While more than 300 people attended last nights Banquet, the Politicians were everywhere!
Rick Pollitt gave the speech of the year last night, getting down to business and cracking people up with a variety of jokes. While Rick spoke for about 45 minutes, he addressed the Landfill and other challenges throughout Wicomico County and IMO did so with class.
All I can tell you Folks is, Thank God they served dinner FIRST because the speeches went on for about 2 hours! Sorry but that's just too much to digest. The food was absolutely fantastic, so a hat tip to Sharptown. They served fried oysters, sweet potatoes, dumplings with turkey. Look, it was simply delicious.
I'll close with one of the topics I found most interesting. Mr. Pollitt expressed his concerns over the Liquor Dispensary System in Wicomico County and possibly privatising that system. He said it would have to make sense financially to the County as they bring in around $400,000.00 yearly to the County but they're open to ideas and they want to investigate that further.
Andy Harris and Frank Kratovil were there, (photos above) and quite frankly everyone was having a great time. I'm glad I went and I look forward to next year.
Is that RINO John Cannon strategizing with Mathias?
You would think Pollitt could afford a shoe shine.
Come on 10:45, Rick hasn't seen his shoes in years
That's just not right.
I see Honiss Canes brother there with somebody or other. Oh joy, another Andy Harris photo.
And I see your very own version of Cane was in attendance as well!
Doug Gosnell the mayor of Sharptown is a joke!!! What a waste! I know the person who is going to run against him next election and spank his butt!!!!!!
Anonymous, 10:54 AM, 12:25 PM , 2:31 PM, What is it with you people, can't you all just be kind to people, oh wait a minute, why am I asking. What you write tells a lot of about you! RUDE
Anonymous said...
Doug Gosnell the mayor of Sharptown is a joke!!! What a waste! I know the person who is going to run against him next election and spank his butt!!!!!!
6:40 PM
Sharptown does not have a Mayor, BOZO. Doug is a good citizen dedicated to his community and I would support him any day. By the way, Mr. Gosnell is the Town Council President. Hang in there Doug, great work!!
anon 6:40
if you are refering to GRW running in Sharptown, God help us if he gets elected. Taxes will go up as well as water and sewer costs. I'll take Doug G. any day.
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