While this driver has figured out a way to run his vehicle on Soda, the rest of us are still paying out the tail for gas nearly $3.25 per gallon.
They're claiming gas will exceed $4.00 a gallon this summer. Will Americans stand for it, truly? I want this guys secret! I mean, how much more of this crap can we take, seriously?
Stand for it? Americans toodle around in giant SUV and truck monster mobiles that get 12-15 MPG, and 90% of the time are carrying one person, and you ask in all seriousness if we're going to "stand for it"?
Are you going to "write your Congressman"? I don't think even Mr. Harris is going to be able to help you with that.
If gas is getting more expensive (and it's cheaper per gallon for Americans than any other industrialized nation) because of increased demand as the world industrializes how do you imagine we're not going to "stand for it"?
The stupidity of the bio-diesel boondoggle is only now being felt as grain prices accelerate.
$4 a gallon gas is only the beginning boys and girls.
Hey....that looks like Ray Lewis! Is anyone missing a truck load of soda?
The Bush administration has allowed the oil companies to fully control pricing based on what they tell us concerning production , crude cost anything they can think of , and then bragg about their record profits. You are right, the american people are about to experience a MAJOR lifesyle change. Get out your bikes!!
On a local note, look what's happened to local municipalities and what we're paying additionally in each budget for fuel. Police, Fire, Public Works, etc.
Now picture what we're paying overseas at war??????? Bend over Folks!
Tip of the day:
For those of us with diesel powered vehicles,the cheapest place to fill up in Wicomico County is called A.S.A.P. Discount Diesel. Located somewhere on Forest Grove Rd. in Parsonsburg.
Well I wish he could teach us all to do that because we need it.
Bend over? I can't bend any farther and I can't take it any deeper! From a sore ass Wicomico County citizen!
$4.00? Try $5.00 or $6.00 before the end of summer, if we are lucky.
Will Americans stand for it? Probably, what is our other choice? Will we do anything other than complain and slowly go bankrupt? Probably not.
I wrote about this on this blog a few months ago. The real quesiotn is: where is the price ceiling? At what monetary point will gass prices begin to actually shut down business? To stop employees' abilities to get to work? TO actually have American's wake up and realize that we should have started addressing this issue 10 years ago? $8.00? $10.00?
Who knows? We will pay what they want us to pay and suffer accordingly. At this level (regular, everyday people) we can do nothing. Nothing except blame ourselves for our lifestyles, for voting for people who take advantage of this, and for sitting back and watching the tidal wave come and doing nothing but taking pictures. Uugh.
Maybe we should take our refund checks from the government and invest in gas cards.
When will we, as a country, realize that there are options that need to be explored as far as energy conservation and production?
Solar panels? Wind generated power? The large, perhaps limitless quantities of oil under Alaska? There is no reason that we should still be depending on foreign oil to supply our needs. WE SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN THAT!
Good one, anon 12:22. I don't care who you are, that was funny.
I am in the new vehicle market right now and totally confused. I need a suv for the hauling capacity for me to work and to carry my dogs. I don't carry dogs in pick up beds. In order to get what I need the gas sucks. To get good mileage I would have to rent a uhaul weekly. I'm stuck. Not everyone who drives a suv is greedy (I'm driving a 12 year old suv I bought new)some need the space to haul.
The rise in gas prices comes from places like China who have industrialised while we watched and then began buying and driving cars/trucks. I served in China for about three years back in the mid-40's and can tell you they had very few cars and hardly any trucks back then. Just take a look at them now. Thats why oil prices have gone sky high - because of the increased demand. Guess we will all have to buy ourselves some bikes and get the exercise we really need.
A. Goetz
We've bought a Suzuki SUV XL7 with lots of space and great gas mileage. Go to Millsboro DE.
I cannot speak highly enough about this vehicle. Very reasonable, also. Great warranty, too.
we should cut off ALL foreign aid, tell chavez to shut up, bring home our troops & let them kill one another as they have always done, drill in anwar province(the caribou will just migrate around the sites, just like deer around a hunt camp)stop sending jobs overseas, quit printing money without gold to back it up, quit buying goods from china & other ripoff nations(if you do you support child labor & abuse)... I could go on, but for the constraints of time & space... and in fact , if need be, isolate ourselves from the rest of the world until OUR OWN HOUSE is clean.
I don't care much about another country's internal strife when I owe nothing, yet cannot afford the BASIC things I need...food, clothing, shelter...
China and India are in the big league with needs for oil now, I seem to remember that when we went into Iraq to 'liberate' their people we were supposed to get lots of oil out of the deal. Where is it?
Regarding to an earlier post made by Joe regarding his disgust for America's politics and corruption, we have become an Empire that we can't afford. We invaded Iraq to have a base of operations there, so that we could more easily protect ourselves from Iran and China. Why do we need to protect ourselves from these countries? Iran; because we support Isreal and their terrorist behavior to their neighbors, and China; because we will never be able to repay our debts so we will probably blow them off of the face of the earth.
Printing more money, doesn't make more money. It's makes more paper.
We can't repay these debts, so we make war. The military industrial complex is the only long term jobs that are available to our people any longer. We have sold out, and as far as the government is concerned their is no turning back.
Remember the Bible said that the people would beat their plowshares into swords.
Americans have conserved. In the latest oil inventory report our supply is high. So simple economics says high supply lower cost. But that’s not the case here. High supply high cost. Yes oil companies make record profits. Remember though who makes more money off the sale of a gallon of gas. Not the oil companies our Federal government. There’s the reason right there. I only hope the same happens with the high gas prices as the housing market. 2 years ago houses prices were through the roof look where they are now. Hopefully in 2 years oil will be cheap. I doubt it though. Government makes too much money.
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