unforgiving. Don't be hypocritical.
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