Well, seems like we’ve been able to mix Politicians, Volunteer Professionals, Paid Professionals and now look at the mess that has been created. It is a wonder at times that anything gets accomplished when something like this happens. We have created a sense in the community that some fear no one will respond when they need help the most. Don’t discount this thought; this is what your public feels is happening behind their backs and they’re making it well known.
Is there enough blame to go around? Who cares? That’s not what this writer wants to visit anyway. What most people hope… myself included… that should the need arise for assistance that the “Professionals” will respond. I honestly don’t give a rat’s backside if they are paid or not. I know most of these folks first hand; I was a volunteer for several years in Ocean City. I went through basics with Chief Larmore and we really had some good times together as a group. You can say what you want, as I’m sure someone will, but I’ve seen this man in training with all of us. We all learned together to stay alive on a fire scene.
I realize that Jay Jester may not be everyone’s cup of tea either. To me, he has always been a friend. Even though our paths don’t cross often enough these days, he is the type of person that you would be lucky to call a “friend.” Let me share something with you that few folks know. When I was going through a tough time with a family member who was fighting cancer, Jay was there. There has never been, nor will there probably ever be, someone like Jay who you can honestly count on as a true “friend.” I don’t mean the type of person who you go to parties with or a ball game. Anyone can do that. I mean the type of man who you can call at 2 am because you need help with a problem and he drops what he is doing to get there. I’ve requested his help and he has followed though. That, my friends, is what the meaning of a “true friend” is. Look, I know Jay can be a bit rough about the edges, but that’s what makes him who “he” is. He has always been quick with an answer of wit; but he is always respectful nevertheless.
On the Paid Professional side we have any number of folks. I do not claim to know Joe Theobald. I’ve never met the man. Chuck Barton, whom I know just in passing, has always struck me as a man of integrity. Why they didn’t give him the option of leading the Paid Professionals I do not know. Perhaps he saw the writing on the wall and didn’t want it? Just speculation on my part. But I do know that Chuck is a wealth of information that would compromise the Town of Ocean City should he be lost.
The other Paid Professional that I would like to also mention is the union representative, Michael Maykrantz. Look, I’ve known Maykrantz for almost 20 years. He was one of the first people to turn me into Chief Roger Steger for following his fire truck too close on my very first call. What can I say? I wanted him out of the way…I had to get there! I didn’t resent him for doing that. Looking back, I would have done the same thing If I were him. I could have killed someone; even though it was the dead of winter. Maykrantz was there a second time (along with Sackadorf and a few other friends) when I entered a building a bit hastily before anyone else. No tools, no water. Rags on the stove at The General’s Kitchen. When Sackadorf and Maykrantz knocked out that side window and came in…only to tell me to get outside that they wanted to “talk to me.” I got my talking….and then some. I’ll never forget that. From what I remember, I was the Volunteer NEWBIE and I believe they were both Paid Professionals. I know it saved my life in future incidents. However, on a lighter note, Salty-Dog-Fire-Supply is always the place to buy. Right krantz?
ALL of these men and women are fine people whom I have come to respect. ALL of them train…and train…and train. ALL of them are prepared for most everything that they encounter on a daily basis. I’ve seen the Volunteer Professionals and the Paid Professionals work on people who I knew were deceased. Why did they continue? Because you never stop working while the decedent’s family is standing there…watching. Never.
Although my life has taken me in a different direction with my family and my business, I have told these Volunteer Professionals and Paid Professionals that we may disagree on some things. Hey, that’s life, right? But should I EVER need medical assistance or fire assistance, I damn sure hope it is one of the Volunteer Professionals or Paid Professionals from Ocean City that comes to aid. I would trust them with my family’s safety. Anytime. Anyplace.
I only hope that not too much is lost in the way of friendships between these two groups. I do hope you all can mend those deep wounds someday…soon. We need to be able to count on each other. However, even in this time of pressure, I’m proud to see that both sides do your best to remain calm while in the public’s view. That speaks volumes in itself.
I would hope that the Volunteer Professionals and the Paid Professionals work together and hire a professional facilitator to help both sides get back on track. We, the Public, deserve and expect your best. You’ve given it in the past and I believe you’ll be able to get it all together again. Don’t worry about the injections of the politicians at City Hall. The Public will take care of anything necessary there.
Good luck you all and may God Bless you all... All you Professionals. You’re going to need it.
Your Friend,
Thom Gulyas
Past Volunteer Firefighter #47
Ocean City, Maryland
PS…. Should the need arise for anyone to take a cheap shot at me, please don’t do so here on Joe's Blog. I'll provably miss it and wouldn't respond anyway. I’m always available at my office at ACE Printing & Mailing in Berlin Maryland. Stop by and discuss anything anytime.
That's one of the clearest opinions I've read about the issue in a long time. Hopefully the two organizations can work out a plan.
A stand up response from a stand up guy. Thom, you weren't always my favorite person but you never let anyone guess where you stood.
It is sad that this situation has come to this!!! city council needs to wake up and do what is in the best interest of the town of ocean city!!! I know a lot of these volunteers and paid professionals and although I don't care for them personally I would also want them to be there to save my backside!!!
the town needs both of these groups of people....town council..WAKE UP!!!!!!
Is Thom Councilwoman Louis Gulyas husband?
County commissioner Gulyas's son
Anonymous 10:08....
Yes, I am the Commissioner's Son.
Hey Thom, you said you wouldn't check for responce, kind of like a obsession huh LOL, Lets hope you get no negative posts, although small chance of that, seems thats what we expose ourselves to when we state our opinion. Keep our fingers crossed huh. Thanks for your kind and true words.
Wake up City Hall
Volonteers been here a very long time . They do save a very good job . With out them this town is in be trouble . Way can't you just let it the way it is . Don't fix what is not broke . They work hard to save lives .
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