While I attended last nights Ocean City Council Meeting, it was completely packed again, standing room only. Obviously the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Department is the hottest ticket on the Shore.
I'm going to start off here somewhat getting away from the main story because I feel the need to give everyone an understanding of just what these Volunteers are actually going through.
The closest comparison I can give to their situation is very similar to a couple divorcing. Many parents tell their children, you're head of household, pull it together and save this marriage. What many people do not get is that you cannot control your spouse. If your partner cheats on you, lies and has no regard for everyone else involved, sometimes divorce is inevitable. That being said, the long and short of the OC Volunteer Fire company is the spouse that was cheated on and lied to. The trust is gone.
Last night the Council President clearly admitted he had done the Volunteers wrong. He did things behind their backs, lied and manned up to his portion of his involvement by apologizing and asking for forgiveness. The Mayor never offered such an apology and perhaps had hoped that since the Council President said it, maybe his guilt was relieved in the hopes that the Council President was speaking for everyone involved?
I can tell you that there came a time in a Budget Meeting where the Paid Firefighters and others on the Council, (and Mayor) snuck in a new Fire Truck and yes, even a new Fire Chief. All of which was never mentioned to the Volunteers and they later learned their intent was to turn the entire Department into a paid Fire Fighting Service. They never confronted the Volunteers on any of it.
The Council President went on to say, (after his apology) he wasn't sure if they could mend the damage that had been done but they were willing to do everything in their powers to make things work.
IMO, this could be one of those things where they know they screwed the Volunteers and by apologizing and stating that they are willing to do anything to repair it, they may actually intend NOT to fix and mend things, yet they can come back in the end and say, well, we offered everything possible to make things right and hope the Public forgives them?
That of course is my opinion because I am so used to Salisbury Politics and especially the former Council President Mike Dunn. You couldn't trust a word out of that guys mouth and whenever you challenged him he'd chop your head off or have you removed from a Council Meeting for expressing your feelings.
I will say that the drama from the OC Council is very tame compared to Salisbury as well. There's no attacks back and forth and they handle themselves very professionally. The Salisbury City Council should be forced to watch these people, (7 of them, 8 including the Mayor) work.
Now, Councilman Hall actually stated the most intelligent statement of them all. He said, this is not a game. If Ocean City were to have a catastrophe, you have 100 Volunteers that actually total 300 to 400 people when you add their families into the scope of it all. These are Families that sacrifice every day of the week, 365 days a year. If something serious were to happen and we didn't have these Volunteers, you're talking about another internal disaster because we'd only have 40 paid Firefighters to care for the entire City. "We need 300 to 400 Firefighters, not 40!"
This is a very serious matter to consider because there has been years of training for such a situation and to lose all those Volunteers, (which is a serious possibility) could cripple the City.
I spoke with Chief Laramore and we discussed this possibility. Quite frankly, they may have no choice but to walk out. The reason for such is the serious tension between the Paid Firefighters and the Volunteers. If YOU had attended last night, the paid were separated from the Volunteers and when I was speaking to other Firefighters outside the building before the meeting, believe me, they all do not want anything to do with one and other. Life time friendships have been destroyed and many do not ever feel they can be mended.
If you saw the arrogance of the Paid Firefighters, not even willing to go to the podium to speak unless the Volunteers left their place at the table in front of the Council, it was disgusting to see!
The solution may end up in a divorce and the Volunteers may just have to move to West Ocean City and provide a service there 2nd to none there. The hope from the Mayor & Council is for all of them to get together and talk this out till the end. The Volunteers have agreed to do so, they just weren't able to settle on a date last night.
Why Ocean City can't learn from what happened to the City of Salisbury and how screwed up that environment is, is beyond me? The Volunteers in Salisbury were screwed in a big way and I doubt many reading this will disagree. The Mayor, Chief See & Gordy really divided all of them and have such control over the Department, not many are happy with the outcome.
The Volunteers need to learn from that history and decide, do they divorce Ocean or do they settle in and change rolls in their own homes? The Volunteer Chief put on the table a proposal that would divide the Paramedics from the Firefighters and that's what they'll discuss in a future meeting, as mentioned earlier.
There was another major issue I'd like to bring to the table here and that is a major question asked to the Paid Firefighters. If you're no longer on your shift and a fire breaks out, are you allowed and or do you go to the fire anyway. The answer is, NO. However, they tried skirting around the answer by comparing Baltimore as an answer, not OC. They were asked again, more directly and in the end their stated their insurance would not cover them and they were not willing to take that risk. You ALL know I have a word for that and it rhymes with wussy.
I'll add something the Volunteer Chief stated. "I don't see why we have to fight so hard just to volunteer." That was very powerful.
More to come.
As a long time member of the Fire Dept., Jo has reported the root of the problem, and I would surely hope the bashing of the vol. and paid guys don't start again, but have them come together and simply acknowledge the truth, they both got screwed here.
With all due respect, please tell me how the Paid Firefighters got screwed in any way, shape or form?
We think the Salisbury mayor and council are bad, hope they keep Knight and Howard, those two women together are a disgrace, more brains in a lab mouse than the two put together.
Jo, 1:50 The paid firefighters went though the same fight 2 years ago, with most of the same council and Dennis Dare, lies, deception etc. These lies and lack of any good management led to many of todays issues. Like the divorce example you used, often the "kids" get screwed the most, we had the worst of parents.
The fire service lost a big battle, friends and brothers lost when politics got involved. sad thing is, damage is done, even the council president confirmed that.
Jo, thank you very much for your attendance. Your reporting hit the nail. Councilman Hall clearly stated there was a plan to run the fire company out and even the paid guys didn't know it. Good fight had by all, now replace that council and mayor in sept.
from the OCVFD, we are sorry to the paid guys and I hope the same comes from you.
1:50 darn jo, don't tell me you respect a fire dept ie: "all due respect" you just may be coming around LOL, (just kidding)
my gut feeling is the OCVFC is hurt bad enough they will leave, and if I was them I would to! Go to where you will be welcome WOC !
wonder if the union would ever welcome the ocvfd in town on mutial aid, or see them as inferior rednecks, some really are good firemen and officers
One of delmars chiefs wife got in a accident today while responding to a fire call. they ran a stop sign and hit a lady coming from the high school with her kids in the car. the lady had to be cut out of her car. when will firefighters learn not to run stop signs while responding to alarms. this needs to be addressed! look into it joe!
The part here that is simply amazing is that putz JLJ. He's Mr. Union while he's working in Salisbury but when he goes back home, he takes his Union hat off and he's trying to screw the Union there. With some of these vollies, it's all about what they've been promised, such as Training Chief for Mr. Jester. There's more here than meets the eye Joe with the Volunteers. I'm not saying that some of the career divisions's actions are appropriate either but there's plenty of blame to go around, including the Mayor & Council.
A split is inevitable and in my opinion, the only equitable solution. Let the boys go to West OC to play with their take home SUV's and see how long it takes before they have to hire people to cover calls out there. Give it a year then see what happens.
Hopefully they can all work together, and get this resolved in a peaceful manner.
For the most part, they're all friends and they all hope to do one thing: serve the people.
There have been wrongs committed on both sides, but now is the time to come together, work towards a resolution, and continue to provide an excellent level of service.
Hopefully, both sides can sit down and work out a resolution they are all happy with, and what is best for the citizens.
3:38 well you had to be the first to take your shot at JLJ and the take home suv's. Obvious your just jealous of both. Niether have anything to do with this story. The facts came out, paid and vol. are now trying to make amends, even if a relocation accurs. People like you will end up with nothing, because you never stand up in public or for anything you coward, maybe you should run for council, you like to screw people behind their backs you P.O.S.
3:38 Everyone including the union president, the council, chief theobald has had the chance to publicly state thier opinon of the volunteers, but either chose not to, or couldn't. People like you are a not a real fireman, but a coward on steriods that just stirs poop. Get a life and leave these guys alone.
4:58 AMEN ! I am a union member, wanting to move forward. The volies arn't all bad, change must happen, and at least thier chief stood up for us last night. He tells the truth like him or not. (I don't personally)
A lot came out last night folks, don't forget in October. This council has to go. The Fire dept. has not been thier only FUBAR.
congrats to all the oc fireman, paid and volunteer, it took you guys to serve dennis dare up on a silver platter, now lets hope someone eats him for lunch. And to the one that thinks salisbury needs the nut nancy howard, no thanks send us a STD first.
1:51, so you think those two nut cases are "lab mice", LOL working with two bigger "rats", meehan/mitricic, and they bred the "turd" dennis dare
One of the paid guys ran Dennis Dares wife many years ago, and the fight has gone on ever since. Thats a fact. Boy does it come around.
I do not normally write anything on here, but I am going to this one time. First of all, the salisbury fire dept really did not have any problems until Brezler came to the picture. He implemented things to quickly on the vols and paid division. So it was not see and gordys complete fault. Now on the ocvc. My comment is really to summ it up is "Welcome to Salisbury Fire Dept vollies of O.C.V.C." Not trying to be mean but the days of the vollies running the show is over. I would have a little more sympathy for the vollies there if they came to any calls. Vollies in Salisbury run more calls than almost the career staff and we have no say in anything. So help yourself guys. I am able to listen to the scanner and know that the paid engine16 seems to only respond on calls. I do however believe that there needs to be a common ground between the two like salisbury has. Lastly, joe honestly you were not around for the history of Brezler and the effects of that had and never was it about career vs. volunteer. Ask someone with a few years under their belt. Sorry to offend anyone but everyone has an opinon.
Sometimes you have to break down all of the walls first to re-build. There is a core group of honest, hardworking "Professional" volunteer's that want to work with the City and Career Staff to make Ocean City one of the finest Combination Dept's anywhere and to them I wish much success. The other group of individuals; Chris, Jay, Bo, David, Sam, Stevie, Price, Gardinia, Kirstien and a few others have basically destroyed the OCVFC over one thing.. POWER.. They could leave tomorrow and wouldn't be missed at all. The Core Group and the Career Group would be a fantastic Department that would honor eachother and play by the rules with no need for "power" between them. I agree with one of the other posts in the fact that they (the vollies) brought this on themselves... If you don't show up and do your job then sooner or later someone else will be there to do it for you. For Albero, please educate yourself with the facts first i.e. response numbers, true membership stats ect... Its not that they were not there today or yesterday the Vollies were HARDLY EVER there!! The career division was always their biggest billboard, driving their trucks wearing similar gear and doing the same work.. all the time never getting credit themselves for teh work that they did. As far as the Council, yes I agree that there were problems but when they were given the "TRUE FACTS" and not inflated BS a majority of the council made the right decision. Jim Hall is motivated only by what Hale tells him how to vote and Pillas is just borderline retarded in her ramblings.. Knight, Howard, Martin, Hancock and Meehan were intellegent enough to research FACTS first and were not sold by the BS that the Chief and Jester were spewwing about. I sure wish I could sell Ice to the Eskimos like them two. Good Luck OC in making the best Combination Fire Department.
Anonymous 8:44,
MY facts came from YOUR Council.
The problem is the city council!! We the people who actually live and pay taxes in ocean city are the ones who are going to suffer because of city council.....who ever wrote about dennis dare's wife running with a fire fighter was dead on...ever since then he has been out for revenge!!!! leave them alone we need the service they provide and they do it for free because they want to!!!
8:44 So, just one ass so far, that be you. The leaders you name, need no power, THEY ALREADY have it, and earned it. Lets see, kistien SUCCESSFUL police capt. Larmore offered the position over EVERYONE, and needs or answers to no-one, (but the council)duke strong as well, doesn't care what people think, severial others self employed, jester never cared what others think about him, he is "for real" like him or not like him. People that scream others want power, are always the ones that never had any. AND, these are the very leaders that drove the OCVFC to accept a combination dept, where have you been? Oh well, thats obvious, under a rock, or up Rogers ass.
8:44 If you think Nancy Howard has a clue, that says enough about you. How do you say "stupid", to the core ................ ?
Update: The members voted tonight to send the Chief to meet with the Mayor and Council, and suppoted it 100% No-one wants to leave, or not work with everyone, and hopefully with the laundry clean, it can happen. Folks, please don't let this blog get personal between members, or our paid friends, it's about a transition, that WE accept and want to work. The leaders outside both groups caused this, and to 8:44, I agree with Jo, anyone at the council meeting knows that to be fact.
844.. Whos kool-aid have you been drinking?
If it wasn't for those names on the city council you mentioned, this wouldn't even be an issue. Mary Knight is an flaming moron to begin with. Her, Nancy Howard, and Lloyd Martin should be recalled because of their ignorance of what those who elected them truly want and the malfeasance they committed during the meeting in Febuary admitting they had not done their homework on the subject at hand. By admitting that, they admitted they had not done their jobs, and therefore should be subject to the fullest extent of punishment.
Joe, Would it be possible for you to obtain the response statistics for the volunteers.? I am sure they have an attendence mark up system. This might clear up some problems here. The volunteers seem to be saying they respond and take care of the calls and dont need the paid people, and yet others are saying the volunteers dont show up. I was in Ocean city last night and saw a response to a motel on 4th street, the apparatus all said Ocean City Volunteer Fire Department, but all the responders had on Black helmets which indicates they are paid.(I beleive) So does that mean there were no volunteers there?? Could you get this information and clear up this issue? Do the volunteers respond to all the calls, do the paid people handle the calls alone? If the volunteers do handle the calls and dont need the paid people we already have then why do they need to hiring other paid people? It might be intersting to get this information from both sides to see if they are honest. Also when the volunteers show up are they firefighters, support personel, cadets, or what? Thanks, A Worcester County Taxpayer
To 8:18am-
Here are a few facts for you-
Joe- You may find these interesting as well...
There were 6000 calls for service in 2007, an increase of over 600
from 2006
85 % of the total call volume occurs in the Town of Ocean City
Close to 80% of the overall call volume now is medical related / EMS
20 members live in the Town of Ocean City
22 members live in West Ocean City
19 members live outside the Ocean City response area (Bishopville,
Delmar, Salisbury, Bethany Beach, Berlin, Ocean Pines, etc)
7 members are on probation
1 member is on Active Military Duty
5 members are listed as Active, but are actually on Life Membership
4 members are listed as Active, but are actually no longer in the OCVFC
2 members live in the Town of Ocean City
17 members live in West Ocean City
12 members live outside of the Ocean City response area
Ocean City Volunteer Fire Co Operational and Administrative Officers
4 Chiefs live in the Ocean City response area
2 of the 4 Captains live outside of the Ocean City response area
4 of the 6 Lieutenants live outside of the Ocean City response area
5 of the 9 administrative members live outside of the Ocean city
response area
The foundation of a Volunteer Fire Company is to live in the community
you serve.
Here are a few more facts-
From Memorial Day to Labor Day, there were no volunteer firefighters on
the scene of fire emergencies 30% of the time
During the same time period, there were two volunteer firefighters or
less on the scene of fire emergencies 43% of the time.
On average year round, there were no volunteer firefighters on the
scenThe Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company requirements to be a Chief have
been the same for at least twenty years. The training hour requirements
are less than what a probationary firefighter has coming out of fire
school. They are elected by the members eligible to vote. Captains and
Lieutenants are appointed and although there are currently no training
requirements, some possess the NFPA recommended training appropriate to
their position and function.
"keeping the facts", why can't you stay to the topic of this forum, (informing the public what really happened) you insist on your side of numbers which you are posting and researched on "tax payer" time for sure. You know the truth, just grow up, your "welcome" and BS has been outlived, and has already been provided to the public, and council. As always, you couldn't stand up like a man, but hid like a coward in the night. People like you are the flame that took advantage of the last few months to do one thing, feather you own hat and pad your own pocket. No need to respond, because you know the truth, as does everyone else. If you have any interest in the people you claim to serve, then work with everyone to move forward, and let the past go, but then of cource you might actually be a man, instead of a Theobald ass kisser.
A lot of salisbury guys on here have a big interest in OC stuff why? don't you have your own problems to tend to or you just wanna try and get more paid positions for yourselves here?
Joe, Can the numbers Facts posted be proven or disproven? If they are true, and there is that small a response from the Ocean City Volunteers, then why is the City and County giving them so much money? Why is there even any discussion at all about them leaving, if they don't provide a service, what would be lost if they left? I have talked to some volnteers from Berlin and found out that the volunteers are given a federal tax break for providing a certain amount of volunteer time, if they aren't showing up on calls and providing this service is that legal? I am a tax payer and a lot of information has come out in all this and we still haven't been told the truth. What is being hidden? I won't sign my name because I want someone to come to me if I have an emergency, and since the volunteers have already threatened the city that they would leave I can't really be sure they will come to my house can I??
To the blogger at 10:20--are the numbers posted true? You did not deny them or offer other informaton, you just fussed about them being posted.
The public deserves the truth, the tax payers deserve the truth.
After all, even the volunteers work for, and have to answer to, the tax payer.
Worcester County Taxpayer
Joe- find the truth
11;12, I think I can answer any of your questions (because it seems you not being negative) but I don't undestand what your asking.
11:20, the numbers are not refective of the service provided, period ! It does NOT offer what the OCVFD DOES! Your point is well taken, call the main station @ 410-289-4346, and ask to have someone contact you, they will show you everything, thats the way to the truth. This offer has been open to Jo, and any media. Credibilty, note the first number, "6000 calls," those include medical, that have nothing to do with this, and shows a misrepresentation, THEY can't tell the real truth. If you want it, go to the source, and see, not listen for yourself. Jo knows the truth, because he knows thats a sincere offer, please go to the source.
11;20 EVERY person, including the council that seeks the real truth, knows the money that the OCVFC saves the taxpayer. Even the union has stated over and over, "we have to have them" It is very obvious there are only a few people trying to stir this. You on the other hand, are asking a good question, just contact someone that will sit down with you (maybe city hall) and you will see.
everyone's calling out the core group of the volunteers, can you please name the "core" group and i use that term lightly of the career division? There is no hesitation to call the vollies out but inform me on who the career "guns" are.
1:48, ummmmmmm very tempting, but nope, they know who they are, as DOES everyone involved, but it's time to move on. Keep the bar high guys, lets thank Jo, for exposing what happened that caused this hardship (the council and DD) and keep it clean, and rebuild together. No more cheap shots, or names and personel attacks.
To Worcester County Taxpayer
The first person on the scene at that hotel was a volunteer wearing a yellow helmet....
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