"If a Fireman touches it, he will break it." Chief See wanted everyone to know the reason they went for ALL commercial products is based on the fact that "he" believes they're going to break it. That sure makes "ME" wonder what in the hell we're doing buying $1,200,000.00 Fire Trucks for any Idiot who touches it and is expected to break it?
Nevertheless, here's your $10,000,000.00 Kitchen, Ladies & Gentlemen. It's ALL about what these guys don't have at home and feel they deserve at WORK. Oh, and if you think I'm finished, you're wrong!
Let's now talk about the last picture, it's what they call the Day Room. That's where these guys will be eating. Just outside this room is sliding doors that takes you out into an outdoor area where they'll have a Grill for outdoor cooking as well and a large area to relax behind an 8' tall metal fence.
Getting back to the Day Room. There will be not one, but two Wide Screen TV's in this area for the Firefighters. Oh, you're not going to believe just how many plasma tv's there are going in throughout the entire facility.
Nevertheless, this is your new kitchen and dining area. Mind you, this tour was designed to keep everyone out from seeing the multi million dollar furnishings soon to arrive and they don't want you to see. I'll be sure to get another tour before they swing the doors for business.
Ladies, they won't give you your own bathroom, DON'T do any of the cooking! Oh, keep in mind, they'll be doing no banquets or renting a Hall as they believe they're too busy for functions and they're professional Firefighters, not cooks and bus boys. Are you listening Pittsville?
What's up with the gay floor tiles?
Kind of reminds me of the granite/marble top on the conference table in the Salisbury Police headquarters 1st floor and the large wooden conference table and leather chairs on the 3rd floor conference room of the Police dept. When someone else pays the bill, nothing is too good.
That commercial hood had to cost $15,000.00 or more?
Have you ever visited ANY other stations across the ditch? This is nothing compaired to one in Montgomery County which has same tax base.
Find something else to pick on Joe, yes it cost too much for this area but to say Firefighters did not deserve it... Wrong, they are under paid and do work no one wants to do.
By the way, what do you do or what did you do? Where you given money or did you really earn it.
I thin reporting the cracks, thats fine, but I really think you need to get a real life. Your worst than a women watching a soap opera all day long and staring to believe it.
anonymous 8:21,
I earned my money. There is a rumor out there that my Father gave me the business I own, WRONG! My Father never owned any part of ITI. I worked for the company and then bought it on my own.
As for your bullsh!t story about Salisbury having the same tax base as Montgomery County, are you completely out of your mind? Just how stupid are you? Perhaps you need to go to Montgomery County where I have lots of Family and see what the taxes are out there. I'm talking $10,000.00 a year on property tax alone for a 1/4 acre lot! Grow up and get some experience!
"Your worst than a women watching a soap opera all day long and staring to believe it."
If that's the case, why do YOU keep coming back? Seems to me, you're the one who is addicted and can't go away.
Oh, let's also discuss volunteering. Pay attention Ladies & Gentlemen. I VOLUNTEER WITH THIS BLOG! I don't get paid and I'm there 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. How about YOU Mr. Firefighter? Do YOU put in as many hours volunteering as I do? NOPE!
It do seem a bit elaborate. That kitchen is nicer than just about any restaurant in town. I am a firm believer in taking care of the men that put their lives on the line to protect our community and I do believe they deserved better than they had at the old firehouse, But I have a little problem believing the county needed to install a kitchen better than the Iron Chef. Just don't blame the firemen, if the county offered to put this kitchen in my place, I'm going to take it. It also seems like such a selfish stand, (if it is true) that it won't get used to help some of the local non-profits by letting them hold fund raising functions there or to raise some funds that could keep the cost of running the station down. Put a pumper out front spraying straight up and we could even call it "The Fountains West"
The Ladies bathroom thing is a 'slam' . It's understandable though.
See and Gordy never have and never will respect women in the fire service.
This is absolutely insane! Yes, our firefighters deserve to be comfortable when they are away from home for so long and working so hard. But, our ff didn't pick out these insane "extras"!! This is blatant disregard for the money being sucked from the taxpayers. My family has been part of the Pittsville FD for my whole life and I can tell you they proudly hold fundraisers, auctions, dinners, and parties there to help raise their own money. It's respectable and sensible. Then again, they don't have a horse's ass for a mayor! The Salisbury council is out of control because noone is making them accountable! WHY? Do you all like throwing your hard earned money out the god-forsaken window? They are rubbing your faces in it like a dog who peed on the carpet. Stand up for yourselves people!! Pathetic and a testimony to how our nation is being run so why not our tiny little towns. I guess we don't work ourselves to the bone for our money. It's easy to make this money, right? The actions of this city's leaders suggest that you all are rolling in EASY MONEY. I know that's not the case....so do something about it. Get angry...vote...you have more power than you even realize!
Anon @ 8:21
"Montgomery County which has same tax base. "
County Assessable Base for FY 2007
Montgomery County $145,815,228
Wicomico County $5,617,482
I guess you work for the city if you think those numbers are even close.
That kitchen is really impressive! It is more high tech than every church or fire hall kitchen I've helped prepare dinners in. I hope they will at least host the Salisbury homeless shelter with all of the space.
Firefighters, police, and military deserve accommodation. But this seems ridiculous. I work in a county agency and our lunch room consists of old office furniture, two vending machines, a microwave, basic refrigerator, and bulletin boards. And, we all get by just fine.
Where is the spending oversight?
Where is the spending oversight?
8:53 AM
Probably driving a city owned vehicle to Delmar
When I first saw the headline and the first picture of the kitchen I was like whoa Joe must be talking about the Dream Home on HGTV not the SFD...
tax base, incoorect, taxes are same, Montgomery county 60% Wico 60% - 10mill for firehouse, well it probably only really cost 4.3mill and about 6 goes to Gordy and See for retirement fund in Bermuda..
Joe, you're the man! The Daily Times today not only looks like yesterday's Salisbury News, it has nothing about the new fire station and you're delivering the goods. I don't think we can thank you enough for the service you provide to all of us. Thank you.
Now, as for this kitchen. Damn you Joe! My Wife is going to see this and say, if it's good enough for the men, why can't I have one just like it or better?
Chalk one more up to the Mayor as we've decided to sell our home and move out of the Salisbury. I just can't take this any more. Yeah, they deserve better then the taxpayers providing the money to pay for it. I don't think so. My face has been slapped by that woman too many times.
Why in the hell would a Fire Department that is manned by a full time paid staff 24/7 need a sprinkler system in their building?
Because they're worthless wanna be excuses for real professionals.
Anonymous said...
What's up with the gay floor tiles?
7:55 AM
That is what I was thinking??? I told you Gordo and Sea were gay. Who authorized that gay polka dot style flooring? Kinda goes with the outdated oak baseboard and the cracked concrete, I mean Faux Marble.
Maybe they're using those green and red tiles all over the place so they can regognize and remember what the lights on the automatic doors in the engine bays are for? Oh, I mean, Dee, Dee, Deeee Lights.
Anonymous said...
tax base, incoorect, taxes are same, Montgomery county 60% Wico 60% - 10mill for firehouse, well it probably only really cost 4.3mill and about 6 goes to Gordy and See for retirement fund in Bermuda..
9:34 AM
Mumbles is that you??
I really dont see what the big deal is; there is oversize fridge big enough to feed the amount of people there and the stove is an average industrial stove that is capable of serving its demands. basic cabinets and countertops, if it was granite i would see your point. actually i think the kitchen is quite dull.
It is one task to complain about financial oversight provided that the attention sought is of the administration. It is another however, to find fault with the men and women who make up the department, career and volunteer, as if they were the party directly responsible. It can also be fairly wagered that the majority of the citizens would care nonetheless if the fire department building contains a nice kitchen, as most of these same people would not have the slightest thought about the fire department, and firefighters, expect on the occasion of a personal, immediate emergency.
Judging by these photos, others and description of such, the kitchen is nice and suitable. I only wish my department had as nice a kitchen as Station 16. I’ve been in many firehouses and can say that the kitchen and dayroom are to firefighters, not at all unlike the kitchen and family room in your own home. It is in my former house. Understandably, it is easier for a modern day family to keep such places clean and orderly, this is not always the case in fire departments. Despite upgrades, a renovation, reconstruction and new construction, the firehouse kitchen is the most used and hardest area to keep clean, in firehouse life. In fully-paid and combination departments, shift work is the norm and with that goes meals. Depending on personal choices, a shift of firefighters may have one cook each shift, more then one and they take turns, or individuals may simply fend for themselves. Smaller volunteer departments may have paid EMS personnel of paid-on-call firefighters, who would equally use a nice kitchen. With all of the traffic, the come-and-go between crews, the kitchen gets used roughly. It should hopefully not be a surprise to others that commercial grade furnishings be used, at the very least asked for. The kitchen in the basement of Headquarters was not capable of meeting such a demand. In space alone it barely held the entire crew on duty, let alone workspace for the cook. In more recent years both volunteer and off-duty career members renovated this kitchen as best as they could, some paying expenses out of their own pocket. When the time comes to move into new quarters, the men and women of the department should reasonably expect a better kitchen than what they had in the past. Likewise, in my time as a Salisbury firefighter, the kitchen was the only area you had for dining. It wasn’t necessarily a good choice to eat upstairs, behind diesel exhaust and in-between members coming and going. Nor were there actual bunkrooms one could go to. Having a nice kitchen as well as an outside eating area makes the moment enjoyable, so long as it isn’t interrupted by an alarm.
Critique if you will the finances, but don’t be so quick to direct your frustration towards the men and women, career and volunteer, who spend their time there. The firehouse life is a second home, a second family, and cannot be compared to other jobs as easily as some would like. Your nine-to-five job may have a simple break room with soda and coffee. My department may have a kitchen ¼ the size of Station 16. Some firehouses may have an elaborate kitchen with space galore. Don’t be too quick to decide what is right and wrong, what is needed and not, until you learn what it is like to live there from those members. The everyday nozzleman and paramedic do not make those line item financial decisions that many citizens rail against. They simply try to provide constructive input when asked, not knowing what the actual end result might be.
Bill Carey
I'm just wondering when the limos are going to arrive to take them to the fires. I would hate for them to have to leave the plushness of the new firestation and have to sit in an uncomfortable fire truck. So sad.
With that commercial kitchen the vollies could put on some hellacious fundraisers. Their womens auxiliary could really go to town in there. Double ovens...sheeeeeeetttt I'll come down and do the cooking for you guys. That truly is a kitchen to die for, could have used a center island for prep work with a small sink for washing veggies but hey, can't have everything.
That floor could have done without the confetti splashes of colored tiles but other than that....hey thats a kitchen.
William Carey said...
Bill Carey
10:21 AM
Bill Carey....A Salisbury Fire Department Reject and before that an Allan Fire Department Reject. Just like his daddy Skippy Boy another reject from Salisbury. They hated so much they kicked him out of the Ocean Pines Fire Department as well. You know it's bad when you get fired from Ocean Pines, LMAO. Now to top that off Skippy Boy is in the middle of all of that Ocean City crap. OCFD was so desperate for bodies they took in the grandfather of Legends in Their Own Minds.
FYI Joe, Billy's dad Skippy and Soapbox are butt buddies and they get on here and try to bust your chops all the time.
Anonymous said...
I'm just wondering when the limos are going to arrive to take them to the fires. I would hate for them to have to leave the plushness of the new firestation and have to sit in an uncomfortable fire truck. So sad.
10:30 AM
Uncomfortable fire truck? Do you think a $1.2 million ladder truck is going to be uncomfortable?
What is so spectacular about this kitchen. I see a single sink, a double stove and hood system a microwave sitting on the coutner, and looks like a dishwasher, with an industrial fridge, and freezer, Basic cabinets and counter top. So big deal. I guess you could buy stuff that is going to last for awhile or go to Lowes and get appliances that will hold up a few years and you just keep replacing them. It all works out here people. This is not your house it is a commerical building.
Is that two dish washers I see in those pictures? Why do you need to of them you can fit a lot of dishes in one, so why two. There won't be that many people eating there at one time, can't they wash their own dishes? As a matter of fact I think I would just be using paper plates and plastic forks and knives so all I had to do was throw it away. Like Chief See said if firefighters touch it, they break it, how many sets of dishes will they go through in a year? I am not quite sure where he got that everything firefighters touch they break, I am a volunteer and I don't break everything I touch. He must have been "trying" to make a joke, I think...
This sure seems a lot overdone at our cost. I am amazed at the size of the rooms too. Just how many firefighters are at the station at any given time, other than meetings? Seems to me we could have cut a lot of corners here and saved a few million dollars. But then I'm a conservative, I guess, and we have liberals running this show!
A. Goetz
These guys have one of the few jobs where, when they leave for work, there's a better chance than the average person that they're not coming home. As a tax payer myself, I say that if a few luxuries at work makes these brave souls happy, then so be it. I'm fine with it.
PLENTY of other areas where our tax dollars are being wasted. Let's focus on those.
Anonymous said...
Like Chief See said
11:35 AM
Does anyone else choke when they try to put Chief and See in the same sentence. This guy isn't qualified to be the chief of the Allan Fire Department.
the tiles on the floor represent a twister mat. In which gordo and see will watch bubba and his blimp wrestle on. him in his spandex and her in a dental floss thong.WINNER WILL GET TO SKIP A SUBWAY SALAD FOR A YEAR!
Actually they I don't think they could use this kitchen for banquet functions. I would guess it would not be approved by the health dept. for this purpose due to its lack of an indirectly drained 3 compartment sink and apparent lack of separate hand sinks for proper hand washing.
id like to see you post something positive about the fire fighters for once. you thrive on so much negative drama.
Anonymous said...
These guys have one of the few jobs where, when they leave for work, there's a better chance than the average person that they're not coming home. As a tax payer myself, I say that if a few luxuries at work makes these brave souls happy, then so be it. I'm fine with it.
PLENTY of other areas where our tax dollars are being wasted. Let's focus on those.
11:51 AM
When was the last time a firefighter died in the line of duty because of a "dangerous job" they have. Never! Now one of the fat slobs like Gordo, Sea and Fatso Hopeless might die of a cardiac arrest, but that doesn't justify a "few luxuries."
My bet is that the 3 fat asses won't use the proposed luxury gym.
Holy shit, is all those feet of counter space corian? Danggggggggg I'm not letting my wife go anywhere near that place.
Infidelity - Newt "Skip" Carey. The biggest homewrecker of the fire department. Ask his friend former firefighter B. Green. I bet Billy is proud of his daddy.
Not quite sure why you guys are bashing the firefighters. They are just doing a job, and have no control over what the management does.
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