It's my understanding Jordan will be filing to go after Gary Comegys as well as Mayor Tilghman and Louise Smith. IF he chooses to file against Comegys today, he'll finally have my support. However, that will come with a twist. I want Jordan to come to me with 2,500 signatures before I'll personally get involved. He needs to do so within 60 days too. IF he can pull that off, I'm in and so will many others.
It's a matter of showing this isn't a scam made up by the Mayor. You know how she works. Send everyone out there collecting signatures, get their names in it and then bash them when everyone comes to find out their signatures were no good and it fails.
Nope, I believe Jordan has enough Students to pull off at least the beginning portion of this whole thing and once he does we'll all get involved and finish it off. It looks like this could get quite interesting.
Joe,Maybe u need to change that picture to Donnie William,SHAA Adminstrator. the wife and I rode to Ocean City this pass sunday.Well lo and behold the bridge was open and been open for almost a month. Very good for them.However I will never understand why they didnt resurface the bridge roadway.Its terrible and they had plenty of time to do it. Piss poor planning to me. Check it out with the camera Joe.
lmao....that fits him perfect! He even sounds like that rooster too! That's just perfect!
Comegys is a bumbling fool who can't even complete a full sentance. I watch that guy on pac14 and I think, how could people have voted for him? He doesn't pay his child support, he's gone bankrupt and he's handling our finances? Bring the paperwork to my home, I'll sign it.
Interesting is where I say this thing is going....
Do you mean Donnie Drewer at SHA?
So why isn't Jordon going after Shanie as well? Since she's an echo of Gary and Louise, shouldn't she also go? And if she stays, she may end up getting two other allies who will make her president of the Council! 1:01 p.m. could just as well substituted her name for Comegys' in his first sentence.
I need someone registered in district one to initiate the petition for Ms. Shields.
We only need 570 Signitures from District 1 to recall Shanie...
Lets do it!
Jordan Reisman
What will his Letter of Intent charge as the reason for the recall?
Standing up unauthorized at a meeting?
I know that sounds smart-a$$, but I don't feel his reasons were very well expressed or very strong in his Letters of Intent on the Mayor and Louise.
That's part of the reason I'm still suspicious. If he felt their leadership was so flawed, you'd think he'd have picked some really good examples.
They have done so many.
ANON 237==You are correct.I had the slum lord williams on the mind and got confused.
Joe, another meeting coming up 3/25 at the civic center for the mackes deal proposing buying that crooked oak lane property for the west side.Family friends of his and ironically the meeting will be held at the civic center. His friends will be making almost a million on this deal when they did not perk the land for development. Somebody better start paying attention to the taxpayers.Do you really think dude would sell this property if that land perked. Hell no he wouldn't.
Comegy’s was a bumbling idiot when he was in the fire department. Humm, ran out of your own station by your cohorts! Gee, why would they do a think like that?
They are going to resurface, which can be done one lane at a time. They didn't do it while it was closed in order to complete the project asap.
can't we all get together & have a "no confidence" vote to include all but the two ladies on council who are working for us?
now, i can't really say if shanie is or not.
Now we know about the oc bridge.They are about to close half the bridge down to resurface the roadway. Then they will close the other half down and repave it.Donnie Drewer says it will be open by memorial day.
Damn it couldve been already done and no more inconvenience to anyone.
The power of the blogs. W O W!
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