Anti Albero Blogger Joe Perdue, (tan jacket in photo) was dropped by WMDT last week based on harsh attacks and articles of no real substance. All of the attacks were against me personally.
WMDT had made it very clear. If you're not going to be a news worthy site, you're history. Joe Perdue is a Salisbury Firefighter who created a Blog that spent most of his time attacking me. Sure does make you wonder who he was in bed with?
Always known as an anti Mayor, See & Gordy individual, all of a sudden out of nowhere came Joe Perdue, the guy that now supports them to no end? Oh, she's got her people out there doing what she had hoped to be damage control but they only get a hand full of visitors and very few comments, so although she may feel better, it didn't work.
Saturdays are the slowest day of the week but I'd expect to hit more than 6,000 visitors today and that's a FACT! Not bad for a Saturday. How high can you hold your head now Joe Perdue? Just like Wayne Barrall, another Bully who got suspended. However, in Joe's case, expelled.
Let me get this straight, it’s ok for to attack Chief See, Deputy Chief Gordy, and the entire Salisbury Fire Department day in and day out. Explain how what you do is any different than Ret. Captain Joe Perdue does to you. I find the majority of your postings to be opinionated, often lacking facts i.e. your recent postings on ladder trucks, and attacking others. If you actually knew half of what you think you do you might actually be dangerous.
The beauty of these type of blogs is they ARE opinionated.
Joe's site at SBYnews tries to get some real local news and he has been scooping the mainstream media.
I read the site that got booted and if his attacks were intelligent or based on fact it would be one thing.
Heck that guy rants worse than I do about the crooked P-City Manager.
If being true legitamite 'news' is a requirement for WMDT Blog links then they might have to take the Pocomoke Tattler off.
We do have news and today posted a PSA from the Pocomoke PD for the 7th annual eastern egg hunt.
An hour or so later a story about the X-Councilmans son using a PCPD Badge to try & get out of a drug bust was posted.
News is relevant but c'mon this guys main links were to buy FUJA products.
I never even heard of Joe Albero before becoming a blogger.
We have met a few times and I don't agree with everything he says and does just like I hope he does not agree with everything I say or do...
If I have a problem with Joe his phone rings or he gets an e-mail.
Same thing with the people at Pocomoke City Hall whom I bash publicly...
It's in frustration AFTER talking to them to try and get action.
We even asked that WMDT link to Pocomoke Mayor Mike McDermotts Blog site so people can read the other side of the story and make up their own minds.
This is AMERICA the right to disagree is what makes us great as a nation of diverse peoples.
Joe has a lot of respect for firefighters... He has no respect for wasting taxpayer dollars.
Pocomoke City has jusst opened a new firehouse for a fraction of what Salisbury is spending.... c'mon $1,500 per square foot can build you a Taj Ma Hall.
Packing the price of a truck by Half Million dollars just does not seem right in anyones book. If the extra 1/2 mil is justified heck Joe will give the FD front page space.
WMDT is a private company and made a business decision... If you don't think its fair pick up the phone or send an e-mail...
If enough people want Mr FUJA back on the site I am sure that station management will listen and do something...
S.R. you've got nerve to defend See and Gordy they hate you and your family. How many times have we heard you whine about them and run them down. How many times have we heard you piss and moan and threaten to quit. Why don't you go ahead and quit. Most of us don't like you at either of the stations. And you don't know half of what think you do as well. Wah Wah Wah I'm gonna quit.
I agree with anon 344;
go away punk ass S.R. you cry baby. the only reason you are being nice about chief see and gordy is because you know they will demote you. you weren't put in that position by the few friends that you have.
Quit isn’t in my vocabulary my friend or was I defending anyone. I was simply making a point that Joe P. is not different then Joe A. Are you jealous of me because you can’t hang? Sign your name like I did.
hey joe while we are talking about firefighter look at the DT web site today under dui arrest. You will see aaron scott beach and if you look under the all mighty md case serch you will see its david beaches son and we all know who davie beach is the chief of hebron. Look like dad taught him well. Hey mom and dad pass me a beer. Looks like his son has a record longer than dads. Wonder when he will run for fire chief in Hebron?
wah wah Quit isn’t in my vocabulary. im not gonna quit but i wont come around for a month. i will show them. this fire department cant run with out me i am a legend in my own mind.
So, uh...Joe - you gonna revise this post? I'll be saving the original version, just for giggles.
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