Once again, talk about a disaster! Upside down pages, smudges everywhere and believe it or not, MY image on some of these pictures actually improved what was in print.
Keep up the good work Greg Bassett. I see you and your Wife don't go to work any more.
At least here they'll got more for their money with second advertising that can be read.
What's Bassett's wife got to do with anything? You or yours don't go to work either.
Why re-advertise in this rag when they have a historical record of sub-poor quality printing.
The Times should have put that 9 million in the bank and stuck with the old printer, the quality or lack thereof, is the same.
SBYNEWS.com readers, like Joe or not, must admit that the timeliness, relative accuracy, and ease with which news can be obtained far surpasses whatever the DT is doing, not even taking into account how awful the "new and improved" version is. If something is going on in SBY, I've been looking to this website to hear about it. If it's not here, you can bet it won't be on DT's or BOC's yet, either.
I canceled my 52yr subscription this a.m.
I believe I was told that the Disgrace took the old equipment with them whenmoving into the new building. If thats true, then that may be the problem, besides the lousy leadership on staff!
A. Goetz
The quality of the print and overall paper has deteriorated to the point that it isn't worth the time to read. I am NOT impressed with their new press.
farm boy
This new format is like a little booklet or something. It looks worse, is harder to read and has lots of errors. Why are they trying to get us to quit buying the newspaper?
The DT is absurd! Today I open up the real estate guide and one of the pages (Long and Foster section) is printed upside down!!!! There is no way as a business owner I will ever advertise in the Daily Times....even it was half price. I would be ashamed to show the co-op a copy of the ad for their approval - it would either be too blurry to read or else upside down! How does this even get through the proofreaders before it goes out to the public? Are they getting paid?
OMG I cannot believe the Daily Rag! Unfortuately, because there is not another way to "try" to get out our ad for our companay, we take out an occasional 1 month ad! This newspaper is a disgrace to our town! I have lived here"forever". I could write volumes about the wonderful "Daily Times" NOT SO anymore. I have not had a subscription for about 10 years now and have not missed one thing even though I take out an ad for my company 1 month out of 12. Does the ad increase our business, MAYBE SO.....MAYBE NOT!!!
Joe, either cancel your subscription or learn to live with this farce. Just please, stop bitching about it. Thank you.
Well, its Sunday morning at 1030AM.....still no paper. Sunday is one of those days that I actually take time to sit and read the paper....and guess what? No paper once again. May luck out and get one this afternoon if the carrier feels like delivering or just go try to find one at the local convenience store. How can the Daily Times stay in business with service like they offer? But quess when you are the only game in town, they can!
Anyone interested in starting up a reliable newspaper?
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