While I sat in the meeting yesterday with other chosen friends to discuss what our interests might be, we all seemed to be sceptical about a recall against the Mayor. We all concurred referencing Louise Smith however.
Here's how many of us saw things. Well, I should say, this was what I said anyway. The timing isn't right to go after the Mayor. Louise Smith is a whole different story though and if you're going to go after one, why not kill two old birds with one stone, right? God forbid the Mayor come back at me as if that was a threat on their lives! Hopefully she realizes it's a phrase? I can see it now. We'll be standing in front of a Judge, (just like the Jim Rapp BS) he said he wouldn't trust me and far as he could throw me, that's a threat! Obviously the Judge wasn't buying it and threw out his case too.
Nevertheless, some people there didn't like Jordan's motives on certain issues and I won't argue that as well. However, like I said, if you're going to go after one, go after both of them and people will sign.
Personally, I think it's a waste of time. As I will support Jordan, I will agree with the Editorial Staff at the Daily Times and even Bill Duvall, they'd be better off bringing in one of their own Candidates for Mayor than they would trying to recall the Mayor.
Look, you have to tip your hat to this young man for stepping forward, this is AMERICA! He has the right to do what he is doing, tax increases weren't necessary, the $19,000,000.00 found in recent months in accounts clearly proves she's out of control and or in so much control the Citizens don't give a sh!t and quite frankly Jordan is sick and tired of it.
All he's asking for is your signature. He's not asking you to pound the streets, they'll do all that work. So when they perhaps come knocking at your door looking for your support, give it to him. What do YOU have to lose?
If I lived in the City and I was a registered voter, how quick do you think I'd sign those documents? Quit beating the kid up and give him a chance. Even if he fails, do any of you actually believe this Mayor will make it another term? Need I say more?
We are ready to sign Joe, so bring it on! I have to admire this young man for standing up against the odds and trying to remove the mayor and now, even Louise. Please tell him to give it a real go and we all wish him good hunting.
A. Goetz
Joe you should have seen John Robinson sucking up to Barrie Tilghman this morning at the SU run/walk event. And there was her husband doorMATT standing by obediently holding her coat and bottle of water(not city council brand) looking like the litle toadie he is. Nothing she likes better than to preen in public with her flunkies.
I will be glad to sign also. I just feel devastated to think we might have to put up with the status quo for another year. Leaders who are inept, ineffective, and who arrogantly continue to stuff the bullsh*t down our throats and expect us to like it. I can only hope that if she is involved in any shady or illegal actions, she too gets busted and finally has to pay the piper.
John Robinson has to suck up to somebody, why not the mayor? Neither would know the truth if they tripped over it.
The SU run/walk event would have been a good place for Jordan to start collecting signatures. Was he or any of his supporters out there? What a great opportunity with all those people gathered in one place.
Bring it on Jordan, I'll sign it! Just watch your step in my yard, I have two big dogs. They won't hurt you, just watch your step LoL
Sounds like Matt is treated just like another minion.
isn't matt the "puppeteer"?
Much as I'd like to see the Mayor and her council minions out, I'm afraid the kid has already demonstrated that this is just:
1. A deflection of scrutiny OFF the Mayor (audit, sewage spills, etc., etc.).
2. A ploy by the Mayor's and Gary's supporters (aka, landlords) to get the "opposition" blamed. (Seems they succeeded, given the Times editorial today.)
3. A fine way to play "divide and conquer," one of the Mayor's favorite games. (Seems like that's working, too.)
4. A good way to smoke out detractors, learn their ways if you will. (After all, there's an election coming up in a year, right?)
The landlords used the students before. They're using them again. Who benefits by a failed attempt? The Mayor. Who benefits by a successful attempt? Gary Comegys.
Who supports the Mayor and Comegys? The landlords. Who has access to a kid like Jordan Reisman? The landlords.
(When I say landlords, I'm speaking of that select few. There are many landlords who have learned that if they aren't on the Mayor's "A" list, they are targets, too.)
Connect the dots, people. Use your heads. This was created as a no-win situation for you, and a win-win for the Mayor.
Get back to the issues. There's where you'll defeat her. And she knows it.
I'm not directly affected by Salisbury politics, but I have been watching it a long time. That "distance" and my "math" brain looks at this a little more dispassionately than many of you.
Don't let this sidetrack you any more. Get back on track. That's all I have to say from my observations.
Anon 12:32 you've been reading my mind. I've said this from the beginning. 1 + 1 just weren't adding up. If it smells like shit, it must be shit.
12:32, the only thing you said that makes sense is "stay on the issues" Thats what she wants, for you folks to keep it to a low roar and not do anything that would actually make a difference! 12:32It sounds like to me your the tail of the mare herself, come'n in here swat'n the flys off her patutie! Finally someone with enough concern starts this petition rollin n your cry'n somethin might get stinky. Folks, it's time to scald that old sow, that young man has gather the wood and he's fixin to boil the water! This is a community responsability! Get off your complacent behinds and Roll up your sleeves n help out{sign'n ur names about the least you could do!}. SO WHAT if your hands get alittle smelly, it'll wash off. Things will get cleaned up! How many of our fore fathers died in battles fighting communisum! And some of you are to scared to pick up your pen and sign!
The students should beware of douche bags like Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys and their slumlord butt wads of this city.
Don't even be seen among that sleazy group. Do NOT address any of their questions or suggestions. Mikey might even come party with you so he can report your behavior or to set you up for a fall.
Beware of strangers bearing gifts. Stick to door to door and get to really know how the people of this city feel, don't rely on any sources, walk it and see for yourselves.
I agree also that this is a information seeking mission for the mayor to find out who her opposition is early and to poison people against anyone that is involved in this recall. After the Louise Smith hoax it is foolish to trust anyone at face value that opposes the mayor. Plus it seems like Jordon wants to undo legislation that the mayor never supported in the first place (4-2) which is suspect.
2:12, if its information she seeks then she'll find {she's known for along time now!}that the majority of this city want her gone! You think those SU students are going to get a recall for YOUR reasons!You think their goining to undo legislation? LMAO! You folks shoulda done this recall yourselves years ago! Maybe your a mare tail too, with your decitefull/devision tactics? If your not then you should just stay in your corner and piss n moan till the world falls down around you
I think I'll keep the alias Anon1232.
No, I certainly am not connected with the mayor. But I am a keen observer.
While you are right not to trust me (who the hell am I, right?), you still need to stop and think.
Mr. Reisman posted on Facebook HIS agenda, or since he decries its his own, then the STUDENTS' agenda. If it isn't HIS agenda as well, then he is using deceptive practices to involve the students.
Who did that before? Comegys and the landlords. And I would dare to venture that Mr. Comegys does not sit up and bark until your mayor tells him to.
Let's say the Reisman boy is not duping his classmates. Then logic would say he is trying to dupe you. Sounds like the Louise Smith strategy.
The proof will be, as they say, in the Pudding. I see no sign that this young man is as organized and backed by SU students as he says. Another red flag.
By all means, if they come by and you want to sign, DO IT.
But read that Daily Times editorial today and tell me that the mayor isn't trying to paint you citizens with a bad brush. Not just you citizens. The officials and the activists you support.
That editorial served to gain the mayor sympathy and credibility. What do you all call the paper? Oh, yes, "The Tilghman Times."
Be wary. This would be a very different ballgame if it were someone the citizenry knows and trusts. Clearly, people do not know young Reisman.
How do you feel about students who want to be a force to be reckoned with. Or as Reisman said, to have THEIR interests represented?
What were their interests again? Overturn 4 to 2? Loosen the noise ordinance?
Just think through the pros and cons of this, how your mayor will spin it if it succeeds, how she'll spin it if fails. And just getting signatures through is not the end game. There are two elections. What games will be afoot with them?
After Louise Smith, how can you be so eager to trust this from someone you don't know, the facts about whom give rise to serious questions.
I merely encourage you to be cautious and analytical. To not let this divide you. To not let this get you off the headway you are making.
Oh, yes. The mayor knows you are making headway. Her pattern, as I've observed, is when the going gets tough, toss in a stinkbomb and create a little chaos.
Why does Jordan want to undo the 4 to 2 laws? They're completely ineffective. Judge Davis said in the recent housing appeal before him that those laws were written for the landlords. There is no way the citizens can protect their neighborhoods with the poorly written laws or the stacked Board of Housing Appeals and Adjustments.
You all have to be the dumbest bunch of pawns known to man. You don't have sense enough to realize that this recall was schemed up by none other than Barrie herself. And you tools are giving her the publicity and ultimately the sympathy she's looking for.
I understand everyone is on EDGE now that an SU student wants to make drastic changes to ineffective policies that people have grown acustomed to over the last 10 years...
With that said I repeat THE FACEBOOK GROUP DIDN'T REPRESENT MY VIEWS ON THE ISSUES... It was a way to discuss issues students may have. 4-2 doesn't do anything now people. Do you really think every rental house in 4-2 is actually in compliance? NO!! I'm trying to address the issue and solve the underlying problem...housing prices/ rents being jacked up way above levels affordable to the average citizen.
I WAS COMPLETELY AGAINST A 14% PROPERTY TAX INCREASE and have said that needs to be repealed IMMEDIATELY; not after 2010(When the new mayor actually takes office). I signed the referendum petition last May...further evidence this isn't my first undertaking in Salisbury politics. The tax increase is a unnecessary burden on many people living in the city.
This allows police to charge people with either 90 days/ or a $500 fine...
I believe the police should have greater latitude in how they deal with these quality of life incidents...
Effective Resource Planning...
Overtime, Court, Increased Paperwork, Running Someone To Central Booking
I want a solution that better utilizes the resources of the SPD and OVERBURDENED TAXPAYERS we all are, while INCREASING QUALITY OF LIFE for everyone
The infrastructure of Salisbury is crumbling from roads and side walks to downtown buildings. It is time we begin a project of gentrification to address the sad state we now find the heart of Salisbury in.
The police force is now inadequate in manpower, equipment, and leadership. We need major changes over at SPD. LEOPS needs to be increased to a 75% defined benefit from its current level of 50% after 25 years of credible service. We will be able to better retain veteran officers this way. Work books with onboard NCIC/MILES need to be in every cruiser. SPD is in dire need of its very own K9 unit. We need Code 3 LED lighbars on all marked cruisers to further enhance officer safety when engaged in a traffic stop or vehicle pursuit.
The hallmark of my effort is government transparency. We need AUDITS and on time. A forensic auditor should be mandatory especially with all the unallocated taxpayer money showing up daily.
People are now saying that a recall will waster $60,000. Thats PESOS on the $ compared to the millions handed out to developers. The mayor famously said "the buck stops here." With that said, "BARRIE, I ASK FOR YOUR RESIGNATION EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY". Come Monday I'm expanding the Recall to include Gary Comegys as well.
We may have problems at our county landfill, but we never forgot how to take the trash out!!!
Thanks for the outpouring of community support I've received, I look forward to working with everyone to make Salisbury a better place for all.
-Jordan Reisman
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson
What would be a way to get a forensic audit done on the city's books?
This might be one of the keys to getting the financial house in order and discovering if there are any improprieties we are not yet aware of. And if there are--demanding for the Barries resignation. I want her and her tactics OUT. I also don't want to get someone as bad or worse in her place. We must be diligent and keep the focus on the issues as someone has already mentioned.
We can talk all we want. We can in all ignorance believe that we can really change things at the ballot box, but in the end, Thomas Jefferson was right; outright rebellion is the only way we will get them out and this is not restricted to just local government.Too bad, but when you allow others to run your lives, they will take advantage every time.
it's important to press onward because weezie & comyges have a long way to go before re-election.
mr jordan i don't live sailsbury but if i did i would gladly sign your paper any mayor who just sit's and let's their town go to peices needs to go i have not to long ago viewed a video on you tube that showed damaged roads and side walks and other damage parts of salisbury and i don't think that anything has been done about them and i certainly don't see your mayor doing anything about it so therfor i say yeah she has to go and not only that during my trips to salisbury i seen the damage even before the youtube video
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