Illegal Immigrants Should Not Be Granted Licenses
Annapolis – House Republicans today called for passage of the bipartisan Proof of Legal Presence Act of 2008. The bill, HB 288 is being heard in the House Judiciary Committee this afternoon.
“Maryland is the only state in the union that has not moved forward to require proof of legal presence before it issues a driver’s license," said Delegate Ron George, the lead sponsor on the bill. “Currently, the MVA processes 2,000 out-of-country applicants each week – that is an increase from 1,054 per month only a year ago,” said Delegate George. “That is a 660% increase in only one year. At that rate of increase, next year that number will jump to 8,000 licenses per week or 32,000 per month.”
As drafted, the HB 288 prohibits the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) from issuing an identification card, driver’s license, etc. to an individual born on or after December 1, 1964 who cannot provide acceptable documentation certifying citizenship or lawful presence in the United States. Starting December 1, 2017, the prohibition applies to anyone, regardless of age. The bill also allows the MVA to issue such a license or permit to an individual who is lawfully present but who is not a citizen provided that the license, identification card, or permit is effective only for as long as the individual is authorized to remain in the United States under federal law.
“The flaws in our driver’s licensing system make Maryland a magnet for anyone coming to this country illegally and present a huge risk to our citizens,” said Delegate George. “First and foremost it is a security threat, particularly given Maryland’s close proximity to Washington D.C.”
There are 3 other states that still offer drivers license to illegals. Atleast their not complaining about all that extra revenew from MVA fees. As far as the "risk to citisens" I'd rather they had a license, know how to drive{read and comprehend traffic signs} and also have insurance. You do know what happens if someone runs into you and they have no insurance?
Anyone in the U.S. illegally should be given the free things they deserve because of their illegal status.
They should recive a free ride to jail, followed by free deportation to their country of origin.
That free jail and deportation must extend to legal family or friends or employers who provide the criminals,(illegals),shelter or employment.
I think we are speaking of illegal
immigrants , most who are from
central america or mexico.
How can they even get a drivers lic. ,they can't see above the steering wheel.
Did I read that bill corectly? Does it really not go into effect until 2017? Why delay it? I feel such ordanaces should be effective when passed! Especially in the case of illegals.
A. Goetz
At first glance, it seems wrong to issue drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants. However, we need to think this through. The fundamental problem with illegals is that they are UNDOCUMENTED. A license would remedy that. They would be much easier to track for what ever reason. A bigger concern, however, is public safety. Licensed drivers must pass written and road tests making them safer drivers. They will also be more likely to purchase automobile insurance. Finally, additional license fees can't hurt the state coffers.
Let's use our heads and not our hearts on this one. Punitive thinking is very emotionally satisfying, but it is not always the smartest thing to do.
Can someone please explain to me how giving someone a drivers license will increase their chances of obtaining insurance?
Unions and friends of the good ole boys want the illegal immigrants here for cheap labor. Too bad if you can't find work! The farmers need help with the crops, the seafood plants need help picking crabs, Ocean City needs cheap workers to take your money for whatever,etc. Politicians listen to those that contribute to their re-election and those in powerful jobs. You don't really think they care about little old me and you. We are the peons who work to pay for the bills within the budget.Who are the politicians responsible for the higher taxes forthcoming and failing to reduce the budget more like the Republicans tried very hard to do?Is that the Ways & Means Committee?
5:49, dispite what most want you to believe, 99% of the illegals I have met and worked with, and others I've talked with that have met and worked with, are honest and hard working, family based people. They want to do what is right by our laws. The ones who have driver license also have insurance. I havent met 1 that has gotten any free benifits that everyone rants about. There are many in the blue collar work force now, simply because todays generation wont do manual labor of any kind. Something the goverment dosent want you to know....they all pay about 2thou each to border patrols to make the deal to get through, you can ask any of them.
read and understand the Federal Law goes into effect 2017, since Maryland has no law in effect. That is what this one is for. No body said anything about how do you get a license if you are not a resident of Maryland. Illegals don't have to even do this. MVA gives them an 800# for an appointment to get a Maryland address. Go to MVA and listen to theperson at the information desk. I have and have heard this. Also what has getting insurance have to do with getting a Maryland Driver's License? You only need insurance ifyourvehicle is tagged in Maryland. Have you not noticed a lot driving vehicles from Tennn, Georgia, Delaware, Miss, North Carolina etc. etc. etc.. aen
just go to the salisbury md branch of the dmv during lobby hours any day of the week and get a glimspe of all the mexicanos in there all huddled up mumble jumble , making the ladies behind the counters day a total nightmare to acting like they do not understand so she will just pass them on thru but the employees i have seen take no shit from these imports and if u do not understand or have the correct paper work there asses either leave or get gringo #2 to try his luck. also these ppl are some of the biggest booze hounds riding the roads anymore too. hats off to mike lewis and wcso for cracking down on the illegal ones too. riding out there intoxicated or with no license or a green card.
607.....years ago maybe cheap labor, go to any construction site or landscape co, ask anyone who has worked with them. they are there every day on time, they never cause problems or complain, they'll work as long as you want when ever you want. I knew 1 fellow that road a bike 7 miles one way, everday, to work, rain or shine, winter and summer. As hard as I try to feed my family...I honestly dont think I could do that....
The last time I checked and it was a long time ago (maybe 10yrs) Maryland MVA was giving driver license test in 17 different language's.
No ablay English necessary!
It's simply a CRIME to wear the pictured headgear and glasses combo.
Put down the sign....you ARE a Criminal.
Gracias Senior...Gracias
The United States has essentially given more rights and benefits to illegal immigrants than to our own servicemen. We have slit the throats of our children and grandchildren by giving up our soil to lawbreakers who don't have the least bit of allegiance to the U.S. God help us.
I was in the Salisbury MVA last Monday to replace my license and was astounded at the number of foreigners crowding the waiting area,of all global persuasions-not just Hispanic.
It is so easy to get a license for illegal immigrants in our state its scary.Our proximity to DC is definitely something to be taken into consideration.The Presidential Retreat Camp David is located in Maryland,as well as the National Security Agency Headquarters,Naval Academy,Andrews AFB,Fort George Meade AFB, and Fort Detrick are ALL in Maryland,and less than a days drive from anywhere in the state.These are all prime terrorist targets for those who would attack Americans on their own soil-along with all the Mexicans there may be someone who slips in thanks to Marylands lax laws who will hurt us way worse than any Hispanic taking all our jobs.
You don't have to have insurance to get a drivers license, only to own/tag a car in Maryland. Look at the tags on the cars these illegals are driving you will see that many of them have North Carolina plates, not Maryland plates.
Anonymous 3:32
The gal with the sign, If she is here illegal she is a criminal!!
Anonymous 5:15,
So issuing them drivers licenses make them documented.... documented aliens are not illegal, Right???
Help me out here, I'm confused.
The last time I looked, which was not but a month ago, Fort George G. Meade was an ARMY post, not an Air Force Base.
Sorry I meant to correct that-it IS an Army base.I just got caught up in the moment lol
Anonymous 5:49
You stated "99% of the illegals I have met and worked with, and others I've talked with that have met and worked with, are honest and hard working, family based people. They want to do what is right by our laws." Read the papers, watch the news, there are plenty that come to the US to be able to get all the welfare goodies. Besides that, If they wanted to do what was right and abide by our laws they would come into this country legally! What about all the protesters? Demanding "rights"? If you aren't here legally, go back where you came from!
To anon 5:15:
Being DOCUMENTED, wiil not make illegals legal, it will just make them documented; a neccessary first step for whatever process to follow.
6:26; You did not answer the question. You just spouted off more opinions. If you don't have an answer, don't pretend to be answering.
703 whats your question to 626{me}, I didnt see a legitament ques. and i didnt spout an opionion, thast real life experience, not some 1 sided bias news veiw you saw and drew your conclusions from. If your ques. was "What about all the protesters? Demanding "rights"? " I only see 1 girl witha sign that to me states" for those of you who see my skin color as not having a green card, stop it! I dont see any rights she's demanding. As for getting a license for illegals, check into it, its definintly NOT easy. As for welfare goodies, I'm sure there is an accasional abuser,atempting to get medical attention or food for their children, but I'd wager there are far more abusers from your own neighborhood that are legal.
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