While representatives from PETA stood across the street from the Circus, most everyone visiting completely ignored their presence and they left no impact.
PETA, (IMO) is one of those organizations that can, (at times) go way too far with their complaints. However, in other cases they do a fantastic job exposing some pretty sick people out there. Picketing a small Circus is NOT going to stop people from going in.
So you know, I spoke with several of the people standing out there and they ALL got a last minute e-mail at SU, (they're students) to volunteer. These were NOT long term PETA lovers/supporters.
One person was standing there with a picture of an elephant with straw on top of him/her and what looked like some mud. She thought this was disgusting and not clean. PLEASE! Go to Africa woman! See them roll in the mud, OMG! Then they might even have grass on them, OMG! I'm not saying the life of these animals isn't bad. I certainly wouldn't want to be caged up. However, you Idiots, go around the corner to the local Salisbury Zoo and practice what you preach!
Elephant steaks taste like chicken, just use a little more hot sauce.
PETA People Eating Tiny Animals.
anyone see that guy on tv, pres. of something?
those dangle earrings through his nose?
wouldn't follow him anywhere.
what about cruelty to the people who have to look at his disgusting personal appearance?
PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals
That president would be me. My name is Christopher Wood and I'm the president of the Vegetarian Student Association at Salisbury University. I'm glad you like my nose ring...
As for the elephant that was "dirty," we understand that they roll around in mud and dust-bathe to keep flies off in the wild, but the elephants Ringling keeps are often in sub-sanitary conditions - left in their own feces.
Only about half of the protesters were students - the others were concerned community members.
You people have no idea what these poor animals go through.... they're beaten, whipped, chained, caged, and shocked - all so that they'll perform out of fear. For a full listing of animal cruelty violations from Ringling Bros. check out Circuses.com
PETA a bored rich WASP from Bethesda has nothing better to do than protest the way chickens are killed, now taking on Ringling Bros.
Are there honestly no issues in the Bethesda/DC area where her time could be better focused and far more beneficial?
The local branch of PETA should truly be renamed, DICK instead. Let's get real here Mr. President of the Vegitarian Club.
Where were ALL of you when the Llama was raped and killed at the Zoo? That's right, NONE of you were there.
How about when the Curator of the Zoo was using a club over and over again bashing the heads of the baby fawns at the Zoo to kill them off? That's right, 7 of them, I believe.
How about the thousands of animals that have been dying there over the past few years? Where have you been, DICK's?
Just like your nose decorations, you're looking for atention and that's all there is to it.
Dont you have anything else to say than personal attacks on the appearance of one person? Get you facts straight and actually listen to what the Vegetarian Student Association is saying (not Peta, we are Salisbury Univesiry students and concerned community members).
No one said that the elephant is disgusting and dirty! It is natural for elephants to roll aroung in mud.
Go to www.circuses.com and then at least you will have hard proof of the tortures animals have to go through.
ringling brothers needs to be shut down.
peta dont give a shit what any of yu say..all they want is for the animals to be happy..thats what they're trying to do..you think they give a rats ass about what some rednecks think..lol by the way..peta actually investigates what happens to those animals behind closed doors..you dont..you have no idea and those animals weren't born for your entertainment!!!! get a life or a hobby jeeeeeeeeez
Mr. Woods,
Why don't you go protest at an abortion clinic where Human Beings(thats people) are being killed?
ANIMALS DESERVE OUR PROTECTION!! we did take them from there homes its the lest we could do
Well I really appreciate the personal attacks here, but that's not what this is all about.... it's about the well being of the animals.
As for the zoo issues, I was not in Salisbury at the time.... that was quite a while ago, so why do you feel the need to pull up instances from long ago rather than focusing on the current issues?
Also, for the person talking about Bethesda.... PETA is based in Norfolk, VA....
And just for the record, the VSA is not a PETA chapter... we were using their literature for this protest... we also use materials from Viva, Vegan Outreach, Compassion over Killing, and several other organizations.
how many trees were cut down to make those stupid signs the peta dummies are holding go hold some signs on the west side telling the drug dealers to stop selling crack to people do something productive
There are obviously horrible things happening in the world like the war in Iraq, abortion, drugs...but that does not mean that animal abuse is not important. It is not like the VSA cares only about one issue, but it is this thing that unites all of us.
To anonymous,
When was the last time you went protesting "on the west side telling the drug dealers to stop selling crack to people do something productive?"
-My favorite questions for vegetarians-
Why do farmers have gun racks in their trucks? To kill the animals that wreck their crops?
Why do farmers get extra hunting permits? To kill the animals that damage their crops?
Does farming destroy or create habitat for animals?
Do PETA members ever say, "Oh look! A mosquito! I love to watch them fill up with my blood, then fly away. It makes me feel good to feed them!" or "I know, that tick has been there all day, but I don't mind, he'll fill up and fall off after another day or so. Just like all the rest."
What do farmers have to fo with circus? Do you actually think only vegetatians care about animals? Stop being sooo closed minded and talk to people other than redneck hunters!
For the zillionth time- they are not PETA representatives, those protestors are collge students.
"Hey! You gave me scabies!"
"Its ok, they're just doing what scabies do y'know. Oh Heavens-you're not thinking of trying to drown them by bathing or kill them are you?! Oh great! This will be just like the cat's fleas or the dog's heartworm or the flies that live in our kitchen! You're just a KILLER! Don't you care about the animals?"
Anonymous 1:45 PM said...
"For the zillionth time- they are not PETA representatives, those protestors are collge students."
SU VSA 10:27 AM said...
"Only about half of the protesters were students - the others were concerned community members."
BS! I was there, the majority of the people there were Students. In fact, EVERY single one of them that I spoke to stated they were SU Students. When I asked each of them where they all came from the reply was, we all got an e-mail at SU about this. So cut the crap SU VSA.
Since somebody mentioned hunting crop permits, I have 10 of those to fill on my farm in Hebron. Would any of the SU kids like to volunteer to hunt these deer that are destroying the soybeans that they love so dearly?
Oh sooooooo closed minded to think that hunters are all rednecks. But, you're right, people other than vegetarians care about animals - even the hunters I've spoken to.
What do the omnivours, hunters, farmers, zoo keepers, circus trainers you talk to say?
Anonymous said...
Anonymous 1:45 PM said...
"For the zillionth time- they are not PETA representatives..."
Then why does each and every sign say "PeTA" at the bottom?
If that ain't representin', I don't know what is.
su vsa, stayaway from peta...most of what they do causes more harm to animals than if they had left things alone. As for circus animals being misstreated... I'm sure there are bad trainers, just like there are bad people in every walk of life. I find it hard to believe that most wouldnt care for these animals correctly because their livelyhoods depend on them, God put certain animals on this earth to be beast of burden. If there are bad trainers and such....go after them.....dont take away childrens happiness/experience they discover in a magical circus.
Do a little research on PETA and other "animal rights" organizations and you will learn a lot about what they are willing to do to humans in the name of animals. I am not suggesting that the people in these photos are part, but PETA has a documented fringe membership component that deals in domestic terrorism. They do not care if humans are injured or worse when they enact their measure of revenge against people and companies they feel have violated animal rights. I would hope that the SU students would learn a little more about the groups they ally themselves with before taking to the streets next time.
Why don't you PETA people stand up for babies killed through abortion. Now that's a human being suffering real abuse unlike animals could ever experience.
i got something vegetarian for you. shouldnt you being doing something more productive while at SU? like studying or getting drunk and lighting things on fire? i think either of these would be more productive than whining about mistreatment of animals and eating grass all day. You wanna be a vegetarian and save the animals, go stand out in the field and eat grass with the livestock. since youve already got the nosering you'd fit right in with them.
Were they collecting signatures for the recall, as long as they were all out there? Couple of those people look on the fat side, bet you they are meat eaters
Why isnt there a button to report some of these comments? They are just crude and are not based on any facts.
There were at least 3 older concerned citizens at the protest! you can even see that from the pictures.
As for babies getting killed...VSA is not a pro choice or pro life club, we welcome both as long as they care for animals.
As for why our signs say peta- because they were printed by peta. DUH that does not mean that we work for them.
Now, "like studying or getting drunk and lighting things on fire"- that is just rediculous. Are you actually suggesting that the future generations that are going to be changing your dipers and paying for you SS should not study and be involved in the community? We should be vandalizing and destroying property? You are not very smart, i will leave it at that.
Forget the whole peta/vegetarian thing- we are trying to help animals!!! Thats all! We are raisinf awareness.
Vegetarian Student Assoc???? WTF are these kids going to college to learn, how to be vegetarians? Where they vegetarians before they got to SU? What is the purpose of this VSA? To teach others about eating vegetables? Go to school, learn something, if you want to protest find something worth while like oh I don't know, the Iraq war, abortion clinics, high fuel prices. Damn good thing I'm not the one paying your tuition, you'd be applying for loans if this is what I was getting for my money.
He Mr. VSA how afraid of a 200lb human do you think a 10 ton elephant might be?
didn't ewell gibbon's, portender of all things vegetarian, die in his early 50's of a heart attack? (one more diaper you won't have to change)
maybe, if your parents spend your inheritance on themselves instead of wasting it on your "pseudo" education before they die, you won't have to change theirs.
better find a veggie that keeps your oxygen carrying hemoglobin up or your heart will die early, too. DO,do something constructive with the little time you have left before you're "back in diapers".
have a pine nut, NUT.
How about all the little creatures that are squished when you walk across the lawn at SU, do you care about them too?
PETA is oviusly trying to recruit more members into the pagan new age cult of animal worshippers show the outright amount of stupdidy and ignorance as they always do and they even tried to claim that FDR rather then TEDDY ROOVEVELT created america first wildlife refuge PELICAN ISLAND but PETA dont want to creadit a hunter with wildlife conservation BECUASE PETA ARE A BUNCH OF STUPID IGNORAMUSES
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