After Councilwoman Debbie Campbell flat out tore the Mayor a new one last Monday night, the Mayor tried to interrupt Campbell and she just wouldn't stand for it. Debbie immediately instructed Louise Smith to basically shut that woman, (the Mayor) up as Mrs. Campbell had the floor.
Debbie was discussing just how this Mayor could SPEND all that money in change orders FIRST, without bringing it to the Council beforehand? Rather than the Mayor sitting back and waiting her turn, she pulled a power play and was told to be quiet.
The Mayor soon got up in anger, stormed out of the room and went to play in another sand box where the children can be more controlled.
That sand box was probably at the Market Street Inn. We really need to get her out of this frustrating job for her sake AND FOR OURS!!!
A, Goetz
Usually unattractive women compensate by having a pleasant personality. Way dense.
At that point in time she was not intoxicated, as shown by her physical control. What happened later is unknown but predictable based on plenty of precedent. Suggest seeing if she stopped at Market Street Inn on the way home.
Just shows how much class she has.
Imagine if you will a contest with a simple math formula: x amount of community cell phones with cameras + one mayor who enjoys the firewater in public + one trusted blog site to post photos in an objective, lawful fashion = y amount of recall signatures + one smarmy ugly mayor who now must either drink at home or out of town. Either way we win because at least we don't have to look at her anymore. You may say I'm a dreamer; but I'm not the only one.
I noticed no one seated at the tables; that we could see...seem to even care she was leaving...says volumes to me...she should really just keep going...how publicly embarrassing what that would be if Jordan and the citizens of Salisbury do get the signatures needed to get rid of her? Pull together Salisbury and GET RID OF YOUR MAYOR!
Why is our mayor allowed to be so disrespectful and never be held accountable! Our city gov. are a bunch of crooks.
and that is a HIDEOUS jacket that she's wearing!
unbelievable. then, maybe it's not......Mayor pulls power play, doesn't like the way the marbles are going, so she picks up her bag of marbles, and leaves....... wow, strong, strong, leadership qualities........ sure she hadn't been tasting a bit, hmmmmm?
yep. she needs to go. and stay gone.
Ugly is as ugly does
Buh bye!
Hey Mare, don't let the door smack your fat ass on the way out. And don't come back. $%#@&$ Twit.
Don't be hating. She had to leave and meet the boy toy. Boomshakalaka!
"Imagine if you will a contest with a simple math formula..."
Excellent analysis.
No one at the table gave her a second look because it happens all the time. Not only does she not have any respect for the council or the citizens-she has none for herself or her (?)position.
I think the word bitchfit comes to mind lol
Can you say WitchBitchFit?
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