While I'll have several more posts to put up about the new Fire Station, I thought I'd go through what transpired verbally through my tour on Monday.
Originally when the meeting started there were 12 people there. As time went on it grew by a few more people but that was about it.
Chief See started off by telling everyone this was the second largest project the City of Salisbury has ever taken on, behind the new Waste Water Treatment Plant.
This building will replace the old Station 16. This station will house 8 bays for a working Fire Department. Special Ops will get 3 bays and the outdoor equipment will now be kept indoors. Gordy mentioned that piece by piece each piece of equipment will be replaced, new.
They mentioned the 53' tall Drill Tower but also mentioned that they will still go to Princess Anne to use their $2,000,000.00 burn facility for additional training. Makes me wonder why, since they have one of their own right up the street? Nevertheless, that will be up for surplus as well.
They stated that Gillis Gilkerson came in $53,000.00 below anyone else when bidding on the project. They are 30 days ahead of schedule. The building is 41,655 sq. ft and they even mentioned a typical Fire Station is 16,000 sq. ft. Depending on the numbers they threw out, which were divided and all over the place, they stated the building cost the Taxpayers $193.00 per square foot to build.
They mentioned it sits on 7.5 acres of land that they paid $311,350.00 for. I doubt they included this figure into the cost of the build out. As a matter of fact, I'm fairly confident they conveniently left that out. After all, it is a part of the overall cost.
At the end of the day the facility cost $9,553,927.00 so far. They went on to brag about how it's 3% below the budget for the project.
On April 1, 2008 the furniture and fixtures will be in and completed by the end of April. The video monitoring system throughout and around the building and audio and visual equipment will also be completed by the end of April. They also mentioned the old Station 16 will be available by July 1, 2008. You know, the $800,000.00 building they wanted to give away to Bill Ahtes. At this point I flat out asked See & Gordy, who owns the old Station 16? I heard it's owned by the Volunteers and their reply was, a simple title search will tell you that Joe. NO, that wasn't the answer to my question. Obviously they refused to answer it in front of everyone there.
A visitor asked if they'd be holding any banquets there and See replied, "Our Volunteers don't have time to do fundraisers." I want my guys doing training instead. He went on to say, Station II ran aprox. 800 calls last year. The Volunteers went on about 400 of those calls. (More of the same OC BS). The Volunteers don't go on ambulance calls Chief. Therefore, 1/2 of the time they could have been holding banquets. Besides, you could even afford to PAY a crew to cook and clean for these events, just use the facility. They did state that the Training room would be available to the Public for certain meetings.
You must be buzzed in when you walk into the facility. Gone are the days you can just walk into a Fire Station. I will have photos to follow this article.
The Turn Out Gear Room will house 110 racks for this equipment. Each set will cost the Taxpayers $1,800.00 each.
The Dormitory will sleep 8 people. There are no doors to close off each room. God forbid someone wake up at 3:00 AM after a night out and run face first into a door, right? Somehow they stated they could sleep 20 to 22 people there? There was another small area they figured they could put bunk beds in. See stated when he first started, they slept in the front seat of the Fire Trucks, so this is quite the luxury facility.
There is a Locker Room that houses 96 lockers. As mentioned earlier, there are 6 Unisex Bathrooms.
There is also what they call a "Safe Room." This is the area off to the side of the Fire Station in which I honestly feel is VERY misleading! The reason I say that is, if I were to hear this and raced to the Fire Station for safety, I would head to the main entrance of the building, wouldn't you? That's NOT the case here. The Safe Room is actually an entrance off to one side of the building, SO WHAT'S THE POINT?
The Paid and Volunteer Firefighters have their own Offices throughout the building. Of course, the Paid are in one wing and the Volunteers are in another, on opposite ends of the building.
At the end of my tour I turned to a friend of mine there and I said, Did that feel like a $10,000,000.00 Tour to you? He replied, F%$k No! Me either! The only thing that actually impressed me about the place was actually the kitchen. The way they boasted about all the plasma tv's going in everywhere kind of ticked me off. You'll be waiting in the front entrance and while doing so you'll be turned on to 24/7 videos of fires the Salisbury Fire Department have been to. The big $25,000.00 doors will be blocked by a museum, so what the heck did they buy them for? The Volunteers offered to pay CASH for all the new furnishings and guess what, Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy said NO! They put it on the Taxpayers instead! Pieces of sh!t!
Like I said, whenever these guys want some money, I'd hang up the phone but not before I'd tell those SOB's to LET IT BURN, I don't give a sh!t!
Joe said...
"He went on to say, Station II ran aprox. 80 calls last year. The Volunteers went on about 400 of those calls."
Joe, I am not understanding what you are saying here??? Is that station two or station eleven? How can a station run appx. 80 call and the volunteers run 400 of them?? That is not possible.
Where are the fancy bedroom suites, or did they run out of money???
I just added that photo. Thanks for reminding me.
Only job I know of where you get
paid to play billards,watch TV,sleep,eat and exercise.
Will there be any beds for the homeless on cold nights and there is room?
"Only job I know of where you get
paid to play billards,watch TV,sleep,eat and exercise."
True, but it's the only job I know of where you get to run into burning buildings, too.
Oh, I forgot - we leave out the whole "risking their lives to save others" bit around here.
P.S. Before you make the unfounded assumption based on the fact that I disagree with the above comment, I should state that I'm not a firefighter. Still, feel free to accuse me of such.
Station 2 ran approx. 1200 calls last year with approx. 800 of them being by the volunteers....
What I have stated can be backed by the 12 plus people there. This is what See & Gordy stated. Now, IF you guys have an issue with those numbers, I wrote them down as they were stating them, go see them about these figures. I would happen to agree, the Volunteers went on ALL of the calls fire related and the rest were numbers conveniently thrown out there publicly to make it look like the paid firefighters do more work than the Volunteers. It's the same BS Ocean City tried pulling.
I can't wait to see the new building the Sheriff's Department will get in the near future. Heck, it has to be nicer then this fire department and much nicer then the SPD.
Since these losers cant get any of these luxuries at home and their relationships suck as bad as we keep hearing, of course they want a retreat like this. The home away from home.
I'll bet they have one of those don't ask, don't tell policies too, right boys?
"Since these losers cant get any of these luxuries at home and their relationships suck as bad as we keep hearing...bet they have one of those don't ask, don't tell policies too, right boys?"
Wait a minute - I thought unsigned, anonymous attacks weren't allowed on this site!
I want my subscription money back!
Word on the street is, none of the vollies want to go here anyway. It's about convenience and it always will be. I know I'm not traveling all that way to catch a ride. Do you think their plan is to create a 100% paid staff and get rid of the vollies like OC tried to? I think many of my brothers are too dumb to see the writing on the walls and the taxpayers don't know what's going to hit them real soon. The next time you see See and Gordy in front of the council 6 months from now they're going to say the training is too much on the vollies and they can't retain them. Then all hell is going to break loose because it's going to cost millions to cover the shifts. At least you've now been warned. How bout those unions?
i officially no longer care what the fire department does or builds anymore. its not worth the excitement.
Son of a B!tch! You're right 2:18! It all makes sense now. That GD Mayor needs to go.
I knew the volunteers were stupid but this proves just how stupid they actually are. Barrie is pulling another Louise Smith move on the taxpayers.
Joe ~
I want a new stove, a new counter top, a nice hot tub, a locker, a BIG NEW TV, some NEW work out equipment, a new bed with my god damn name on it.....this shit is not right...I am still using the same f..king adding machine the company bought 47 years ago...I can't see the numbers anymore...can I please have a new adding machine....I priced them everywhere and I can buy one for $19.99 PLEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!!
Oh STFU Barrie. LOL
EMS = Earn Money Sleeping
"Anonymous said...
EMS = Earn Money Sleeping
3:48 PM"
These people risk their lives each and everyday so that we may be safe. I'm tired of people complaining about the fire service, ems workers, etc.
This is surely an extravagant facility that is far over priced, in my way of thinking as a tax payer in this town! Looks to me like they were given ten million to play with and sure as hell they will spend ten million before its all done - and then some!
A. Goetz
you talk of all these these relationships that suck. anyone has that issue and i can only think of 2 in the fire department going through a divorce. it isnt all hardship like you make it out to be.
They mentioned the 53' tall Drill Tower but also mentioned that they will still go to Princess Anne to use their $2,000,000.00 burn facility for additional training. Makes me wonder why, since they have one of their own right up the street?
The reason they don't burn in the one "Right down the street" Is because it's not a burn building it is used for other kinds of training.
the burn building down the street was at one point in time used for live burns. it is no longer in a condition where live burns can be conducted so the fire fighters go to princessanne.
Anonymous said...
I can't wait to see the new building the Sheriff's Department will get in the near future. Heck, it has to be nicer then this fire department and much nicer then the SPD.
2:09 PM
Nice diversion there farmin. Trying to throw everyone off track here with this trick. Who the f*ck said anything about the sheriff's department. This is about the city and the piss poor administration.
Anonymous said...
i officially no longer care what the fire department does or builds anymore. its not worth the excitement.
2:36 PM
If you no longer care then you are part of the problem. And this goes for all the so called tax payers. My guess is that the author is a farmin.
Anonymous said...
"Anonymous said...
EMS = Earn Money Sleeping
3:48 PM"
These people risk their lives each and everyday so that we may be safe. I'm tired of people complaining about the fire service, ems workers, etc.
4:03 PM
EMS - Earn Money Sleeping? This was obviously written by a fireman because everyone knows a Paramedic runs his/her ass off and gets very little sleep. The paid fireman are the ones that get to sleep every night. There is no need for the paid fireman its the Paramedics and the ambulances that are needed. Maybe the city ought to separate the EMS from the fire department and find out what is needed more. The reason the chief quotes so many calls for the fire department is because the paid fire crews spend most of their times chasing the ambulance. Over 96% of the fire engine responses are for the ambulance calls and it is a strain on the volunteer fire stations. Just wait it is going to get worse because the fire chiefs are pushing to make the fire engine automatically dispatched on most of the ambulance calls and this is going to ruin the volunteers as we know it. This is going to be an enormous cost to the tax payers as the wear and tear on the $1.2 million dollar fire trucks is going to increase. There is already talk that the paid crew out of station 16 is going to run all the medical assists and automatic fire alarms for the volunteers at Station 2 and they will only be dispatched for the few house fires. This is the start of See and Gordy begging the Mayor and Council for more personnel because the volunteers are taking any calls. Of cousre they don't care how much it costs because they aren't tax payers. Hold on to your wallets folks!
Paid fireman gets to sleep?? What crack are you smoking. You have an office 1 fireman and a paramedic on the engine. The ambulances have a FF Paramedic and FF EMT B (fireman) on them.
Isnt it great to see with the new shift assignments that we have taken another Paramedic off the street and put them in an administrative job "IT"?
That makes what 7 Paramedics off the ambulance / engine when we are begging for them to come here.
Awh, too bad you are not happy with the new firehouse and how your tax money was spent, but guess what...it is what it is so GET OVER IT! There will be a lot of things life you won't be happy with. If you don't like how salisbury uses your taxes money, then GET OUT OF SALISBURY. FYI I am not a salisbury fire department employee but I am a tax payer and things don't always go my way either. You should call your blog page "Lets Bitch about EVERYTHING" instead of sbynews.
Anonymous said...
Isnt it great to see with the new shift assignments that we have taken another Paramedic off the street and put them in an administrative job "IT"?
That makes what 7 Paramedics off the ambulance / engine when we are begging for them to come here.
8:54 PM
If you are worried about Paramedics doing other jobs in the fire department then tell your stupid chiefs to hire paramedics instead of EMT's? How many personell were just hired and how many of those were Paramedics? What happened to the 6 Paramedic positions that were approved last year? How many of those were hired? Answer that question Big Boy?
Anonymous said...
Awh, too bad you are not happy with the new firehouse and how your tax money was spent, but guess what...it is what it is so GET OVER IT! There will be a lot of things life you won't be happy with. If you don't like how salisbury uses your taxes money, then GET OUT OF SALISBURY. FYI I am not a salisbury fire department employee but I am a tax payer and things don't always go my way either. You should call your blog page "Lets Bitch about EVERYTHING" instead of sbynews.
9:18 PM
I have to agree with the above commenter. I have a department to facilitate and I can't do it without the necessary appropriations. So with that said if you are not happy with how the tax appropriations are spent then express your concerns to the Mayor. She has blessed us with a modern an up to day facility and we will return the favors as required. Like the commenter said if you are not happy how your money is said to bad! We have a job to do and it is none of your business.
Just a few facts regarding the new station:
Volunteer and Career offices are on both sides of the building and are side by side.
The department does not do banquets. Never has and never will. This is a busy fire station and we're not here to raise money. The city prohibits the F.D. from doing so.
The bunkroom has 10 individual cubicals and will have 12 additional bunk beds.
Flat screen televisions are the norm these days and thats what everybody buys. Its not a fancy purchase.
The building features eight drive through bays, which makes it able to hold sixteen pieces of apparatus.
The turnout gear cost $1300 not $1800 and is the same as the Pittsville F.D.
The kitchen is nice and features commercial refrigerators just like Stations 1 and 2. It is made to withstand the tough life of a firehouse.
These are facts. I have no beef with you and do not care to argue. Please just post the facts.
anonymous 11:44,
Let me explain this ONE LAST TIME to you nuckleheads.
What I have produced was exactly what Chief See stated. I'm NOT wrong. He may be, but I'm not. I wrote down word for word what he explained to those of us visiting.
As for the ridiculous "8 bay" statement, it's 8 bays for 16 units. Get a grip and look at the size of the place. There are 2 units for each bay, PERIOD, end of story.
Like I said earlier, or perhaps in another Post, you guys need to have a sit down with See and get his facts straight about this place.
We can no longer do "live" burn excercises in the City. We can do smoke evolutions, but now live fire evolutions.
ROTFLMAO @ anonymous 3:12!
How sad is it when your own Fire Comoany isn't allowed to do a controlled burn somewhere, anywhere? Sorry Dude, you look like an Idiot.
I'm honestly tired of listening to the firemen and women bitch about how they disserve all this because they risk their lives on a daily basis. I spent 6 years in the Army (2nd Ranger Battalion 11B) two of those overseas defending our country sleeping in the dirt. I was not pampered, I didn't have plasma TV’s nor access to a gym that puts a commercial gym to shame. Push up, sit-ups pull ups, and ruck runs kept us in shape. Eating an mre or heater meal on a cold Afghanistan morning before getting shot at was a luxury. I wish these pansies would grow up and learn what risking your life means. They make it sound like there running in a burning building nonstop every single day and carrying out a kid.
My point is there are a quiet a few dangerous professions that go unrecognized, and we don't care. A silent professional is the true meaning of pride. I'd have much more respect for fire fighters around here if they didn't gloat and talk themselves up like it signifies the level of man they are. Not once have I whined about not being treated right, or gripped about not getting recognition that I disserved or needing more things because of what I've done or do. This is actually the first time I've referenced it in this fashion since I was discharged. I felt it would make a few of you fire fighters maybe come back down to earth.
And thank you Joe for all you’ve done with your blog. I’ve been reading for a while now, this is the first time I’ve posted. This fire fighter stuff has just finally made me sick after seeing this fire house.
M. Rawlins
2nd Ranger Battalion
M. Rawlins, I commend you on your service to our country, I am deeply indebted to you, but in all honesty I haven't seen the whining from the firemen that everyone is talking about. Most of it is induced by the posters to this blog. The firemen perform a necessary service to their community that involves a lot of risk and they too are rightfully proud of that service.
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