It is rumored that Ocean City's Mayor Rick Mehan is trying to hold a Council Meeting in Western Maryland in order to get away from the Citizens and PRESS.
IMO, this is outrageous! I firmly do not believe the Taxpaying Citizens would tolerate such a maneuver and this should be stopped immediately. ALL Worcester/Ocean City Residents should contact their Mayor & City Council and demand this come to an immediate halt.
Joe. Why should ALL Worcester County residents care what goes on with the Mayor and Council in OC? The only ones that give a hoot are OCEAN CITY residents.
The economy, businesses, and tourism industry of Ocean City have a pretty huge impact on the county as a whole. I guess when vacationers go to Ocean City they ONLY spend money in the corporate limits of the town...
Anonymous 4:30 If you're so bright, why don't you try calling the Mayor of Ocean City and if you're not one of his constituents, see how much your opinions mean dumbass.
Anonymous 6:20, a few tuesdays ago approximately 250 people showed up to an Ocean City council meeting in opposition to their vote the previous week concerning the ocean city volunteer fire company. Because of the outpouring of support from the community the council did a 180 on their decision from the week before. I am willing to bet that nobody was asked to declare their address before being allowed to enter. Do you really think all of them were Ocean City residents? Did the same message still get across and did it have an effect...YES!
The Mayor and Council (most of them) are on the run, thats a fact. Anyone that has done the homework knows they have not been honest to the public or the Fire Dept. The OCVFC and the paid guys have suffered the damage of "politics", and it will never be the same. Demand the truth from them, in public, not at some "retreat" behind closed doors.
Joe, I have some interesting facts about Ocean City Fire. WOuld you like it posted as a BLOG or e-mail for your posting. You will find it interesting...
Either way is fine.
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