Let's take a good hard look at the reality of the matter at hand. In today's Daily Slime, the paper chose to kick off the new Campaign for City Council against Mrs. Debbie Campbell. Who's running? Does it actually matter?
However, let me ask all of you this? Just what was Paul Wilber doing sitting on the side of Doug Church in the first place? The City didn't need to be there, yet Barie Tilghman instructed Paul Wilber to be there with one of his side kicks too boot.
Gary Comegys with his Bubba Math stated last Monday night that the City spent $30,000.00 in representation from Wilber's Office, yet it was actually $24,000.00. However, again, what's important to me is, WHY WAS WILBER THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Barrie Tilghman is attempting to sue me because I stated there were FOB's, DUH? This is the second piece of evidence proving that Barrie and Doug Church work hand in hand and he is certainly a FOB. So, SUE ME for saying so!
Now, IF Insley didn't like what Mrs. Campbell said, why didn't he just slap her with a lawsuit? Because he's too big of a pussy to do so, he just likes the attention and they'll do anything to bash Mrs. Campbell. I don't care what you do, the likes of Campbell & Cohen will lead this City in the next election. The Tilghman, Dunn, Insley, Bubba, Cathcart days are over. I believe in the next election, anything any one of those people say will be considered curious and people will be more cautious this go around.
In closing, why is Wilber rendering an opinion to the paper, period? Mr. Wilber, if you worked for me I would have fired you.
I'm sorry that I don't know the background and your headline, although tantalizing, doesn't explain what's going on here. Can you give some more details please?
Who is Insley and why should I care what he thinks?
I thought that Insley's attorney was T. J. Maloney, but now it must be Wilber. That big new house explains all those fees the City pays him for defending landlords and Barrie's attempt to get more funding for him in the budget.
Why has he issued an opinion about whether Insley can sue Debbie Campbell unless Tilghman and Bubba ("paid to vote") Comegys asked for that?
Anon-8:08 --
How long have you lived here? -- knowing that will help in answering your question. Do you recall (if you were here last spring) the flyer that Insley sent around attacking Debbie Campbell?
The short answer is that you should not care (much less believe) what Insley thinks.
From the DT- "She perjured herself. It's as simple as that," said Insley in an interview following the trial. "There is not any truth to it."
Perhaps Campbell has a libel suit against Insley.
Also, this is more evidence that Wilbur is the soft underbelly of the Tilghman debacle and should remain in the cross hairs of public scrutiny.
I am tired of the good ole boys getting away with things. And now Debbie Campbell who stands up for all of us in the city is getting shot down. .. The god le guys like Insley, Bubba, Wilber and of course THE MARE.......well, your time has come where the GOOD OLE BOYS no longer rule. I stand behind Debbie all the way....just like her request for a true copy of the money spent and the MARE trying to evade the subject. They were obviously hiding something !
Didn't Doug Church receive one of those FOB city loans to renovate his "loft" condo project?
I would also be more than happy to assist in legal fees. After all, I can't take it all with me when I die. I'd enjoy sending some Debbie's way! Funny part is Barrie, I could actually fund the entire thing as a donation and there's nothing legally they could do about it.
Just the fact that Phil Insley can act morally outraged that someone would imply that he would utter a racist comment is profoundly reflective of his ability to lie. Are you that much of a sociopath Phil ? You know you and other SAPOA members make racist comments , how can you live with yourself?Please do sue Debbie, I will donate to the defense of Campbell just for the opportunity to have you and your SAPOA buddies deposed under oath. As if "under oath" means anything to you guys in the first place.
Please get it right Mr./Ms. Anonymous @ 9:21 --
That's RICHARD INSLEY, not "Phil".
To address one of your reader's comments. Richard C. Insley, Jr. is the President of the Salisbury Board of Housing Adjustments and Appeals. This is the Board that oversees the enforcement of the four to two laws. Insley is a landlord, as well as Robert Gladden, who also sits on the Board. The law says there shall be one landlord on the Board, however, because of the poor/intentional? drafting of this law by guess who, one does not mean one. Read the court transcript to get into the nitty gritty of comma placement and how that changes the meaning of a law.
Further, Richard Insley was the same landlord and former head of SAPOA (the landlords' association) who has spoken publicly against the law he's now charged with upholding and who also sent out an e-mail to fellow landlords during the last election urging them to try scare tactics on their tenants to get them to vote against Terry Cohen and Tim Spies.
During the early years of the four to two issue, Mr. Insley along with another landlord, took Debbie Campbell and a highly respected member of the community (read this A WITNESS) on a car ride around town. It was during this car ride that the racial slurs and threats were made.
To Debbie Campbell's credit, when Insley and his cohort threatened to put blacks and Hispanics in her neighborhood if she didn't change her stance on the four to two issue, she replied, "if they're families, we will welcome them."
The testimony was that Mr. Insley at that point got very red in the face and angry. So let Mr. Insley sue, there's a witness to corroborate her truthful testimony.
Thanks for the correction, of course it should have been Richard Insley, sorry Phil!!
Insley = slime
He knows that he would get clobbered in court (as well as counter-sued) and that Ms. Campbell has better things to do than to sue him, unless he sues her first, so he can make his baseless charge. And he also knows that Barrie Tilghman will get it in the Daily Times.
"Perhaps Campbell has a libel suit against Insley."
I think she does.
This is Salisbury's tax dollars at work. People who voted Debbie Campbell in need to stop hiding and come forward with their support of her. What's the mayor going to do, come after hundreds of you?
Don't know whether I'm glad to not live in the city, or wish I did so I'd have a better voice in the ____.
That Insley would call the very forthright and honest Debbie Campbell a liar is beyond laughable. He is the one who has committed perjury more than once, and she has called him on it. He is oozier than slime, along with his buddies like Church and Wilber. I know many people like Joe who would be willing to contribute to her defense, and many aren't residents. They just recognize quality when they see it!
And why, please tell me, is Wilber again popping up in this? Outta here, Wilber--we don't want to contribute any more funds to your new home.
Uh, perjury.....let's remember what Chief Webster said at Casey's trial.
doug church is a punk kid playing office! He needs to be run out of town!
Perjury is a very, very strong accusation. If anyone is lying it is Richard Insley and of course Barrie's boy Dougie Church.
I believe that any comments that Gary Comegys made regarding this matter had to come straight from the mouth of the Mayor. I think she is a ventriloquist and he is "Mortimer Snerd". I agree completely with Debbie Campbell and admire her greatly.
These city officials need to grow up and act like they've got some sense. AND, they need to stop racking up billable hours for the subcontracted lawyer to charge.
I know that would be asking alot.
mr.comyges has "no nuts" to stand on.
that this case came before Ms. Campbell's tenure as council woman negates any potential offensive he wishes to launch.
he's just runnin' for mare. Both literally and figuratively. his remarks to reporters and in story chat just goes to show the depth of his ignorance.
Hey, Joe! Post that picture of Cathcart "hangin' with her buds" Insley, Williams etc. again, will ya?
A nice visual reminder of political bedfellows!
egregious and comegys in the same sentence? bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha bwahahahahahaha
Wilber and Not Nuts are getting crushed over at the Daily Times Story Chat!
I hope some of you posting here will support Debbie Campbell with letters to the editor.
It won't mean squat to me as an out-of-towner.
If you don't come forward to support her, they are going to keep chewing her up. Is that why you elected her?
Do the right thing and stop running scared of your mayor. I wouldn't blame Campbell or anyone you like for not running in 2009 if you aren't going to support them -- OPENLY!
'Not Nuts' AKA 'No Nuts'!
Why on God's green earth would an attorney that is paid by the taxpayers to advise the council, and protect the city's citizens, write legislation that favors landlords instead of taxpayers?
The judge actually said that the legislation was written to protect landlords, not the citizens.
So tell me one more time, what is it that Wilber feels he needs to write legislation that leaves the citizens at a disadvantage?
Give him a one way ticket to Antarctica, Wilber himself is a liability for the city.
There is a statement given to the press by Debbie Campbell posted on their website. Go read the whole statement instead of the selected excerpts chosen by the Daily Crime. www.onyoursidesby.blogspot.com
I watched the council meeting on PAC14 tonight. I was amazed how the President tried to stop free speech. Campbell represented the citizens very well. Isn't that obvious to everyone? Who is this Comegys guy anyway? A lot of us are the product of public education, but was he a drop out or what?
Oh Mercy, Councilwoman Debbie Campbell is my nominee for public official of the year.
Not only is she diligent, she is a tireless advocate for the people she represents, she devotes herself to "righting government" in a city that is corrupt.
This latest from Mr.Insley is beyond comprehension, except when you understand that he has been put up to his lies and innuendos by the Mare. Who obviously is scared of what is going on to uncover her illegal actions, and needs all the lies she can muster.
When you realize that the Mare also set up the newspaper and they stupidly allow yellow journalism to appease the Mare.
Oh my, this is getting really hateful and Bubba is falling into a trap, one has to wonder how a half way decent person can stoop so low at the bequest of the Mare or why? He has no chance of being elected again. I sure hope that his lies produce huge profits, he is going to need the money in court.
Please folks, understand this is not a vendetta it is an expose' of the Mare, and the corruption. Joe is doing a great job. If you have not noticed, he is not alone.
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